Lets do it

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Anna POV
When I stormed out the door to the kitchen Davina was was not long behind me. I sat on the counter and look to see Davina smirking. I swear they don't know how to smile. I've only seen them smirk every time they show expression, never smile. But I will make Davina smile. A real one and not a fake.

Davina was going to come over to sit next to me but she changed her mind the last minute and went in front of me instead. I looked at Davina and  thought about Nathan, trying to see similarities between them but the only thing I can think of is the smirking. Maybe it's a family trait.

"Since my older brother is finally out of the way we can talk about whatever we want: like if there are ghost and they are real than how come I haven't seen them" Davina asked me.
"Like I have seen a lot of weird and scary things in my life but in all of that I have never seen a ghost, why is that?" Davina is asking me like I have the answer. I haven't been a ghost long and I have no idea why she wouldn't of see a ghost before. Like she said: she seen a lot of suff.

"When i was alive I thought that once you die, that's it, no more seeing the world no more looking at the people you life. Just darkness." I explained.
"I was a warlock and I knew that their was no afterlife but now I don't know. I don't know why I'm still here. But maybe I was wrong and ghost do exist"

"But why haven't I seen one, me the person that has seen a lot of things" Davina was confused and she didn't like it. I can see that just by looking at her and the was she's standing. It's tense and her shoulders shags down.
I was going to tell her that I don't know why, that I do t have all the answers but the demon... I mean Nathan walked in. I did t even hear him, how did he come down so quietly? Did he even opens Davina door? How disrespectful.

"What are you guys talking about" Nathan stared at me as if expecting me to answer. I just looked at Davina.

"It's none of your business but we're talking about how Anna is a ghost. I mean they don't exist and if they did I would if seen them: walked into them" Davina told him still having the confused face but anger clouding it.

"Oh" whispers Nathan. He looked into the wall that's right next to me having a blank face. Like he's remembering something.

"Oh... that's all you can think of to say, seriously?" Davina was not a happy person right now. She looked at Nathan and to me than back at him like if she looked hard enough she would get the answer. I get this vibe that Davina like to have all the answers and to know everything about the supernatural world. Which I do get cause I do want to know everything to but I don't get this annoyed like she does.

"Do you remember how you died?" Nathan asked out of nowhere.
When I looked at him he didn't have the smirk he usually does. He face was controlled and focused. Like my answer is life and death. But I just told the truth and why would he even care if I remember or not.

"No I don't and can't remember anything from that day, why do you ask?"

"Just because" and with that he left to go upstairs to what I imagine is his room. That not even a answer.

Nathan POV
She can't remember how she died. I need to keep it that way. If she remember he will be disappointed in me and I remember the last person who disappointed him. That did not end well fit him. I need to keep an eye on her to make sure that that day stays away from her memory. But how will I do that?

Davina POV
I looked at my brother while he was disappearing upstairs. He's hiding something from us and I can tell by the look on his face. He knows somethings that I don't and I don't like the idea of that. Whatever it is I know it can't be good for anyone but him.

"That not even an answer" Anna mumbled. "So now that we got to know a little more about me how about you tell me something about you?"

I looked at her and I could see her questions floating around inside her head. I guess I can answer so right then fit her today even tho it's late. But I don't think she even know that's it's it's late at night. I mean she has no sense of time and if what day it is. I guess that comes with not remembering how she died and all.

"Okay fine" I said. "When I was six I started to notice that the monsters that I always saw other people didn't see them. My parents just thought that i was seeing things or saying that I did to get attention." I told Anna. I haven't thought about this in so long that it feels weird to even think about. It happened so long ago that it feels like t was another life when it happened.

"I kept asking the kids around me if h they could see them but they would just look at me like I was crazy and walked away. I didn't have any friends because of this." I hated talking about this part of my life. I wasn't strong back than, I was weak and I hate that about my self.

"Once I got to the next grade I did t talk about the things a said and when people asked me about it i would just say I was imagining the whole thing. I started to make friends and I didn't tell anyone up to when I finished school" I want to forget that I was ever that person so I don't tell people of my life when I was younger. And the o my reason why I was telling her was because she's dead. Who can she tell. People would say that that's mean but u say that it's reasonable. So Anna should be happy that she's dead so she can hear my story. A lot of people would that mean I just can't see how it mean.

"I couldn't even imagine going through that" Anna had sad eyes. If only she knew what I was thinking she wouldn't be so sad for me.

"It's getting late so we should go to bed" before she could answer I kept talking."The last room on the right is where you can sleep and if you want you can stay up and eat something or watch tv, goodnight" and with that I went upstairs. Wait she dead can she even eat. Eh who cares. She can figure it out.

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Tell me what you think is what with Nathan, I would love to hear what you think.
Thanks for reading. XOXOX


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