All Pouring Out

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Yue woke up in comfort and warmth and with a furry creature sitting on her face and suffocating her. Snatching it up from her face and sitting up quickly, forgetting about where she was for the moment, "Lichi-chan?!" Darting her head around the room and peering down at the futon she lay in she was more than confused. "This...? Is Fon-san's house right...?" After a second of thought she jolted up to her feet nervously yet excited, "Is he back!?"

Speaking to a monkey with no way of communicating back to her... had she finally lost it? Perhaps it was sleeping outside last night. ...Was this a hallucination? 

"You're up I see. A handful, you are, falling asleep in such a place." That familiar soft voice called out amused, whipping her head towards the sound, an excited smile growing on her lips. 


He tilted his head and asked 'innocently', "Was I missed so much?" 

Which, yes, had her blushing like a drunkard again. "N-No! I just didn't know when you were coming back so I got a little nervous is all!" -She wasn't going to tell him that being at his house made her feel closer to him, made her feel like he was beside her... Darn her eremophobia*. 

He chuckled at her flustered reaction, "I'm sorry for not telling you any details." 

She looked away, "It's fine. So long as you tell me when you're going." 

He smiled sincerely at her, which she didn't see, "Are you hungry? You've been here for a while." 

She ignored the fact he knew she was here the whole time and found her energy suddenly draining, she was likely running only on adrenaline and the thought of welcoming Fon back. With a weak nod, she clutched her aching and empty stomach; next time she'll bring snacks. 

"You shouldn't starve yourself, just help yourself to anything here." Fon sighed, standing up and going to the kitchen to make some breakfast. 

Yue followed behind him, saying she was helping, "I can't just desecrate Fon-san's house like that!? What if I touched something important!?" She worried, slightly jogging after Fon's quick pace. 

"There's nothing of that much importance here. You're free to even burn the house down, I won't mind that much." 

The look of pure horror on Yue's face was enough to tell Fon she'd not even leave dust behind if she's to be here, "I could never! Such a thing!"

"I know, I know. Just, stop getting so worked up over every little thing. It's fine to apologise for any harm, I'll forgive you. Isn't that, what friends do?" He smiled back at her, but she couldn't sense much happiness from his smile, it was kind of deterring, she didn't like seeing him conflicted or sad. 

But then she felt a little pain when he said that, friends, the one thing she dreamed of having. Oh, she had friends in preschool and elementary or whatever... But c'mon, they are just because everyone's 5 and they all like the same TV programme and lego blocks or something. 

She went to a school none of her old friends were going to and then that whole fiasco happening ridding her of any happiness she could've attained... 

But then Fon came. 

She first didn't want to approach him, as he walked in the door, but after making a bet in her head to talk with him if he sits close to her, a low possibility as there were 4 other empty seats other than the one next to her. He ended up sitting next to her and so she spoke with him. 

At first, she was worried about the rumors, how they'd affect him if he was around her; but then she had so much fun. She was selfish in that regard, but after those words he spoke to her... 

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Friend of Winter {Fon X OC}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora