Queen Margret the Compassionate

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The next few days were a bit of a whirlwind. We spent most of the days planning the coronation and learning the history of Narnia and it's people. Susan, Lucy, and I were rushed to many different dress fittings.
This brings me to this current moment. I am standing, in my now finished coronation dress, on a little stole looking at a set of wrap-around mirrors. The dress was a long gown that was made out of lavender velvet. It had very detailed designs made out of gold and silver thread. The sleeves were long and flared out at about three quarts length. The cape was a darker purple that went with the dress very well. My hair was curled loosely and was half pinned up. I was also wearing cream-colored heels that were about an inch and a half tall.
"You look beautiful your Majesty!" Lydia complimented me as she did her finishing touches.
"Thank you. But I only look like this because of you." I say as she puts the last bit of the small amount of blush on my cheeks.
"Hush. You are beautiful and I know a certain soon to be king that will think you are gorgeous." She says smirking at me.
"Really? I mean Peter is like my brother. He has to tell me I look nice on my big day." I say smirking at the dryad. She lets out a big laugh.
"I didn't mean king Peter and you no it!" She laughs as she adjusts my skirt. I feel myself blush profusely. She starts to laugh at me but we are soon interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sorry, to interrupt but your majesty needs to head down for line up." Mr.Tumnus says as he enters the room. "Lyda why don't you head to your seat."
Lyda turns to me and gives me one last look over. I then pull her into a hug and follow the faun out the door.
"You look lovely, your majesty." He says as we walk into the hallway. We started to become friends in the past couple of days. He was closer to Lucy than the rest of us. He still seemed a little weary of Edmund but I understand why. It will take some time but they will see what I see in him eventually.
"Thank you Tumnus." I reply. The rest of the walk was relatively silent. After some time we turn the corner that leads us to the throne room. There, I am met by Lucy throwing herself into my arms.
"Oh, Maggie! Isn't it wonderful!"She practically screeches. She pulls back and takes a better look at me. "My! Don't you look stunning!" She shouts jumping up and down.
"Lu calm down." Susan commands her sister. "The way you are going you are going to mess up your hair." she scolds. I laugh.
"Thank you Lu. You look beautiful too." I then go up and give Susan a hug. "And you look as lovely as ever." I tell the older girl.
"Thank you." She says putting her hand on my cheek. "Now that you are here. We just need to wait for the boys." She says fixing my cape.
"Don't worry Sue we are here." Peter says as he and Edmund walk into the room. "And you look lovely my dear sister." he says leaning over and kissing Susan's cheeks. He then turns his attention to me. "And look at you! You look great! Ed and I are going to have our work cut out for us keeping the men away from you two." He laughs. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.
"I think you mean you have to keep Edmund away from her." Lucy laughs. Peter picks up his little sister and twirls her around. As they do this I walk up to Edmund.
"You clean up nice. Silvers a good color on you." I say shyly. He looks at me stunned for a minute and then takes my hand and kisses it.
"And you my lady are the fairest of them all." He says his voice breaking. I turn a little pink and giggle.
"Smooth. How long have you been working on that line." Peter asks, turning our attention to him. This causes the other two to start laughing.
"Enough of that children." Aslan says as he enters the room. At his presence, the room grew silent. "Time to line up."
We then all scurry to our places. I walk in on the end to the left of Edmund. When I asked why I was not sitting with the other girls I was told that it was so Peter can be in the center since he was going to be crowned High King. 
As we finish getting settled the trumpets sound signaling our entrance. The doors open wide and reveal hundred of Narnians wearing there best. All of the Centaur soldiers lined the walkway holding swords to make an archway. The six of us walk through the archway with huge smiles plastered on our faces. Edmund's arm kept brushing against mine as we walked and about halfway through he wraps his middle finger around mine. This makes me smile even wider.
When we reach the end of the aisle and then make our way to our thrones. Mine has my mother's locket carved on top of it. We turn and face the audience and wait in anticipation. The Beavers and Tumnus walk to the front with the crowns and await instruction.
"In honor of the great river that runs through the very heart of Narnia I give you Queen Margret the Compassionate." I take a shaky breath and I kneel. Tumnus walks towards me with a gorgeous crown in his hands. It had little flowers with gold petals and silver leaves twisting through it. It was gorgeous. Tumnus places my crown on my head and sends me a kind smile. I stand back up feeling more confident for whatever reason. I feel eyes on me and I turn to see Ed beaming at me. I wink at him which makes him blush. While this was happening Aslan continued.
"To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant." He says as Tumnus approaches Lucy. She gives him a proud smile as he backs away.
"To the great western wood, I give you King Edmund the Just." Tumnus again places the crown and backs away. Edmund glances at me with a smug and dare I say flirty grin. I stick my tongue out at him and face forward.
"To the radiant southern sun, I give you Queen Susan the Gentle." The Lion states. She made such a beautiful queen and was truly radiant.
"And to the great northern sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent." Alsan says as Peter receives his crown, ever so regal. Aslan then turns to the rest of us.
"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a king or queen." Aslan says as we sit down on our thrones. This causes the audience to explode with cheers.
"Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Lucy! Long like Queen Margret!" They shout with a lot of joy in their voices.
"Let the celebration begin." Aslan says. At the command, the Narnians started playing music and the reception began. They bring out tables upon tables of food. At the same time, the boys looked at each other and ran toward the food. I make eye contact with Susan and we roll our eyes and laugh. I go to stand up but I am interrupted.
"Margret? May I have a word?" Aslan says approaching me. I nod and follow him to the corner of the room. "Margret I must take my leave now."
"So soon?" I ask desperately. He chuckles.
"Yes. You and the other have everything well in hand."He says with a kind smile. "Margret, do you remember what I told you the other day?" I nod. "Good. Remember the connection. It will help more than you know." I nod again holding back the tears. He then lets a breath out on me almost like a blessing. "Be strong Queen Margret and goodbye." he says. He then turns and walks out the door. I wipe the tears away from my eyes as a kind face walks up.
"Are you alright, your Majesty?" Oreius asks.
"I am fine. It's just hard." I say as he reaches out a hand and brushes away stray tears.
"Aslan is leaving then?" I nod in response. "I had a feeling. It was too good to last." he says with a sigh. "We have to be strong young warrior. We can't dwell on the sadness we must enjoy what we have." He then nods his head towards Edmund. I turn and see the boy in question still stuffing his face with his brother. I laugh at the sight.
"My friend, I think you are right!" I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek and then run in the direction of the dark-haired boy.
"Come dance?" I ask as I basically crash into the two brothers.
"What?" Edmund asks with his mouth full of chicken wing and his eyes wide. I roll my eyes and grab his hand pulling him toward the dance floor, making him drop the chicken wing back on to the plate. When we get to the dance floor I see him wiping his face with his sleeve.
"You know you shouldn't do that with such a nice shirt." I say to him with a teasing tone in my voice.
"Well I would have used a napkin but a madwoman came over and demanded I dance with her." He says with the same teasing tone.
"Well, I'm starting to think you like those wings more than me." I quip.
"Well they are good wings." He says with a smirk. I laugh and punch his chest. He laughs as well and catches my hand.
He intertwines our fingers and puts his other hand on the small of my back. I put my hand on his shoulder and look him deep in the eye. We danced and twirled for a while until he gestures for us to go out onto the balcony that Lucy and Tumnus just vacated.
When we get there we lean on the balcony and look at the view. After a while, I turn and look at Edmund.
"May I help you?" He asked, turning towards me with an amused expression in his eyes.
"You seem different." I tell him. This seems to make him uncomfortable.
"Is that a good thing?" he asks hesitantly.
"You seem happier." I say quietly.
"Of course I am, I'm with you." He says putting his hand on top of mine.
"Well I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." I say in almost a whisper.
"Ya I know." He says, sounding serious and looking away from me. "Don't scare me like that again."
"No promises." I joke trying to lighten the suddenly serious mood. "You know you almost died too. And if I remember correctly someone said 'Like a guy would ever kill himself over a girl." I tease bumping his arm. He lets out a breath.
"Well I was kind of a git." he laughs. "Also you are no ordinary girl Margret Rose Hunter." He says as he starts to lean in.
"You are no ordinary boy Edmund Pevensie." I say leaning in as well.
He then closes the distance. The kiss was gentle and sweet. It was perfect. I pull back a bit and smile at him. I see the same goofy grin spread across his face. He then wrapped one arm around me and we turn and watch the mermaids. I lean my head on his chest and he rests his on top of mine.
"There you two are!" Susan calls after a while. "Come on or people will think you skipped your own ball." She ushers us back in.
The rest of the night was full of great food, dancing, laughs, and family. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

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