Swarming Grey Clouds

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It was the beginning of lunch again and Yue found herself avoiding any contact with the exchange student, after she poured her heart out yesterday, she was overwhelmed with embarrassment; just thinking about it had her face flush. 

She met him... not even two weeks ago and she'd already revealed -basically her life story. So it's safe to say she wasn't planning on forcing her friendship onto him anytime soon. 

Of course, that doesn't mean she didn't make him a bento like usual. -And that she wasn't going to sit with him at lunch too... She still wants a friend see. 

"I thought you were avoiding me?" He smiled, obviously realising she didn't turn and smile at him every chance she got. 

With a burst of red upon her face and a secretive pout, she swiftly turned her head away from his inquisitive eyes. "No! I was just so focused on... T-the... English lesson!" She exclaimed, momentarily forgetting that English was next, "I meant History!"

Not believing a word that she spoke, he hummed, his stare growing more pressuring, to which she eventually broke. 

"It's awkward after yesterday! Spilling all of that to a friend of only a week... I don't even know anything about you and yet I droned on about my own misfortune so selfishly." She spilled in a hushed tone, an ashamed pout still formed with her lips, her eyes downcast and focused on her food. 

"Then... Ask your own questions then, I may not answer them all though." He suggested, picking up the last octopus sausage from his lunch and putting it in his mouth, he found the cute layout and organisation adorable, though was appreciative that his wasn't as cutesy as her panda onigiri and shaped vegetables. 

Her eyes shone somewhat as she swallowed the food in her mouth, with a slight grin she spoke, "Then... What do you usually do, like as a hobby or something...?" 

"Hobby? Hm, well it's not much of a hobby but I practice martial arts." He replied quickly, although somewhere in his mind he wondered if that was a little vague... Since he practiced more than one and was actually pretty (in)famous in the word of martial arts...

Her eyes were gleaming stars, "That's so cool! All I can do is milk cows and shear sheep!" She low-key insulted herself. 

He chuckled a little, "Don't put yourself down, I can't do that and so it's something only practice and knowledge will bring about; it's admirable, without someone like you, I wouldn't get any milk or woolen clothing." -not that he's one to wear wool.

"You really think so? But I think you're the amazing one..." Suddenly realising she was going off topic, she began again, "Anyway, do you have any pets? Or... What's your favourite food? Things like that..."

"Trivial questions such as that?" 

"Of course! You seem pretty secretive so asking about your entire life story right now would be rude, unlike me, I'm just stupidly honest..." 

"Then, I suppose I have a pet, he's called Lichi, a monkey." Fon answered simply, smiling at the obvious affection in the girl's eyes as he mentioned Lichi, probably dying to meet the small monkey, "My favourite food is mapo tofu, though it's still hard to eat." Yue was kinda confused by his last answer but let it go as quickly, the images of a cute monkey taking over her mind.

"Finally, you don't come from Japan do you?" Fon was slightly surprised she knew, seeing as he was in uniform and not acting any different from anyone else, her awareness may be a small problem in the future... 

"I don't. I originate from China." He laughed quietly, finding her intrigue amusing although he couldn't figure out why. 

She planted her fist downwards into her open hand as if meaning that makes sense. "My mother comes from China too, that's why my name's Yue. My Father's the Akamatsu." 

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