Back to Where it Begain

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I hit the hardwood floor and then have the wind knocked out of me as someone lands on top of me. From the scent, I can tell it is Edmund. He rolls off of me but leaves one of his arms over me.
We all look around at each and our surroundings. We are back in the spare room at Uncles house. I looked at the others and was surprised to see that we all looked exactly the same as we did before we left for Narnia. I can see the memories that they lost come back in their eyes. There was a weird wait in the air. It's almost hard to explain. We are suddenly startled by a new presence in the room.
"Oh there you are!" Uncle says as he enters the room. I suck in a breath as I see him. I didn't realize how much I missed him. He looks at us in a heap on the floor amused. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?" He asks. We all look around at each other with knowing looks.
"You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Peter replies hesitantly. Uncle then tosses him our long-forgotten cricket ball.
"Try me," Uncle says with a knowing glint in his eyes. We all break out in grins. I suddenly pull out of Edmund's arm and throw myself onto my uncle. He lets out a delightful chuckle and hugs me back. He then turns his attention to the others. "Come children we have a lot to discuss." He leaves one arm on my shoulders and the other one grabs Lucy's hand as he leads us out the door. As we walk down the hall we hear a sudden screech.
"What did I tell you kids about disturbing the Professor!" Mrs. Macready shouts as she comes marching towards us.
"It's alright Mrs.Macready. The children and I are going to have a discussion. Could you bring six hot chocolates to the sitting room please?" He asks the housekeeper. She looks at him with an open mouth for a second then she shuts it.
"Right away sir." she says as she rushes off to follow directions. We all try to hide our laughs. However, my laugher dies as I take a look at my left hand. Everyone else moves into the sitting room but I stand there staring at my hand.
"Mags what is it?" Edmund says coming up to me. I look at him. I'm still not used to him being this short again.
"I don't have my ring. I don't know why I am surprised but I guess I just hoped it came with me." I say looking him in the eye.
He doesn't say anything instead he takes my left hand in his right and brings it up to his lips. He kisses my left ring finger and then pulls me into the sitting room where the others were.
"There you two are." Uncle says as we enter. His eyes move down to our still conjoined hands. "Oh I see. Well, I'm sure we will get to that part of the story." He says as Edmund and I sit down on the love seat.
Soon Mrs.Macready came with our drinks and we told uncle about everything. We kept changing who was telling the story but we eventually got through our whole regain. He then told us that he had been to Narnia as well. We ended up talking till very late. We were so thrilled by each other's stories that we ate our dinner on the floor of the sitting room. However, after a certain point, uncle sent us to bed.
"Margret dear can you stay here a moment." Uncle asks as we all start to leave. I sat down across from him and he stared at me intensely.
"You haven't been telling me everything, Margret." He finally says.
"I am connected to Narnia." I blurted out before I could think. I quickly put my hands in front of my mouth trying to stop anything else from coming out. "I'm sorry." I say removing my hands. "I haven't been able to tell anyone about this for years." I say looking at the older man.
"What do you mean you are connected?" He asks, sticking his pipe in his mouth.
"It's as if I can still feel Narnia. It's like a sixth sense. I could feel England while I was in Narnia too. Aslan says I'm the bridge between our worlds." I say in a whisper. Uncle looks at me in shock and takes a puff from his pipe and then removes it from his mouth.
"What do the others think?" He asks.
"Aslan told me I couldn't tell them. Not yet anyway." I say with a sigh.
"That sounds like Aslan." Uncle says looking puzzled. He then leans forward so that his elbows were on his knees. "If I were you young lady I would listen to him. It may not make sense now but Aslan will let you know his reasons soon enough." He says almost like a warning. I nod my head and we soon head off to bed.
I couldn't sleep. I kept feeling these things almost like Narnia was in shock. I can't help but wonder what happened after we left. Why didn't we age? Oh no I have to go through puberty again. All these thoughts kept running through my head so I decided to get up. I put my robe on and sneak down the hall to the boy's room.
Whenever I can't sleep I always go see Edmund. He is always there if I need to talk or even just to hold me until I fall asleep. I always slept better in his arms.
I poke my head into their room and see Peter fast asleep. However, Edmund's bed was empty. So I shut the door and walked down to the library. I open the door and see Edmund sitting in the bay window.
"There you are." I say getting the boy's attention and leaning against the door way.
"How did you know I was here?" He asks looking at me softly.
"If we can't find you that usually means you are in the library." I say pushing off the door and going to sit on the edge of the bay window so that I was facing him.
"Are you alright?" He asks looking at me intently.
"Ya. I just couldn't sleep." I say looking out the window. "I can't help but think about what's happening in Narnia now that we are not there. Also, why didn't we age at all? It's like we have two different lives with two different sets of memories. I don't even know how to feel about any of this." I say in one long breath. I then turn to Ed and see he is now looking out the window.
"mh" The boy replies. After a moment I realize this is the only response I would receive.
"Are you alright?" I ask with a slight chuckle as I reach forward and caress his cheek. He turns to look at me with conflicting eyes.
"Did you know that we were coming back?" He asks with hurt almost in his voice.
"What?" I ask in shock, removing my hand from his cheek.
"We were talking about here right before we left. Did you know?" he asks again, almost sounding angry.
"I didn't know we would be coming back! I had been thinking about England a lot. I love your family like they are my own but I missed my family so much! You are the one who asked about why I was hesitant to marry you! I just told you what I was thinking." I say crossing my arms offended. He sighs and reaches forward and pulls my back to his chest and wraps his arms around my stomach.
"I know. I'm sorry. It was just a weird coincidence I guess." He says kissing my shoulder.
"It's ok. I get it. " I say kissing his cheek. I can feel him keep trying to sit up behind. He then lets out a sigh.
"I didn't miss being this short." He says frustrated. I laugh at this and soon he joins in. As my laughter dies down I look at my left hand.
"I guess I shouldn't call you my fiance anymore huh." I say with disappointment. I can feel him start to play with pieces of my hair.
"Ya I guess not." He says also disappointed. "but know this. I am going to marry you, Margret Rose Hunter. Even if I half to wait thousands of years. I will marry you." He says with determination in his voice.
I then reach up and kiss him. He immediately kisses back and I never felt more loved than at that moment. We stayed like that for a while but soon decided it was best to head to bed. We walk hand in hand down the hallway and are shocked when we meet Uncle and Lucy at the opposite end of the hall.
"I'm going to have to watch you two, aren't I?" Uncle states with a chuckle. Edmund and I blush at this comment but don't move from our spot. "Oh, well I think it is time for us to go to bed," he says letting go of Lucy's hand. "Our own beds." he says pointing at Ed and me. I roll my eyes and kiss Edmund on the cheek. Lucy and I then head into our room.
"Do you think we will go back?" She whispers. In the dark.
"I do." I say without even having to think about it.
"I do too." she says. "I love you, Maggie."
"I love you too, Lu." I reply.
I then crawl into bed and close my eyes. I could feel Narnia. It was all going to be ok and with that thought, I fell asleep with one last prayer that both of my worlds stay safe.

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