A Special Visit

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The next thing I new I was being pushed up a tree by Susan. As I am climbing I try not to think about how I am extremely scared of heights. We get to a tall beach and we stop. Susan And I cling together as close to the trunk as we can. Everyone else is doing the same. Suddenly, the wolves crash through the dam.
"Evening gents! Did we lose something?" The fox asks the wolves. The wolves begin to circle him.
"Don't patronize me." The lead wolf states. "I know where your allegiance lies. We are looking for humans."
"Humans in Narnia, now that is some valuable information." The Fox taunts.
"Where are they!" The lead wolf shouts as he lunges a The Fox. He holds the Fox in his mouth clearly wounding him. Lucy let's put a gasp and Petter quickly quiets her.
"They went north." The Fox says almost defeated. The wolf drops him and they all run back into the woods. We wait a few seconds before we start climbing down again. Ones we reach the ground we run over to the wounded fox.
"Are you alright?" Lucy asked the Fox as Mrs.Beaver tried to tend his wounds.
"I wish you could say there bark was worst then there bite." The Fox replies in pain.
"Well you where a very clever Fox." I say giving him a kind smile. However the Fox kept moving in discomfort.
"Stop squirming! Your worst then Beaver on bath day!" Mrs.Beaver scolds.
"Worst day of the year." Beaver shivers. I give a half hearted giggle.
"Well I am afraid that is all the healing I have time for." The Fox says standing up really quickly and started to walk away.
"Your leaving?" Susan asked astonished. The Fox turns to her a drops into a deep bow.
"It has been a pleaser my Queen." He says straining himself up. He then address' the whole group. "I have been asked by Aslan himself to gather more troops."
"You've seen Aslan?" Beaver says in wonderment.
"What's he like?" Mrs.Beaver adds.
"Like everything we have ever heard." The Fox says with a slight chuckle. "He'll be a good help fighting the White Witch." Lucy suddenly wrapped her arms around me digging her head into my neck.
"We are not planing on fighting any witch!" Susan says scared and frustrated.
"But surly king Peter..."
"We just want our brother back." Peter states before pulling the three of us into his arms and holding us protectively.
"Come on,before we're old." Beaver shots back at us. The two beavers had a drastic lead on all of us. Susan and I reach out for each other and walk arm and arm. We had been walking for a really long time.
"If he tells me to hurry up one more time I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat!" Peter says as he crouch's down for Lucy to get on to his back. I give him a slight smirk but I didn't laugh. I was to worried about Edmund.
"Hurry up!!! We don't have all day!" Beaver shouts again. I roll my eyes at him and but my head on top of Susan's.
"He is getting a little bossy." Lucy says from Peter's back. Suddenly I here bells wringing behind us.
"It's here run!" Beaver shouts as I turn behind me to see a giant sleigh. Susan and I release each other and grab hands as we run. I see Lucy jump off of Peter and dose the same with her oldest brother.
We get out of the clearing into a wooded area. The beavers suddenly go off the path.
"Quick down here!" Beaver yells as he leads us into a small cove. Susan and Peter push me and Lucy in and the stumble in after us. Lucy sits on my lap and Peter and Susan wrap there arms around us. We sit there quite for a bit. After there was noise we started to get restless.
"Maybe she she's gone?" Lucy asks looking at us hopefully.
"I'll go and look." Peter says as he moves away from us. Susan and I reach out to grab him and trying to stop him.
"No." Beaver says suddenly stopping all movement. "Your no good to Narnia dead." He says grimly and starts to move out of the cove.
"Neither are you Beaver!!" His wife pleads desperately.
"Thanks dear." He says kissing her paw then leaving. Susan opens her arms for Mrs.Beaver to join us. We clutched to each other desperately.
After a long pause there was a sound of footsteps coming towards them. Suddenly a head swings down.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" All of them shout as they hug each other tighter. Until suddenly I realized it was Mr.Beaver. I stopped screaming but I started breathing heavily.
"I hope you have been good, because there is someone here to see you." We all look at each other and hesitantly start climbing up the slope. When we get to the top of it we see an old man with a long white beard standing next to a red slay.
"Santa?" I asked bewildered. It was the happiest thing that has happened in the longest time. My brother always told me he was fake. I wish Rodger was here. I wish Edmund was here.
"Merry Christmas Sir!" Lucy tells running into his arms. She was so happy.
"It certainly is, Lucy. Thanks to you." He says giving her a bright genuine smile.
"I thought that there was no Christmas in Narnia?" Susan asks as she comes up behind her sister.
"It hasn't been for a hundred years. But now the Witch's power is crumbling." Father Christmas says as he reaches over and ruffles my hair just like Roger used to do. This made me smile sadly. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Peter looking down at me with a questioning look. I give him a slight shrug and turn back at the older man.
Santa walks over to his sleigh and pulls out his signature red sack. He opens it up to review all sorts of different toys. However I don't think we will be getting toys right now.
"Presents!" Lucy screams with glee. She still had her child like wonder through everything. It is nice to see. Father Christmas reaches in and takes out a vile with some liquid and a knife.
"Lucy, Eve's daughter these are for you. The juice of the fire flower. If you, or one of your friends are wounded,one drop of this cordial will restore them." He says handing her the vile. "And though I do not expect you to use it, this."Then he hesitantly hands her the knife.
"I'm sure I can be brave enough." Lucy says almost trying to convince herself that she can.
"I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs." He says giving her a smile. He returns to the bag pulls out a bow and a quiver if arrows. "Eve's daughter, Susan. Trust in this bow, for it dose not easily miss."
"What happened to 'battles are an ugly affair'?" She asks as she takes the weapon from him in distaste.  Father Christmas reaches back into the bag with a chuckle.
"And, though you don't seem to have trouble making yourself yourself heard when you put this horn to your lips and blow it, wherever you are, help will come." He hands it off to her.
"Thanks." She says shyly.
"Margaret Eve's Daughter come forward." He says turning to look at me. He reaches into his bag and pulls out twin sword from it. "These bladed require swiftness and agility and can take down foes in a single move. Use carefully." He says handing me the blades.
"Wow!"  I say with wide eyes.
" And your next gift is knowledge." He says. He then points at her locket. "That locket that belonged to your mother will show you the way to where your heart is needed most. Make sure you listen to it." He says almost sternly.
"Yes sir." I say grabbing the locket almost on instinct.
The old man goes back to his bag one last time and pulls out a sword and shield.
"And, Peter. These are tools, not toys. The time to use them may be soon at hand." He says handing them to the teenage boy. He takes the sword out of its casing and looks at it.
"Thank you sir." He says starting at it hauntingly. He puts the sword back into its case. Father Christmas began to head back to his sleigh.
"Bare them well! I best be off, winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone a thousand years." He then gives the deer at the front of the sleigh the signal to go. "Long live Aslan!"
We all shout are good byes and get ready to start are trek again.
"Told you he was real." Lucy says turning to Susan. I laugh as a strap my swords to my back. I turn to Peter who has a distant look in his eyes.
"Pete what's wrong with you?" I ask getting his attention.
"Did you hear what he said?" He asked us. We all shook his head no. "Winter is almost over and you know what that means. No more ice."

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