Was it Just a Dream?

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"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Lucy shouts shaking me out of my dream.

Susan looks at me just as groggy as I am. Lucy runs out of the room towards the boys room. Susan and I through on our robes and follow her into the boys room.

" Peter! Peter wake up! It's there it's really there." Lucy shouts as she jumps on top of. He lest out a uncomfortable grunt.

"Lucy, what are you talking about?" He asked half asleep.

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe, like I told you!" Lucy shouts excitedly. I look over at Edmund he looks paler than normal and he wasn't making eye contact.

"Lucy you have just been dreaming!" Susan say sounding a little annoyed.

"No I wasn't! I saw Mr. Tumnus again and this time Edmund went too!" She says happily. Edmund looks up like a deer in headlights.

"Ed?" I say quietly however he hears me and looks me right in the eye."

"You saw the faun?" Peter asked skeptically. Edmund looks away and slightly shakes his head.

"Well he didn't actually go there with me. What where you doing there Edmund?" Lucy asks confused. I look at him again and you can tell in his eyes there was battle going on about what to say. Then a side won.

"I was just playing along. I'm sorry Peter I shouldn't have encourage her. You know what little children are like these days. They never know when to stop pretending." He says with a slight smirk on his face.

Then it all happens so fast. Lucy broke down into tears and ran out of the room. Susan goes racing after her. Peter follow but not be for he graves his robe off his bed and pushes Edmund hard on to his own bed. Then I walk up to Edmund and slap him up side of the head.

"Ow! What was the for?" Edmund asked rubbing the back of his.

"That was for being mean to your sister!" I say and go to storm out of the room.

"Maggie wait!" He said. I stop but not because of the demand but because of how pleating he sounded. "I said what I said because I didn't understand the truth."

I turn around slowly and look at him. " And what might the truth be?"

"There actually is a Narnia!" He says quietly.

"What?" I asked almost shocked that those words left his mouth. He gestured for me to follow and sit on the bed with him.

"I was there I was in Narnia. I followed Lucy into the wardrobe trying to scare her. But instead i found this land full of snow and trees everywhere." Edmund said looking at me wait for me to say something. I didn't know what to say. I almost believed it coming out of his mouth but there was one thing the bugged me.

"Edmund, if it's true that you where in Narnia why didn't you tell the others?" I asked curiously.

" I know that they wouldn't believe me. You where the only one I could trust. I'll get them to Narnia someday however and you too." He says mater of factly.

"Wait Lucy said you didn't go with her. So if you weren't with Lucy and Mr. Tummy or what ever his name is. Where were you?" I asked as he turns to face me properly.

"I met the Queen of Narnia." Edmund said almost sounding in aw.

"You met the Queen!" I said sound astonished.

"Yes and she gave me Turkish Delight! I told her all about my siblings and you! And you never guess what she told me!"He says. I shake me head. "She told me I can be prince of Narnia and maybe some day King. All I had to do is bring you and my siblings. The best part is that she said Peter won't be King he will be my servant!" He says excitedly. However I fell a little uncomfortable.

"That's mean Ed! Besides I don't like the sound of this!" I say because it all sounds sketchy to me.

"Don't worry I'll make sure your not a servant." He says like that's what I was worried about.

"No it's not that Ed. It's I don't trust this "queen" she barely knows you and is offering you all of this if you bring me and your siblings back to Narnia." I just sit there and play with me locket.

"She is not like that you'll see!" He says.

I don't think I can take much more of this this late at night.

"I'm going to bed goodnight Edmund." I say as I stand up to leave.

"Goodnight Maggie." I hear Edmund say which gave me a slight smile

As I walk back to our room I find Lucy and the McCready in the hall way.

"Take her Margret Rose and don't let me see her running around the halls again!" She said giving me Lucy hand to hold and stocked down the hall. Lucy and I turn into our room and went to our own beds but not before I turn and say.

"I believe you." And with that he eyes go wide.

"You do!" However before I could say anything else Uncle walked in.

"We had a nice conversation but I think it is down to a family matter now. Speaking of family Margret Rose can we have a word please." My Uncle asked. With that I get ups and leave the room with a huff because I am so tired.

We walk down to his office and I sit across the desk from him.

"How are you holding up?" He asks while smoking his pipe.

"I fine uncle thank you for asking." I say back.

" so what do you think of this Narnia?" He asked bluntly. I was taken aback.

"You believe them too?" I ask shocked.

"Yes I do and remember my dear to believe with you heart and to believe with your eyes are two completely different things. And with that good night my dear." He said

"Good night Uncle." I say and head back to my room to finally go to sleep.


The next morning was a beautiful day so Susan, Edmund and Peter decided to play cricket in the yard. Since I am not an athletic person I sat to the side with Lucy on my lap as I read aloud to her under the shade of a tree. Then all of a sudden...

"I think Edmund fancies you." Lucy says interrupting where I left off in the story.

"What?!" I ask looking down at her from her place in my lap.

"Look he is staring." I look up and sure enough Edmund was staring right at us. When he saw me look his face went slightly pink then all of a sudden he gets hit with a ball.

"Ow!" Ed shouts turning his attention away from me just in time not to see me blush.

"Whoops. Wake up Dolly Daydream!" Peter shouts tauntingly.

"Can't we just play hide a seek again!" Edmund complained in typical Edmund form. I roll my eyes at that.

"Because we all need the fresh air" Susan stats to her brother. It was a beautiful day out.

"It's not like there's not air inside" Edmund grumbles.

"What are you scared Ed!" I shout from my spot under the tree that makes everyone but Edmund giggle.

"I am not!" Edmund shouts back.

"Are you ready then?" Peter taunts.

"Are you?" Edmund asked getting in a ready position. Peter pitches the ball and Edmund hits it and sends it sailing right into one of the stain glass windows. We all look at each other and go running inside. The window was broken and the suite of armor was knocked over.

"Well done Ed!" Peter says sarcastically.

"You balled it!" Ed shouts back.

"It doesn't matter who's flat it is!" Shout back. Then all of a sudden we hear loud foot steps.

"The McCready!" Susan shouts.

"Run!" Peter shouts pushing us out the door.

We all run down the hallway and take several dead ends. Then finally Edmund opened the door to the spare room with the wardrobe in it. He opens the wardrobe and we all climb into it. We pushed and shoved each other until my foot hit something wet and cold.


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