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I look around in wonderment and excitement. I wanted to believe that Narnia was real but I hate to say that I had my doubts. How ever looking at the snow covered trees I new I was not dreaming.
"Impossible!" Susan say looking around in wonderment at the sights of Narnia.
"Don't worry, it's probably just your imagination." Lucy says drawing our attention back to her.
"I don't suppose sorry would quite cover it?" Peter asks looking between me and Susan with a look of astonishment.
"No but this might!" Lucy say throwing a snow ball at Peter. Then it broke into a full on snow ball fight with all of us laughing and enjoy ourselves. Well all but Edmund who I think was trying to hide the fact that he lied. However his cloak of invisibility was broken when Susan hit him with a snowball trying to get him to join in.
"Ow!" Edmund yell rubbing his arm as if it were in pain. "Stop it!"
"Oh come off it Edmund! It was just a little bit of snow!" I say rolling my eyes at his over dramatics.
"You little liar!" Peter said turning on Edmund.
"You didn't believe her either!" Edmund shot back.
"Say your sorry!" Peter said getting in Edmund's face. Witch seemed to frighten Edmund quite a bit.
"Alright I'm sorry!" Edmund say not sounding to sincere.
"It's alright some little children don't know when to stop pretending." Lucy says smugly which causes me to laugh and high five her. I here a quite very sarcastic "very funny" form Edmund.
"Now that that's settled what should we do next?" I ask wanting to explore more.
"Maybe we should head back?" Susan suggested with slight worry in her voice.
"Can't we at least look around?" Edmund suggested.
"I think Lucy should decide!" Peter suggested smiling down at Lucy.
"I think that's a great idea! What do you want to do Lu?" I ask coming up to stand beside Peter.
"I want you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!" Lucy say with a huge smile on her face.
"Well than Mr. Tumnus it is!" Peter says walking back toward the wardrobe.
"We can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this!" Susan say motioning to our clothes. As much as I want to say she was being a stick in the mud I was getting rather cold.
"We can use these." Peter says coming out of the wardrobe with his arms full of fur coats.
"Peter they don't belong to us!" Susan say handing him back the coat Peter handed to her.
"Well I don't think Uncle would mind if we use them." I say taking the white and black minx fur coat Peter offered me.
"Right! And if you think about it logically we aren't even taking them out of the wardrobe." Peter says adding on to my thought. He then hands Ed his coat.
"But that's a girls coat!" Edmund say sounding horrified at the suggestion.
"I know." Peter states simply and giving back the coat. Edmund reluctantly puts it on.
"You look Beautiful Ed!" I say sarcastically.
"Oh shut up" he say rolling his eyes but a light blush also appears on his face.
We then set off on our journey up the mountain with all of us throwing snow at each other and rolling down hills. Well all of us except Edmund who was bumming around the back of the group.
Lucy was currently listing the things that we can do when we get to Mr. Tumnus's house. How ever we get to a little cottage with the door broken in. Lucy then stopes talking and starts running towards the door.
"Lucy!" We shout as we chase after her toward the cottage. When we walked threw the door the place was torn to pieces. Edmund steps on a picture and looks at me like he did this himself.
"Who would do something like this?" Lucy asks scared almost shaking. I then notice that Peter and Susan gathered around a note that hung on the wall.
"The former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, also to comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harboring spies and fraternizing with humans, signed Maugrim, captain of the secret police, Long Live the Queen." Peter read the note hanging on the wall. At the bottom was a paw print.
"Now we should really go!" Susan said looking scared.
"But we have to help him!" Lucy shoots back.
"It's out of our hands Lu!" Peter says grabbing my arm leading me towards the door.
"You don't get it do you!" Lucy shout which stops Peter from reaching to grab her as well. "I'm the human! He helped me!"
"Lucy's right!" I say wiggling my way out of Peters grasp. "If it wasn't for him Lucy might  not be here right now! We have to help him!"
Peter looked back and fourth between the two of us. "Maybe we should call the police?" He says hesitantly.
"These are the police!" Susan shoots back!
"Besides" Edmund speaks up."he's a criminal!"
Then it dawns on me! Ed knows the Queen! I turn and look at him and he looks at me silently giving me a sign as to not say anything. I play along at least for now.
"Don't worry Lucy, we'll think of something!" Peter says ignoring Ed.
"What was that?" I ask looking around trying to find the source of the noise.
The noise came again. Susan looks out side the door curiously.
"Did the bird just "psst" at us?" Susan asks confused. We all walk out side towards the bird. Then there is a rustling in the bushes and Peter pushes us behind him. Ed moves to stand next to but slightly in front of me.
"It's a Beaver!" Lucy shout almost relieved when the source of the rustling revealed it's self. Peter step forward sticking out his hand to the beaver.
"Here boy, tick tick tick"
"Well I ain't going to smell it if that's what they want."

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