Sarah Jane Smith X Reader - Mama

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(Set during the Sarah Jane Adventures, before series 5.)
"Mum!" you called, running across the landing, towards the stairs to the attic. When you were younger, she hadn't wanted you to go up there. But, the mystery was too much for a young, inquisitive (y/n) Smith to bare. Besides, your older brother was able to go up, so why couldn't you?

One day, you had found the temptation too great so, while she was preparing dinner for your family, you had sneaked up. You guessed that she realised that you were up there based upon a couple of things that happened. First, your squeals of delight at all of the beautiful, different things up there. Second, the talking computer in the wall had called for your mum as soon as it 'saw' you.
She had told you off for going in the attic without either her permission, or her. But, then she saw the awe with which you looked at the alien things around the room, but you didn't touch any of them. She had sighed and picked you up. She carried you back from the door, across to the talking computer.
"(Y/n), this is Mr Smith," she explained to you. "He's sentient alien technology." You waved with your young, barely chubby fingers. "Mr Smith, this is my daughter, (y/n)."
The pretty patterns on the screen seemed to tilt as if he were turning his head to talk to you. "Hello, Miss (y/n), a pleasure to meet you."
Then, your mother introduced you to the other alien gadgets and trinkets in the room. Eventually, naturally, you got bored. "Where's Luke?" You had asked. He made you laugh when you were bored.

Now, he was going to Uni. You'd helped him pack his boxes. You'd helped him fit them into his car. You had made him promise - on five separate occasions - to video call often.

"Mum!" you called again, knowing that she was probably in a deep discussion with Mr Smith, whom you had adopted as your father-figure since you had met him. You were at the bottom of the stairs to the attic. Her head poked around the door. "First, Clyde and Rani," you explained. "Second, Rani's mum, too." Sarah Jane sighed.
"Sorry, Mr Smith," she apologised through the door, as she shut it. "Okay, (y/n), dear, tell them I'm coming."
You smiled and ran off back to the stairs to the front door. You practically slid down the bannister, making Rani and Clyde jump. Rani's mum wasn't paying enough attention to notice. "She's on her way. She was Spring Cleaning in the attic." You said this as a pre-agreed cover for 'she was talking to Mr Smith again'. "Clyde, Rani, we've got lemonade. D'you want some?" They nodded, so you slid into the kitchen. Just as Sarah Jane was coming down the stairs.
"Walk, (y/n)! Don't slide!" Then she reached the three guests. "Hello, Clyde and Rani. Hello, Mrs Chandra."
Clyde and Rani mumbled hellos politely in front of Mrs Chandra, before joining you in the kitchen. The three of you had all left the two adults to talk. You handed them their drinks and led them out to the garden, where the chairs were out and set up. "Why's your mum here, Rani?" you asked, not willing to go and listen with your mother. The three of you knew that she could talk for forever if you let her.
"Oh, she wanted to know what we do all day, again," Rani eventually replied. "She's being more cunning about it now, though. She's inviting you and Sarah Jane - I mean, your mum - to dinner tomorrow. She's already invited Clyde." She looked between you and Clyde, who had picked up his lemonade and started drinking. "So, what are we doing today?"

A/N ~ Okay, so I know that Sarah Jane Adventures is technically a separate fandom to Doctor Who, but it is a spin off and the Doctor's been in it and vice versa, so it kinda counts. Plus, Elizabeth Sladen. That would've been such a cool mum! I loved Liz Sladen, and I feel that I should have a tribute to her. So here it is. (I appropriately named this one shot Mama, so the YouTube link is a song of the same, by a band that I love. Enjoy!)
I hope you liked my spin on this series and I will see you in the next part, which will be another Sherlock part!

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