Chapter One

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"Slendy, do I have to?" I ask. My raven hair is a mess and the dark rings under my eyes contrast against my pale complexion.

"Yes, Helen." He replies. I groan.

What was the problem, you ask?

Well, Slenderman was sending me to a highschool to look for new Creepypastas. I hate school.

I'm such a typical teenager.

Note the sarcasm.

I angrily storm off to my room, hoping to find some peace and quiet there.

The walls are pure white with countless smiley faces painted on them with blood. A lone canvas stood in the farthest corner, and the floor was littered with paintbrushes. My bed sat against the wall, covered with sketches.


Another day, another sketch! Maybe even two!

I sit under the old oak tree in the middle of the school garden, doodling away. My mind goes blank as the random lines and curves morph into a messy sketch of yet another Creepypasta.

This time, I drew BEN Drowned.

"Who's he, your boyfriend?" Ugh, there she goes again.

Say hello to Lillian Phillips, also known as the typical mean girl. Her somewhat angelic appearance (long blonde hair and soft blue eyes) does not match her personality. Those eyes could pierce through your soul like scissors cutting paper.

"Oh, who am I kidding? The only way for you to get a boyfriend is by paying a hideous guy to do so!" She cackles. I just smirk.

"Where would I get such a guy? Got a twin brother?" She stops laughing and glares at me.

"Why, you little-!"


"Welp, that's the bell! See ya, Lillian!" I quickly run off in the direction of my house, clutching my sketchbook to my chest.

~Time skip next morning~


Well, here we are. The most dreaded place in all of history.


What's worse, I have to be the "new kid". At least I can spend most of my time sketching instead of with those things called "friends".

Stepping through the door of my homeroom, the first thing that catches my eye is a figure in the very back of the room, hunched over their desk and scribbling away. Their HL HC hair covers their face, but I could tell that they were very concentrated on whatever they were doing. I tilt my head slightly as I turn to the teacher.

"Class, eyes to the front!" Everyone shoots their heads up to see my face, except the person in the back. They're still scribbling away, tuning out the world.

The teacher marches up to them and slaps his/her ruler on the desk, causing their head to jolt up.

A SC face with EC eyes stares up at the teacher, closing their book and setting her pencil down.

"S-Sorry, TN (Teacher's Name)." Her soft voice was barely audible as she frantically put her book in the FC backpack under her chair.

TN scoffs and returns to the front of the room.

"Class, today we have a new student." His/her voice reminds me that I was still standing there (rather awkwardly, I might add), staring at the HC-haired girl. I avert my attention to the 20 or so pupils looking up at me, waiting anxiously to know just who I really was. "And you are...?"

"I'm Helen. Helen Otis."


'Helen'? It sounds more like a girl's name, but who am I to judge?

Names didn't matter at the moment.

The only thing that mattered was the BEN Drowned drawing I started yesterday. The sketch was made out of habit, but I want to make it seem more life-like and detailed.

Reality was an illusion at the moment; the only things that could snap me back to it was completing the drawing or another ruler slap.

But seriously, that thing scared me half to death!

And then my sketchbook was ripped from my hands.

I am beyond furious as I throw a punch to whoever dared touch my sketchbook.

Lillian falls to the ground, dropping my book and cradling her delicate nose, which was spewing out crimson blood.

"How dare you, YN!"

I simply snatch my sketchbook and storm off; the bell had rung right before she made the grave mistake of touching my things. I catch a glimpse of a black blur from the corner of my eye as I head out into the hallway.



That girl was not happy to have someone disturb her.

Were my eyes deceiving me, or was she drawing BEN?

She knows about us?

Does she know about me?

Maybe she'd make the perfect Creepypasta...

BLOOD is my Favorite Color (Bloody Painter/Helen Otis X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now