A New Family

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A great big magnificent lion steps out of the tent. I don't know what came over me but I immediately dropped to the ground. I hear the three Pevensies do the same thing. Even though he was probably the most intimidating thing I had ever seen I was not scared. I feel Comforted by his presence.
"Welcome Peter son of Adam, welcome Margret Rose, Susan, and Lucy daughters of Eve." The great lion says to the four of us. He then turned to the beavers. "Welcome Beavers. You have my thanks, but where is the third Pevensie?" He asked as he had a look of deep concern painted on his face.
"That's why we are here sir." Peter says slowly and sadly.
"We had a little trouble along the way." Susan says trying to help Peter out.
"He was captured by the White Which." Peter says just barley getting the words out. My heart stopped for a split second as the words left Peter's mouth. The crowd around us started to get rambunctious.
"How could this have happened?" The lion says sounding very astonished by what he just told.
"He betrayed them your excellence." Mr.Beaver tells him. That made my heart stop for a second again.
"Then he betrayed us all!" Aslan's guard shouted to the crowd.
"No!" I shout out turning to the guard at his words.
"Peace Oreius. " Aslan says to him. He looks to me with a stern look. "Don't fear young one." He nods to me and I step back in line with the Pevensies.
"It is my fault really. I was too hard on him." Peter says dejectedly. Susan rushes over and wraps an arm around Peter.
"We all were." Susan says to everyone but mostly to Peter.
"Sir, he's our brother." Lucy pleads to him.
"I know. That makes the betrayal all of the worse." Aslan says with a grim tone to his voice. He then raised his head and looked at all of us. "It may be harder than you may think."
I take a step forward and look the great lion right in the eyes. "Whatever it takes." I state and all of the Pevensies nod there heads to agree with me.
After some Narnians  brought us to the tent that Susan, Lucy, and I would be sharing we changed into new Narnian style dresses. Mine was a beautiful long lavender colored dress. The three of us went for a walk and eventually ended up a long the side of a stream. Susan and Lucy wade into the water to soak there feet.
While they did that I sat on the bank looking at the picture of my family in my mother's locket. I tune the other two out while I stare at the picture. I think about how much I miss my family. Then suddenly I hear screaming and giggles and feel water hit my skirt. Suddenly, Susan turns to look at me.
"And what's wrong with you?" She asks putting he hands on her hips.
"Ya with that brooding attitude I would think you where Edmund." Lucy laughs but suddenly stops forgetting for a moment the situation we where in. I quickly step in.
"It's just." I stop to take a breath. "I miss my family. You all have each other which is great but I'm all by myself." I feel the tears threatening to fall. I refused to make eye contact with them.
"Margret Rose Hunter!" Susan says such causes my head to snap up. "You are a part of the family now! You will never be alone as long as we are together!" Susan tease scolds me.
"And we love you." Lucy adds.
I gave them a week smile and looked back at the locket. "Thanks guys but..." the. Suddenly they both grab one of my legs and drag me into the stream. I yelp as I hit the cold water. "Oh I'll get you for that!" I laugh and we all start splashing each other.
After a few minutes Susan started walking towards a towel that was hanging on a tree nearby. When she pulled the towel down it revealed the Which's pack of wolves that had been following us. Lucy screams as I push her behind me.
"Now, we are tired and we prefer to kill you quickly." The wolf snarls at us. Susan and I look at each other and then look over at our piles of weapons then back at each other.
Susan throws the towel in the wolf's face and runs to get her horn. I pull Lucy to the trunk of the tree and practically throwing her up to the first branch. I fallow her up the tree then reach down to help pull Susan up. The wolves are snarling at us and are trying to get ahold of one of Susan legs as she climbs up.
Soon Peter comes running towards us seeing his sword. He is fallowed closely behind by Aslan. The wolves circle around Peter taunting him.
"Come on boy not this again!" The lead wolf shouts "We both know you don't have it in you!!" He says growling.
"Peter watch out!" Susan warns him as the second wolf lunges for him. I suck in a breath as the wolf lunges for Peter. Aslan quickly pins the second wolf to the ground. Suddenly an army of Narnians come into view. Oreius pulls out his sword but Aslan stops him.
"Store your sword Oreius." Alan tells him. "It's  Peter's battle." I don't like the sound of that.
"You may think your a king but you about to die like a dog!" The wolf shouts as he lunges towards Peter. The wolf landed on top of him.
"No!" Lucy screamed.
"Peter." I say barely above a whisper. The three of us climb down the tree and rush to Peter. We push the wolf off of Peter. He sits up and looks at us terrified about what had just happened. Susan and Lucy wrap there arms around there older brother. I sit on the side until suddenly Peter pulls me into the hug to.
"Your our sister to now Maggie."He wishers in my ear. This brings tears of joy to my eyes as I barry my face into his neck. Suddenly I hear some whimpering.
"Follow then. They will take you to Edmund." Aslan tells the army.  We turn and watch the wolves flee. "Peter." He states as we all turn to him. "Clean your sword." He dose as he is told and presents to sword to Aslan. "Kneel down." He instructed. Susan, Lucy and I go stand next to Peter. Aslan places both of his paws on Peters shoulder. "Rise, Sir Peter Wolfspane. Knight of Narnia." Peter looks at Aslan and then turns to us. I can see the pride in his eyes.
I still miss my family desperately but for the first time since we have come to Narnia I truly did not feel alone. I have a new family that loves me.

The Refugees Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora