14 Years

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In this timeline, we skip forward 14 years, the Vongola passed to the next generation, the Decimo and his loyal guardians, the Arcobaleno, freed from their curse, now, all 16 years of age; and reigning further terror over the smaller world they inhabit. Specifically, Reborn towards his student, now he has a functioning body. 

But those few aren't the centre of this story. No, this is about a martial artist; finding himself in impossible circumstances and even being grateful for them. 

Said man was currently living in his relative's, Hibari's, house; since the homeowner was staying in Italy for the majority of the year. Besides that, the abode was large enough to house a family of 10, let alone two men. Fon was pretty glad he had the space to himself, he could practice and build up muscle without interruption, now that he was getting older again. It was a lonely existence, sure, but a pleasant one. 

He had to get back into his old profession otherwise he'll never make a living... He will never resort to opening a dojo, all of the fake aspirations were suffocating. 

He thought he would live out his teen years in peace, practicing alone. 

Then, the council called. Having a teenage boy living alone and not in education? Unacceptable apparently, back in China that wasn't the case... although it has been a fair lot of years... Over 20 perhaps; he'd lost track after becoming a child. 

And so, the poor man was forced into enrolling... Into Namimori no less. 

Enrolling in his third year, the end of the year too, it's stupid and he'll probably be forgotten and left alone as quickly as the excitement lasts. How bothersome.

Now here he stood in a school uniform, instead of his usual red garb, dressed like an actual teenager, which in fact he mentally wasn't. It was cold, with Autumn reaching it's end and Winter creeping up on him, it was almost the final term and yet he still had to attend? A middle school no less, wasn't he a highschooler by now?

With an internal conflict, he absent mindedly took his prepared seat and thought to himself... 

School was such a wench in his plans to train, he only had the short time after school ended and then the measly two days at the weekend... Maybe he'll just skip a couple days of the week. For one so calm and collected, he sure had some rebellious thoughts. 

A tap on his shoulder had him tense and brought his attention back from the deep layers of his adult mind- that, mind you, had all the knowledge of whatever was being taught already. 

He turned to the perpetrator and stared blankly at her orangey pink hues, shadowed by the deep chocolate locks falling in a neatly cut fringe, her ears covered by the same colour, her hair just brushing against her shoulders. Her peach lips moved into a soft smile and her eyes closed in a friendly manner; she held out her hand and Fon unconsciously took it.

"My name's Akamatsu Yue." She whispered the glistening smile never leaving her features, her hair falling slightly in her face as she leaned forward a little more. Her grip on his hand never loosened, and he didn't find himself in any hurry to let go either.

"Fon." He replied bluntly, she then let go of his hand and tilted her head slightly in confusion, "Just Fon." He clarified, as if reading her mind. 

"I see. A beautiful name." She grinned, turning back to her desk and finally paying attention to the on going class. 

Although Fon could feel the stares of other girls behind and even in front of him, he was only looking at the girl beside him, she didn't seem to be into some one time romance like the rest, plus, she may actually be interested in him as a person, instead of the label of 'New student'. 

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Friend of Winter {Fon X OC}Where stories live. Discover now