Under a Shivering Moon

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Yue stared at the starless sky, sitting on the roof of her house, made possible by her balcony; it was her favourite place to go when she was... feeling down. When she returned from Fon's house, there was a letter with her name on it in the mailbox, an unusual occurrence as she never got mail.

She tensed up as she read over the return address, the handwriting, and those that sent it. Her parents, her mother more specifically. She gripped the parchment tightly, reading through it with teary eyes, her hands shook but she didn't tear her eyes away. She had no more time. She read through it again, again, and again... The words never changed, she was to join them. A job opportunity was all it took for them to buy a house and settle in, waiting for the time when their child was at her happiest only to drag her down with them. 

It was a farm too, apparently, they'd bought a farm to make her feel more at home. 

This farm, the roof in which she sat, this was no longer her home. 

It was in his arms, in the warmth of his house. 

But she didn't know what to do. 

She stared at the empty abyss that was the dark sky above her, thin clouds often drifted past her dull and unfocused eyes. It was soon morning and the sun peered out from the horizon mocking her. Skidding down the roof and entering her room, she grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled down what may be her last words to him. Details of her sudden disappearance, where she was going, and how much she treasured, how much she truly loved him. She may still be immature at 18, almost 19, but she trusts her heart and knows she'll never feel the same again; unless it's Fon. 

She placed it in the plant pot by the door.

Her eyes burned, the tears she'd shed had dried up and she now had puffy eyelids and a sore red tint in her eye. She lethargically packed up a few necessities and dragged the suitcase outside, leaving it by the entrance before going off to bid farewell to the animals sheltered here. 

Time whizzed by, she'd been picked up by her mother, who left the questions for later, deciding to instead rave on about what was happening, what the house was like. She next found herself airborne, the sensation brought her out of her trance like state, and she found herself weeping again, the realisation hitting her. 

She was seriously leaving. 

She should have taken the time to remember his face in detail, down to even the slightest freckle, his body, and how it fit around hers, the scent of him and the way he moves, his voice and words. 

She cried and cried, unaware of her surroundings, she was almost unconscious, her mind had shut off reality from her. While her mother was fretting over her, she couldn't hear a word spoken.

Was this... what heartbreak was? Why is such a thing so painful? She thought love was happy?

She fell asleep after her breakdown, yet her eyes still allowed tears to fall. 

A black, dreamless sleep.

Like what was promised, she arrived on a farm, not too far from a large town, but she was surprised to see a different man greeting her, someone other than her father.

...She was speechless, but before she got to ask who he was, he was introduced as her new father. Somewhere along the line, her parents had divorced and her mother gained custody of her, then, now she's remarried, she wanted her child to live with her. Yue wanted to cry again. 

Her name, no longer was it Akamatsu. 

Xu Yue. -Taking her 'new father's' name.

All records had been changed or remade, she was a totally different person now. 

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