Scorching Rains

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Yue woke up, had breakfast, greeted the workers, fed the animals, collected eggs, picked a bouquet and then checked her mail. She was happy to see her parents sent a letter, after a year and a half, but she was more elated to see Fon's handwriting and an address, more than likely his. 

She didn't know why he knew where she lived though. Although she had her suspicions.  

She dressed herself, and then changed, and then changed again, finding she didn't have enough clothes and didn't want to seem too... over the top? 

She ended up wearing a frilly blue dress and oversized woolen jacket. And normal shoes... they were black and flats... normal... She also had a small brown backpack for no reason other than to hold a change of clothes in case she really was dressed weirdly. 

Off she went, following the streets to the address, to the street she remembered running down a few times. When she finally reached the place, she was surprised to see it was so large and not western style, although the few houses around the secluded area were Japanese style too. 

Knocking on the door, she waited for any reply. She knocked again. Trying the door handle and mentally apologising to Fon for intruding, she was shocked to feel it move and open. Cautiously taking a step inside and nervously looking around, she moved anxiously through the rooms to try and find Fon...

When she made it onto the veranda outside, she flushed a million shades of red, turned around, fell to the floor with her hands covering her eyes, screaming she's sorry. Her reaction was quick, after getting a glance at a shirtless Fon, punching a log, obviously she took in every detail of his toned body, she was a girl after all; they all fall silent at a muscly hunk, y'know. 

But the dragon tattoo, it was there. 

He chuckled at her reaction, knowing and hearing her walking around so he wasn't surprised to see her. 

"F-Fon-san!? Do you always practice s-shirtless!?" She exclaimed, still overwhelmed and developing a fever. 

"When the weather is nice." He answered with his usual laidback and mature tone, "Aren't you here to watch? It's no use if you're huddled into a ball like that." He said, obviously amused with her actions. 

She turned slightly, peeking out at the floor, anywhere that Fon wasn't, "If Fon-san puts on a shirt." She mumbled with finality, not going to make it back unscathed otherwise. 

"Alright." He smiled, grabbing that same red uniform from the fence and doing up the 'buttons'. 

She turned around, "Are you done?" she asked quietly, only to have her hand pulled from her face and upwards, making her stand.

"Aren't there some questions you want to ask?" He inquired, peering into her surprised eyes, noting the red still on her cheeks. Her mouth went from a surprised 'O' shape to a straight, almost calming smile.

"There are..." She replied, the air around her growing more calm and collected, "But Fon-san can tell me in his own time, even if he never does." 

Fon was clearly shocked, from the obvious change in his expression, he thought she'd fire off questions about who he really was... But she was surpassing every expectation he had of her. Letting go of her hand, he smiled, "You're more incredible than I had first thought."

"H-eh?" She uttered, blushing harshly yet again, taking a step back. 

"Then, since you're trustworthy, I suppose I can tell you." He was about to begin when she slapped her hands over his mouth, jumping at him shouting No! Stop! 

"What? You don't want to know?" He questioned confused after she removed her hands and instead placed them on his chest for balance, although as she was on the floor sitting on him, or straddling him, one could say, perhaps it was to stop her from fainting. Fon didn't seem too moved by it though. 

"You might think that but it's only been two weeks! I'm not worth your trust yet! Can't you tell me in a few months time!? That will make me feel better!" She hurried, again, avoiding his eyes. 

He blinked at her, the actions and words she took and spoke, they seemed to apply to everyone but herself apparently; perhaps she was simply just too honest like she'd said. With a small smile, he sat up, catching her as she began to slip backwards, making her sit in between his outstretched legs, another position she found her heart not able to take being in. 

"So, in 'a few months time' I'll tell you everything about me." He smiled, taking his hands away from around her body and standing up, taking her hand and pulling her up too. 

She was still red in the face, but she bowed and nodded silently, finding herself acting more nervously around him, more aware of him and of her appearance... Maybe she had a cold. 

Sitting herself down, she watched him and awed at the amazing techniques and styles, the overall strength she sensed from him, that was probably not even half. 

That was what she did for the next nine weekends until on the ninth Sunday, he sat in his usual uniform, not training but sipping tea, with sides of onigiri. She was aware by then that he was about to tell her that something big, something she felt like she shouldn't hear. 

She took a seat on the cushion opposite and he set down his teacup, "Well then, I suppose I should start with me becoming an Arcobaleno; as you are already aware of my participation in the Martial arts competition." So, he talked for, probably more than an hour about 'Checker Face' and his curse of the 'Arcobaleno' the 'Seven Pacifiers' some other names of Arcobalenos, the mafia 'Vongola' or something, a kid, or adult now, called 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' a relative of his being a 'Guardian'... A lot of stuff she doubted she'd ever understand, some battle to regain their adult selves and then finding out they'd end up dying but then because of Sawada some solution set them free from protecting the pacifiers but they ended up growing from 2 year olds instead of returning. Well it was really farfetched, Fon knew that much and noticed the harsh look of concentration on her face as she digested it all.

Then suddenly she planted her face in her hands, "I'm so embarrassed!" She cried; confusing Fon yet again, "I've treated you as my equal, a 16 year old, and yet you're more of a -sama aren't you!?" 

He somewhat expected that reaction, the whole believing him part, but not... that. 

"I am 16 now, my mind may not be, but I'll never be older than I am. I'm lucky I get to grow up like this again." He smiled, resting his hand on her lowered head, "I'm happy you take my word as truth." 

She peered up at him, "You even gave me a picture of your little baby self... And something so detailed, it's stupid to believe it isn't true." She muttered, looking over at Lichi, picking at some nuts up in the tree, she'd met him on the second week and almost cried, from that point Lichi was prisoner in Yue's arms for the most part, eventually making a bed of her. "And why would you lie to me anyway? I already knew something weird happened." She pointed to the left of his chest, gently poking her finger into his clothing by accident but rolling with it. 

He looked down as her finger drew closer and onto his chest where his tattoo hid, then looking up at her as she blushed, something he couldn't help but think was cute, every slight contact or personal subject touched upon, her ears and cheeks would glow a flattering red, she didn't see at as flattering like he did however. 

Raising his hand slowly, he brushed some of her hair behind her ear and let it stray down to her jaw. 

"You are much too beautiful, Yue."

Her face burned as it exploded into a deep crimson, her mouth shook as it hung open in shock and embarrassment, "Wh-wh-wh-what!?" She darted her hand back and fell backwards slightly, away from his touch which he recoiled after seeing her flustered state, which was still quite amusing to him, she cupped her burning cheeks in her hands and stared straight at him a little jittery and skittish. 

He just chuckled and took a sip of his tea, that Yue had so kindly made after they ran out mid-story. "I'm sorry, am I not allowed to speak of the truth?"

"What truth?! S-Stop teasing me!!"

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