Someone to talk too

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Anna POV
I still can't believe that someone can see me. I have always thought that once you die that's it, no more talking to people, no more being seen by people. But I'm being seen by people or should I say being seen by a person. Even though it's only one girl that I know nothing about or even that I don't know if this girl is dangerous or not. I mean she did just fight a demon and won. And she a human. It she seems like a nice girl and she can't hurt me. I'm already dead.And I'm being seen. And I forgot the feeling of someone looking at me and seeing my face and not just walking right through me like I don't exist. But I can't blame the people that do cause I don't exist anymore. They can't see me. For some reason I died and I can't go back to where I was in life and continue living. No matter how much I wish I could. When I was alive I never thought about dying or what it meant. I just didn't care but mostly I just imagined that I would no longer think. Like I was never born. I never imagine this. Being a ghost. I didn't believe that ghost were real even though I'm a warlock and lived in a world where their were demons. Well used to live in. The more I thought about this, being alone and no one seeing me just made me sad so I tried to pull the thought away and focus on this Davina girl and who the hell was she.

Right now it was a bad idea to stay out in the open where people can hear us. Or hear her. Since I no longer exist. It would be weird if someone heard or saw this strange girl talking to nothing.  I'm a ghost that no one can see me but her. So to other people it would look like she's talking to herself. Davina looks like a girl that doesn't care what other people think of her. But it's not a good idea for normal people to hear what we're about to say. So we went to her hotel to talk more about what we were but mostly I just wanted to talk to someone and I didn't care what it was about. Even if it was about me being a ghost, I just hope she doesn't ask how I died. Even I don't know the answer to that one. And I'm not sure I ever will. I just have to think about the positives no matter what. Its not as easy to do that either. I was having trouble thinking of them.

While we were walking we didn't talk at all. Once we got out of the alleyway their was way more people than I thought their would be. In the ally I didn't hear any sounds of people talking or the cars going pass but here their were. Crowds of people crossing streets and other waiting for the lights to go green. And the cars, their was so many cars. I don't understand how I didn't hear this before. Maybe I was just to preoccupied with my non-living situation. No not a situation because that would mean I could get out of it. I was too preoccupied with my new non-living life. The streets were busy but so was the restaurants, they were all full to the max to where people had to stand and wait for other people to leave. Never in my life have I seen streets so busy well maybe if it's a Friday. Could it be a Friday? I hated not knowing what day it is, it's making me sick. I was always that person that was organise and knew what to do and when to do it. But now...  I don't  even know what day of the week it is. Being dead is missing me up. Maybe this girl can help me with that. I hope she can.  I hope she will. She might not want to help a dead girl.

When we opened the door to her hotel room i was impressed with how luxurious the room was. The walls were on a dark orange with white at the bottom. The floors had blue carpet everywhere even on the stairs. When you walk in the first thing you see is the kitchen and it was huge. You could have 10 thinks cooking at a time in the ovens. That's right ovens, their were multiple of them. After the kitchen their was a living room off to the side in front that was even bigger than the kitchen. Their was a white couch (That's how you know it's expensive) and than it had an armchair (that was white, obviously) one on both sides of the couch. In front of that their was a massive tv in the middle and to the left their was the stairs that went up. Pass the stairs their was a hallway that had doors to the left and right than the hall turned right so I couldn't see anything else. But i Imagine it was just more doors. Davina walked in and put her things on the kitchen counter and than started to walk towards the stairs. She didn't say anything to me so I just followed her just because I didn't know what to do but mostly I just wanted to see the upstairs. At the top of the stairs their were three hallways; left, right and forwards. We went to the right. Their was just doors on both sides and the second to last one from the end was were the girl stopped at. When she went in the first thing I saw was the bed. It was huge and it looked so soft. The girl went to another room that I guessed was the changing room. So I just stayed where I was. I want to so go onto the comfy looking bed but I know that was wrong to do since it's not mine. But than again, I'm a ghost, I'm dead so what could she do if she was dangerous anyway. I went straight to the bed after that. I mean what can she do other than yell. The sheets were silk. Oh how I missed being in a bed. I don't know how long I have been dead but it feels like a life time since I've been in a bed. I spread out side ways with a smile on my face. I was so comfortable.  Than the door opened. No not the changing room doors but the one to come in the room. The front ones. Some else is here. I turned my head to the side just a little bit to see who it was. It was a boy. No not a boy, a guy. A very handsome guy. That looked at me with a smirk. That looked at me. Not through.

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