Another one

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Looking in the eyes of the man that is in front of me is strange. He's smirking at me like I'm a piece of meat. I can
tell by the way he looks me up and down or should I say side to side since I'm laying on Davinas bed. But than again there's one thing that tells me that he won't be looking at me like at: I'm dead.

He can't see me, right? I know that Davina can see me but are the chances that there's another one. So I just stared at him without blinking. Because maybe I'm imagining that he's looking at me and if I blink I'll see that he not. Well that's what I wanted to do but I can't hold my eyes open without blinking for that long. It worked for about 40 seconds until I gave in and blinked. And yet he was stilling staring at me with that smirk. Now I'm starting to picnic: what in this non-living life should I do.

"DAVINA!" I wailed. It's the only thing I can think that I can do. And it's reasonable. I mean she obviously knows him or else he wouldn't be there. 

Davina comes rushing out with a knife and her eyes could turn you to stone. When she look at the man that has no name than back at me she looks annoyed. By now I'm standing beside the bed that the furthest way from the man.

"Don't scream if there is no demon how do you not know that" she growls. I guess I should of thought of that before I scream.

"Maybe I should of said 'there's a stranger in you room' instead of yelling" I put my hand up in defeat.

She still looks annoyed but not at me.

"What are you going in my room?" Davina asked the man with a threatening voice behind her words. Any person would be stood back in fear by the anger in her voice but the man just smirked.

"Oh now don't be so mean. I just came to say Hello that's all" the stranger said.
"Now who is this and may I take her to my room for some fun" he said while looking at me in a way that says not the kid friendly kind.

"Don't even start, okay Nathan she's not for you to play with" Davina stated. "You can't even touch her"

I didn't understand what she meant by that but than I remember you can't touch ghost, I have tried. I mean I haven't tried to touch a ghost or anything because I've never seen one but I've tried to touch a human. A living person and i just went right through them. I have to say that that's was not a pleasant feeling at all.

"Are you sure about that, I mean I'm sure that she would be very happy to let me touch her" the man that I have now learned that his name is Nathan said. I having the feeling that he's a player. The kink of person that gets want he wants when he wants it. Well I guess he will be very disappointed.

I waved my right hand in the air
"Hello I'm right here and I would not enjoy that for your information" disgust written in my voice.

"We'll see" Nathan whispered.

I can't believe what this guy is saying. I just met him and I already want to strangle him. I'm a nice person that wouldn't just hurt someone for a mean comment but the things he's saying is way out of line. If  I still had my magic I would so make him choke. It's one of the down sides of being a ghost: I don't have any of my warlock magic. Which sucks cause I have never had to go without them in my life. You would think that even as a ghost I would have my magic but no I have to suffer even more. I feel even more loss without it.

Davina POV
I can't believe that Nathan is here. I thought that is was with his friend Ed in California. Not here in New Orleans where I am. There is so much that I want to say to him but none of them is nice. The last time I saw him was when he wanted to hunt with me. I thought that it would be a good bonding time together. What better way to bond than go hunting for demons. But no, he left leaving me to fight the demon by myself. Where did he go? I don't know all he said was that he was needed in California and had to go one the freaking phone.  The plan was that I go in first to see what kind of demon it was and than I would tell Nathan so he would get the right 'tools' to fight. But while I was telling him what to bring he said that he was needed in California. So I had no weapons except the gun that I always carry around with me. He took a hella if a time to kill it. That was one year ago and he just shows up now to say hello. I know him to well and I know that that's not the reason why. He wants something. And he's like me. When I want something I get it. So I know this can't end well for me. Or anyone that is connected to it. I just don't know what. But I'm going to fine out.

"So Davina who is he" Anna asked me.
I looked to Anna surprised that she have a hard voice. When I look at her all I see is an innocent girl. I know she was warlock when she was alive but I just can't see her as a person that can defend herself. She looks so innocent and her eyes don't show of someone that has done bad things. Her eyes show of happy things and that she had a good life. I know that not all warlocks have done bad things but the ones I met and or heard of have. They have long lives that can be hundreds or thousands of years old and during that life they would have to do things to keep them alive. Those things wouldn't be good.

But their are things that I don't know about her. I don't know how old she is or what her life was like. Just by the little time that I have known her she seems like that girl that would want order in her life. To know what's going on around her and about all the people around her. But I can't be for sure since I don't know her. But isn't that why she come to my hotel room. So we could get to know each other. So maybe her eyes just don't show the bad things in her life. It's possible that she doesn't let it show it let it upset her.

"Hey, Davina are you okay?" Anna's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I look at her than Nathan and realised that I didn't answer her question. I chooses to ignore the 'are you okay' and answer the one she most wanted me to answer.

"He's my brother" was all I said.

Anna's eyes widened and than she looked back at him. Her eyes went along his face and I think she was searching for similarities with me and him. By the shake of her head I think she didn't found any. But that's not what Nathan thought.

"If you want to check me out better you should come to my room and Ill should you more" Nathan smirked looking Anna up and down. I swear that all he dose when he sees a new girl around. Their was only one pair of lights on in the room and that was on top of Nathan so it made him look even more creepy than when he just talked.

"I'm not interested in whatever you are thinking and I will never will be so stop asking. And you can't do anything things about that" Anna voice just turned very dark and her hands turned into fists. "Oh and did I forget to mention that I'm a ghost so don't even think about trying whatever you were trying" than she stormed out the door say that she will be in the kitchen.

Nathan had the most surprised face I have ever seen in my life. Ha. I guess Anna can defend herself when it comes down to it. That just made me smile. I like a girl that can handle herself.

"Next time you tried that, which I know you will because... Well it's you I hope you remember this moment" I smirked.

Than I walked out.

And follow me pls


Tell me what you think about the story so far I would love to hear it ❤️❤️❤️

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