Meeting each other

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Anna POV
The girl just look at me. No! That can be no one can see the dead not even warlocks so why would she. She was probably looking at something behind me that's all. Yeah I probably just imagine it. I just want her to see me but she didn't.

The girl went back to the beast and started to shoot at it agin. I gushed fixed how the bullets were placed. I can only hear faintly that she shooting bullets the gun is that quit. A normal person with normal hearing wouldn't be able to hear it but I guess that's good. After a while of shooting the demon couldn't take it anymore so it opened up the portal to his world and went in.
I waited for the girl in front of me to do something but all she did was stand there facing the other way.

"Are you going to say something or are you just going to stand there" the girl spoke and it surprised me. My eyes went wide. But no one can see me!

"You can see me? Like really see me" I wonder. I know that she was talking to me but just had to make sure that I wasn't imagining that she did.

"Yes why would I be able to see you? Your a real life human being" the girl said like I was stupid with her back still turned to me.
She thinks that I'm alive. Wow I'm must look good to be called alive. I don't know what I look like when dead. I haven't seen a mirror to look at.

"That's just the thing I'm not alive I'm dead" I say slowly. I didn't know it I would I don't know make her but want to talk to me cause I'm dead.
The girl suddenly turned around fast and faces me. Now I think that she doesn't want to talk to me.

"You dead?" I nodded " but you look so alive" she tried to understand.

"Thanks" the girl still looked at me like i was crazy, her eyes were wide and everything.
I didn't know what to say so I just introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Anna I am a ghost. I died yesterday but I can't remember who killed me or why nice to meet you" I said with a loud voice so she would hear me clearly.

"Umm I'm Davina and I have the site so that's why I can see you and I'm being weird about because I have never seen a ghost before" Davina explained. Davina, nice name. Pretty name.

"So how did you found out and what did you think. Did you think that you were going crazy, I know I would" I asked. I had so many questions I want to ask that I didn't say. I have never seen a human with the site before and i want to know everything that can it how it works and when does it show up or do you have it when your born. And so much more, there are so rare that this may be my only opportunity to get to know everything. You see no one knows where these humans are because we can determine where they are.

Davina POV
This girl has so many questions and I know that she has more to come by the look in her face but I have some questions for her. In all my life I have never seen a ghost and I'm interested of how it feels and how dose it work. I mean would you just move on to something better because if not than do you just stay on earth and if you do than have I not seen a ghost. There should be lots.

"You have to tell me everything about you. And don't forget that it's wrong to be disrespectful to the dead" Anna argued.
She is using being dead as a way to get what she wants? I would do that too but if that person still doesn't do what I say I would just threaten them to do it but that's just me. And she right when I was little my mom told me never to disrespect the dead so...



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