The Beavers

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We all jumped back in shock. I grabbed Edmunds hand out of shock. We look at each other in shock and quickly let go looking the opposite ways hiding our blush.
"It's a talking beaver!" Edmund chokes out. The beaver ignored Edmund and looked at Lucy.
"Lucy Pevensie?" The beaver asked.
"Yes?" Lucy asks moving forward hesitantly. The beaver then pulls out a handkerchief that I recognized as Lucy's. "This is my handkerchief! I gave to Mr.T-"
"Tumnus." The beaver interrupts."He gave it to me just before they took him."
"Is he all right?!" Lucy asks getting closer to the beaver.
He looked around almost nervous and then said "Further in" and then proceed to move into the woods.
Peter started to follow the beaver into the woods but Susan grabbed his hand to stop hims.
"Peter, we don't know what you are doing!" Susan says worriedly.
"She is right! How do we know we can trust him?"Edmund asked stepping forward and looking around at all of us.
"He says he knows the faun!" Peter says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"He is a beaver he shouldn't be saying anything!" She yells back!
"We entered a snow world threw a wardrobe and are in search of a missing faun! Is know really the time to start questioning things?!" I yell trying to get the point threw. This resulted in Susan glaring at me,Peter smirking at me, Lucy holding back a laugh and Edmund looked like a mix of amused and annoyed.
"Is everything alright?" The beaver says sting his head out of the woods taking the attention away from me.
"We where just talking." Peter says. To the beaver.
"Well that better left for safer corners." Beaver replied looking around worried again.
"He means the trees." Lucy whispered and then fallowed the beaver back into the woods. Susan and I look at each other and grab each other's hands and start to follow the beaver with Edmund dragging behind us.
Not long after we get to a peak over looking a giant lake. On that lake was a gorgeous dam.
"Ah. There it is home sweet home!" Beaver says as he stops to admire his home.
"It's lovely!" Lucy compliments.
"It's all right. There is still a lot to be done." Beaver responder back. "Looks like the Mrs. has a kettle on!"
"Oh you have a wife! How lovely!" I respond smiling down at the beaver.
"That she is! She will be excited to meet you all so come on!" He then started the rest of the way down the hill.
"Is that you beaver? If I find out you went out with badger again!" A voice called as we got closer to the entrance. Then a lovely female beaver emerged from the dam. "Oh... those aren't badgers! I never thought I would see the day!" She then looks down at herself and then whisper yells at beaver "you couldn't have given me ten minutes!"
" I would have given you a week if I thought it would help!" Beaver answers back witch cause us all to laugh. Well everyone except Edmund.
"Well you sears must be cold and hungry! Let's get you inside for more civilized conversation." She says giving a pointed look at beaver. The group all looks at each other and I shrug and enter the damn after Mrs.Beaver.
"It beautiful in here!" I complement when I am fully inside.
"Why thank you dear! Now hang up your coats and take a seat around the table. I'll start making snacks!" She says.
I then proceeded to give my coat to Peter to hang up and then take a seat by the table with Susan to my left.
"Fish and chips dear?" Mrs.Beaver says putting a plate on the table.
"Is there nothing we can do about Tumnas?" Peter inquired.
"Not many people who enter the witches castle come out alive." Beaver said sadly.
"Well there's always hope!" Mrs.Beaver adds quickly.
"Yeah there is loads of hope! Aslan is on the move!" Beaver day excitedly.
Aslan I mouth to Lucy who shrugs. I swear I have heard that name before.
"Who's Aslan?" Edmund ask from his place on the stairs. He asked the question that was on all of our minds.
Beaver starts to laugh at us. I then make eye contact with Peter. "Aslan! You silly blighter!" Mrs.Beaver then elbows him and he looks at us stupefied. "You don't know do you?"
"Well we haven't been here very long!" Peter answers back breaking eye contact with me.
"Well he's only the king of the whole wood! The true king of Narnia!" He answers back!
"Okay?" I say not getting how this is implying to us.
"Well He is waiting for you!" Beaver says like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Waiting for us?!" Lucy asks
"Why?" I respond back skeptically.
"You got to be joking! Look Aslan's return, Tumnas' arrest, the secret police! It's all happening because of you!" He yells back.
"Your blaming us!!" Susan yells back offended.
"Not blaming you! Thanking you!" Mrs.Beaver says trying to get a hold on the situation again.
"It's long been told that two sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve will appear to defeat the White Witch, and restore peace to Narnia!" Beaver tells us.
"You know that doesn't really rhyme." Susan say back.
"And you think where the ones!" Peters say shocked. I quickly took a sip of my water that was on the table.
"Well you better be, Aslan has already got your army!" Beaver yells. I spit my water back in my cup almost chocking on it. So Susan starts to hit my back.
"Our what?!" I yell back.
"I think you made a mistake!" Peter yells back. "We are not heroes!"
"We are from Finchley!" Susan finishes the thought.
"I think it's time we are going!" Peter say standing up.
"But what about Mr.Tumnus!" Lucy yells at Peter.
"Sorry Lu it's out of our hands!" Peter says to here.
"Maybe we should help!" Peter glares at me and I knew it was time to shut my mouth.
"Thank you for the hospitality but we really should be going!" Susan say putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Ed it's time to good!" Peter yells. "Ed?" I look around but Ed is know where to be seen! When did he leave! "Oh I'm going to kill him!" He practically growls.
"Has Edmund every been to Narnia before?!" Mr.Beaver says worried!
"Oh my God!"

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