As Time Flows

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Days passed as usual, nothing too tremendous happened between the two of them... In fact Yue wasn't even sure what their current relationship was, not that she wasn't fine with that. 

Now, she sat in her usual place overlooking Fon as he completely destroyed solid logs with just a simple kick, calling that training. Except, she wasn't exactly watching him, no, she was neck deep in books, studying for the final exams and entrance exams for high school. A stressful period despite her being a (90<) scoring student. 

She wore rounded glasses and a focused expression as she read through and jotted down notes and made flashcards. English was difficult... All the tenses and the spellings of words that are spoken identically... 

She wasn't bad at it, in fact she was top of the class, she just found it more challenging than the other subjects. 

Taking a quick look at her phone and noticing the time, she pushed the books off her and stood at the edge of the wooden foundation, "Fon-san? Would you like anything to drink?" 

He stopped beating up training dummies and turned to her, "I'll have oolong tea." -a drink she figured out was his favourite and since then drank it on a daily basis. 

"Okay!" She smiled, rushing into the house and to the kitchen to prepare her coffee and his tea. She hated coffee but for the sake of her success... it was a necessary sacrifice. 

She even made onigiri in the short time she was gone. Placing the tray down and close to calling out, she was startled when the light was blocked by a large shadow, his hand reaching for the cup in her hand, "F-Fon-san! Stop always scaring me like that!" 

"Like what?" 

"W...Well just appearing out of nowhere, it's not healthy for my heart..." She sighed, shutting her eyes and holding a hand over her chest, where her heartbeat had accelerated rapidly.

He placed his hands on the edge of the wooden platform and leaned forward, towards her unsuspecting form, on purpose. When she opened her eyes again to take her own cup, she almost squealed when she saw Fon's face next to hers, smiling carefreely yet teasingly, growing bigger as she fell back slightly. Her pinkish face grew redder by the second and she couldn't help but feel happy at the sight of him chuckling -at her jumpiness no less. 

"What are you doing with all those books?" He asked, sitting down beside her, probably taking an unneeded break, although not that his skills were rusty at all, at this point he was just maintaining his body or something. 

"Hm? I'm studying for highschool I'm already 16 now... Shouldn't you have started school in highschool, now that I think about it...?" Yue answered, she looked like a doe, clueless and inquiring. 

"Hm... I think it was because I was never registered in formal education, so before highschool I had to pass middleschool maybe?" 

She smiled, "I'm glad. I'd never have met you otherwise." 

He too found his heart speed up at her words, but he didn't show any change on the outside. She did though, after realising what she said she covered her completely red face with her hands and apologised. 

"No. It's a shame I have to tell you like this..." Fon started, removing her hands from her face and holding them in his own sturdy ones. "Unfortunately I'll have to leave for a while, a student of mine is likely growing impatient. I'll be sure to keep in touch with for the time that I'm gone though." His voice was clearly regretful and held a certain sadness to it, Yue knew he didn't want to leave her again so soon. 

"It's fine... It's for longer this time right?" She asked in return, feeling sad and yet getting annoyed at herself for feeling that way. She clutched his hands as if he was going to disappear right there. She was obviously insecure, having to face a new school where no one knew her, not having Fon to keep her company after a long day. She was selfish that way, but that wasn't going to prevent her from letting him go where he wanted.

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