All about Davina

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Davina POV

There's have been people that have said that there's nothing interesting about me but that's the people that don't like me or if you look at me for the first time you would just think the same thing that I'm a normal person too. But that is so no true. I'm far from normal more like galaxy's far but that's just the way I like it. I wouldn't change that for anything cause i think being normal is over rated, boring more like it. You just live life being safe; safe job, safe friends, just safe everything. That not me I'm not safe, I fight monsters and demons on a daily basis and I love every minute of it well the minutes where I'm not losing and almost dying but I can't get away from that or I would be that boring safe normal person that a lot of people are. I travel around looking for demon that come out to kill the innocent and when I see it I plan a way to kill it. I'm not crazy and go in for the kill without knowing what kind out demon it is and how best to kill it. I do my research and plan so I know everything about it and how not to die its how I've survived this long and if I did t do that I would be dead. I don't do this with anyone, o have no fry and I think it's that's the best away bet if I did have someone to care about it would be hard to kill the demon or monster because I would be too worried about that person than myself. Yeah it gets lonely but I got used to it and the people I safe from this thing get to live their life and that what makes me happy so it worth the loneliness.



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