All about Anna

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Anna POV
I am a ghost and I have to say that I thought that it would be different. I mean i feel like when I was alive, that's why when I died I thought that I didn't die but when someone when throw me I turned to and felt like misted than back to normal after person out of me. But I guess that's good I get to spend the rest of my dead life feeling the same, it's better than feeling different. I one weird thing that I noticed about being a ghost was that u couldn't remember how I died or who killed me. I don't even know how I know that I was murdered but i just know that I was if that makes since. When I first died I did remember how and who killed me but after a while it just faded from my memory now when ever I tried to remember this like this darkness clouds my mind until I give up on trying to remember. But that's the only thing that weird and it's okay because I think it better not to know so I'm not thinking about getting my revenge on the person that killed me also I'm not that person to kill someone even if I'm dead. And I know that he killed me first but still I don't think I could do it but if I know the person that killed me I would want to make its life miserable and I'm not that person. When I was alive I was nice and I loved to help people even tho I was I warlock. When people or should I say supernatural beings think about warlocks they assume that we are evil because we can move things with move of hands and make portals to anywhere we want and can do spells. But just because we can do those things doesn't mean that were evil it just mean we're power and not mess with us. But all in all being a ghost doesn't seen so bad but I know that it will be over time i mean what about the loneliness, I hate being alone so I know that will be a challenge.



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