Cold Tranquility

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At school, Yue was completely out of it. Fon's fault? Fon's fault. 

After they'd embraced for a long time, Yue began crying more and so it was really just a lot of hugs before she passed out tired. But he was there, he was really there. 

Mr loverboy wasn't happy that the boyfriend had returned, his chances went from 0.001% to 0%... So not much of a difference but a big one to him. Isako was forced to take notes for her daydreaming friend. She wasn't going to lie, China guy was freakin' hot. 

But, she decided to only walk Yue there and leave quickly. They needed to catch up and all. 

Yue ran inside quickly and encountered Fon pretty quickly, he was sitting and spectating over his students, who he'd brought from China cause he got impatient and wanted to see Yue... That they teased him about. 

He heard her footsteps and turned to greet her, only to see she was teary again. So much for maturing. He just gave her a small smile, "Seeing you smile makes me much happier than seeing you cry, Yue." 

"Sorry.." She sniffed, trying to quell her tears, "I can't help it." 

He held out an arm, beckoning her to come over; when she did, he pulled her into his lap and pulled her against his chest, holding her tightly. She had no idea just how much she missed him, everything, his scent to the feeling of his body, his voice and the kind gestures. She weeped silently into his clothes, feeling pretty bad about making them wet, but when she tried moving away she was just pulled closer. 

He dropped his head close to hers, "Are you going to fall asleep again?" 

She nodded. 

"Just like yesterday. Tomorrow we can catch up then." 

She apologised quietly, but he just pecked her temple softly. 

Meanwhile his two students were slacking off and watching the exchange between the two, obviously knowing about her from before, but seeing the way their master acted was an interesting experience. It wasn't much different, only his facial expressions. 

"Hey Master? Have you guys done it yet?" -such a despicable and lewd young boy. 

Just one look was enough to tell the boy not to mess around.

"Then haven't you kissed?" The same boy asked exasperatedly, kinda nervous from that sharp glare he got. 


"Huh!? Seriously!?" He exclaimed, only to be shushed by Fon who held Yue a little closer.

"I don't plan on touching her until after she graduates." 

Yue smiled a little, hearing the small exchange, obviously she wasn't some God that could sleep in 5 seconds. Besides... She was being held by a real life, fleshy, actually really muscly, soft and calm and everything Fon is, Fon. 

What more could she ever want?

When she next woke, there were no curious students around to tease her or distract, she opened her eyes and was met with a familiar ceiling. She could hear Fon outside, although as much as she wanted to run out there and see him, she should get changed and ready.

Good thing she's brought so many clothes over that they've just made a home in the spare room's closet, which was actually her room now she'd taken it over.

Putting on a loose pink shirt and beige khaki shorts and some tights underneath, because she was a nervous wreck and showing more than her her knee was enough to make her light headed. Only in front of Fon though. 

Gently and quietly sliding the shoji open, she peered out only to glow a bright red. He just has to practice shirtless, doesn't he? Everytime she sees that dragon, she swears her heart might fail.

She grew to like men with tattoos.

Fon, in other words. 

She only loves specific men, the Chinese fighter type with long black hair in a braid and a tattoo of a dragon coiling around his arm, with deep burgundy eyes and a smile that could cause a thousand women to drop to their knees. Yes, and they must be called Fon and have an extremely confusing and nonsensical past. No other man will satisfy her. 

Stepping out as quietly as possible, although she'd gained the attention of Fon from before she stumbled at the sight.

He stopped his muscle training, not like he needed anymore, and turned to her, who was dying of overheating. 

"Yue." He called, gesturing for her to come over; she did. She scampered over, her hands holding each other in front of her, when was it that talking with him was so nerve wracking and difficult? He saw her closed off body language but just smiled softly at her. 

Not finding the courage to look him in the eye, she turned away to look at the spectacular sight of a maple tree in the garden, only to feel the touch of delicate fingers on her chin moving her face back forward. Her eyes unwillingly caught sight of his, for a moment she was caught in his deep and overwhelming gaze, swirling with clear and assured emotion; directed at her. 

She immediately brought her sight down to his -bare- chest, which wasn't much of an improvement. She could see the slight glistening of sweat as it rolled down his body, it wasn't much, someone like him would have to do a lot of work to break a sweat... When does he wake up again? 

"I've been waiting for you to wake up."

That was something she was slightly ashamed about, she'd fallen asleep twice, early, in the two day span he's been back... Well she was working really hard at school and has been exhausted lately... no she hasn't been staying up waiting anxiously for his next letter or even a surprise visit... what..

"Y...You're late..." She mumbled, hearing his voice again, like a calming melody it soothed her raging heart. 

"I'm sorry, there were some unforeseen obstacles." 

"Your students? I thought you didn't teach." 

He let out a long breath, crossing his arms and looking up to the sky, now he thought back on it. 

"I've had students before, but this one was adamant. I denied him for a year but he was still begging me for lessons so I accepted, then one day, coincidentally a week before I was due to leave, he brings along a friend of his to learn under me... I gave in after seeing his resolve." He explained, still feeling a little bad for making her wait -for some reason. 

She wasn't such an abhorrent person, she smiled at him, "I'm happy there are still people that want to learn martial arts, and from you too!" -She says that but is secretly taking lessons herself and is actually quiet proficient in it. Asking him to help her, a big, giant, no no. "I made friends too, like I said. But it was lonely without you." 

He smiled, knowing that was about as gutsy as she was going to get, "I missed you too; Yue." 

From there, they caught up a little on the 'goings on', it was mainly Yue telling Fon about her new school, Namimori highschool, and her new friends, her new ambition for the future and how she'll 'not be a burden' to him. She skipped out the whole marriage and being a good wife part. 

He glossed over his time training in China, he somewhat described the house he had there, it was out in the sticks, far from the town- he said there was a restaurant with a killer mapo tofu and a lot of inns, little trinket shops too. 

In other words, she'd fit right in. 

Yue ran across a glass shop when she visited the town over with Isako, ever since she's wanted to open up her own shop and sell different glass sculptures and objects she's made. In other words, she wants to get into that kind of glass production. Working with wood as well, she researched it a lot. 

Like this, time passed on quickly. Yue would never try and get closer to Fon, she might have heart failure after all, and Fon would only hug her, occasionally kissing her forehead or somewhere far from her lips. They progressed verbally and grew closer with time. 

Eventually, Yue found herself close to graduating.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Friend of Winter {Fon X OC}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang