Morning are not peaceful in this house

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Anna POV 
After Davina went up stairs I decided to stay up for a little bit. The last thing she said was if I wanted to stay down here to eat something or watch tv for a little bit. And that made me think. I can't eat anything ever again. And I love food, every every much. But than that made me think about watching tv like she said. Can I even touch the remote to turn on the tv. I haven't tried to touch anything, other than people and that didn't work out very well.
I'm going to try it. I went to the living room where the tv was and looked for the remote. It was easy to find seeing as it was on the coffee table (the last place I looked) and I stared at it. I want to believe that I can touch things but I just didn't think it would be possible. I want to found out but I'm afraid. Afraid that when I try I won't be able to touch it and that's where I have to admit to myself that I'm not coming back.

I'm using Davina to convince myself that I can come back to my life like nothing happened. Because you can't be fully dead if someone can see you. But once I touch this remote I can't lie to myself anymore and that what makes me most afraid. Not being able to say that I'm going to be okay because there's no way I'm actually dead. But I can't say that if I can't touch anything. I reached my hand out and slowly put in down to the remote. While I was doing this I closed my eyes and than I felt it. I quickly opened my eyes and I was touching the remote. I can't believe I could actually touch it. Than I tried to pick it up. That didn't go so well, it just went right through me. I guess I can touch things but not pick them up. Maybe I could touch Davina and I know that I tried to with other people. But the people I did try it with didn't even know that I was there and maybe since Davina can see me maybe just maybe I can touch her. One can wish. I can always try it tomorrow but for now I think I'm going to go to bed. 

When I got to the room that I would be sleeping in i went straight from the queen size bed with the red sheets. The room was simple, it had a night stand on the left to the bed and there was the bathroom right in front of the bed and a walk in wardrobe on the wall right in front of the door. I like how its simple but it has everything that a girl needs to have a good night sleep and space to move around in. And the bed was rather comfortable which is always a good thing. There was a lamp on the night stand that was lighting the whole room up. I turned it off so I could it to sleep.

When I woke up I didn't know where I was and why I was here but than I remember everything. It was weird to be in a different bed than my own and I haven't slept seen I die so that was a much needed sleep. Even though I could last a lot longer than I did. I guess that's one of the things that comes with being a ghost: you don't need a lot of sleep. Or maybe any.

I couldn't really hear anything outside the room but if I tried hard enough I could hear talking from down stairs. Maybe I'm the kitchen. No not  talking yelling, I think that their fighting. I got out of bed and out the door to see what they were fighting about.

Davina POV
when I woke up I went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat. Went I got there Nathan was already cooking.

"What you cooking" I tried to say it was a friendly voice but I couldn't.
What I really wanted to say was 'what the hell are you doing in my kitchen without asking me first' but I didn't. If want to k now what he's up to I need him to tell me on his own terms because that's the only way he would. I just have to be nice to get him to talk. But it's so hard to be nice when I never am and it's even harder to know that he's keeping something from me and whatever it is it can't be good.

"I'm just cooking bacon and eggs" Nathan said like it was no big deal. For him it's not but for me it is. This is my house and he can't just come in and act like it's his place.

"So you just came in and went through my food without asking, cool cool, that's just great" I said. I was trying not to be mad but from what I heard of my own voice I didn't do a very good job. But all he can he is smirk. I hate that smirk, it's like that's all he can do not than again a can't say anything cause I do it to.

"Oh now don't be so gummy, just cause I came in without asking you" Nathan was trying not to laugh while he was saying it. I can't believe him, that's it I'm done.

"This is my house and you can't just come in and do what you want without asking me if you can, this the nice thing to do!" By this point I wanna yelling.

"Hey" Nathan put both his hands up "I'm not so stranger that you don't know, I'm your brother so I think that would let be do what I want without having to ask you every time I would something" Nathan was still laughing at me. He doesn't take it seriously.

"This is my house and you can't do whatever you want" I scream at him. He was making me anger by the second. Every time I talk I just end up yelling at him.

I saw  Nathan mouth move but nothing came out. His eyes weren't on me anymore but something behind me. When I turned around I saw Anna in the same clothes she was yesterday. I didn't even ask her if she can change into something else. I guess I should.

"Why are you guys yelling like this in the morning, mornings are supposed to be peaceful" I guess she's not a morning person.

"It usually is" than I turned to look at Nathan. What I really wanted to say was that it's usually is but not when Nathan is here.

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Comment below on what you think about the relationship between Davina and Nathan. Are they 'normal' sibling that fight a lot or are they different and not normal. You tell me.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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