An Icy Path

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Next thing I knew we where looking over the edge of a frozen waterfall. The river was starting the melt and huge chunks of ice where getting swept into the current.
"This can't be good." I say walking closer to the edge. Suddenly a feel a paw grab my arm.
"Not so fast love. We don't need you falling into the water." Mr.Beaver says pulling me away from the edge. Susan that grabs my arm and we all peer over the and look at the ice floating away form the river bank.
"We need to cross now!" Peter says as he starts to pull Lucy down the hill. I start to move after them but Susan pushes me behind her.
"Wait, maybe we should think about this." Susan say clutching my arm tighter.
"We don't have time to think." Peter says getting frustrated and trying to leave again.
"I am just trying to be realistic!" Susan shoots back trying to keep me behind her.
"No you are just trying to smart as usual!" Peter yells and then quickly turns on his heals and pulls Lucy down the hill.
Suddenly we hear the howl of wolves in the distance. Susan and I turn to look at each other.
"Come one Sue. We need to go." I say pulling her down the hill. The path suddenly got very narrow and difficult to maneuver. When we finally get to the bank of the river Peter tries to cross but the ice breaks under his feet.
"Wait,maybe I should go first." Beaver states as Peter retreats back to shore.
"Maybe you should." Peter confirms.
Beaver then starts walking across the river clapping his tail on the ice. The ice starts to slowly crack under his weight.
"You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs.Beaver shouts to Mr.Beaver.
"Well you never know what meal is going to be your last, especially with your cooking." Mr.Beaver reply's back.
We all slowly start walking across the river trying not to fall on the slippery ice. Lucy suddenly screams as ice starts to break under her feet.
"If Mum new what we where doing..." Susan scoffs as we shuffle across the ice.
"Mum's not here!" Peter snaps back.
Suddenly the howling becomes louder and the wolves appear at the top of the water fall.
"Oh no!" Lucy shouts altering the others.
"Run!" Peter yells.
We start to move faster across the ice when suddenly my feet slip out from under me and I start sliding across the ice. I was about to hit the water when suddenly Peter grabs me and pulls me up hugging me to his side.
The next thing I know we are surrounded by wolves.  One of them pins Mr.Beaver to the ice while the others circle us growling. Peter draws his sword and points it at the lead wolf.
"Put that down boy, someone might get hurt."The wolf growls at Peter.
"Don't worry about me!" Beaver yells trying to escape from his attacker. The wolf holding him down bites down harder on his neck. I hear Lucy gasp and I draw her into my side while my other hand reaches out for Mrs.Beaver. She puts her paw in my hand and squeezes it in fear.
"Leave now while you can and your brother leaves with you." The wolf states. Peter suddenly falters at the proposition. However he quickly goes back to his original stance.
"Stop Peter, maybe we should listen to him!" Susan please to her brother.
"Smart girl." The wolf smirks.
"Don't listen to him Peter! Kill him!" Beaver shouts once again.
"Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it!" Susan yells at Peter.
"No! Narnia needs you!" Beaver cross out a third time. I suddenly start to hear a cracking noise and turn to see the waterfall start to unfreeze.
"Uh, guys!" I yell but everyone ignores me except Lucy who also turns to look at the waterfall.
"What's it going to be son of Adam? We're not going to wait forever. And neither will the river." The wolf states sinisterly. At that moment the cracking noise got louder.
"Peter!" Lucy And I shout at the same time. Finally the eldest two Pevensie's look at the waterfall and see it melting at a rapid pace.
"Hold on to me!" Peter shouts. I release Lucy and go and hold on to Peters back. He suddenly pierces his sword through the ice as the waterfall finally gives way and we are swallowed by a wall of water.
Everything went dark and all I could feel was cold. I start to feel numb and my lungs start to burn from the lack of oxygen. All I new was to keep holding tight to Peter. When suddenly we break the surface and I was able to take a greedy breath. Then I just start giggling with delight that we just survived that.
The beavers start to push us over to the river bank and I pull one of my swords off of my back and stab the ground so that we all could get off the chunk of ice we had been floating on.
When we are all off I turn and look at the others as I put my sword back on my back. However my relief soon fades when I see Peter holding Lucy's coat but there was no Lucy in sight.
"What have you done?!" Susan shouts in terror. Peter was frozen still.
"Lucy!" Susan and I start shouting on the verge to tears. We yell for what feels like an eternity.
"Has anyone seen my coat?" We here meek voice ask. Seeing her suddenly break Peter out of his trance and rush's forward and wraps her  coat around her.
"Your brother has you well looked after." Me Beaver says with a smile. We all move and embrace each other in relief.
"I don't think you will be needing those coats anymore." Mrs.Beaver says looking at the path in front of us. We start walking through the first and start to see spring come through the melting snow all around us.
"It's beautiful!"I comment bushing the buds of the trees through my fingers.  There was a sudden shift in temperature and the thick fur coats we where wearing where very hot.
"Let's leave the coats here it is to hot for them now." Susan says taking all of our coats from us and hanging them on a tree branch near us.
"Come on it won't be long now." Mr.Beaver says as we keep going on the path.
We finally leave the path in the woods to find ourselves in a open field that is covered in red a gold tents.
I walk in between Peter and Susan ad we enter the army's camp. As we walk in a horn hose off in the distance signaling our arrival.
The four of us look around to see all different creators that I had always dreamed of seeing. As we walked by they where staring at us as well and before we knew it we had a crowed following behind us.
"Why are they staring at us?" Susan asks feeling subconscious.
"Maybe they think you look funny." Lucy says back sarcastically. Peter starts to laugh and turns and looks at me however I i'm in too much of an aw to react.
"Are you ok?" Peter asks me.
"It's like a scene out of one of my books." I says with a bright smile.
"Your just like Edmund obsessed with books." Peter laughs. However his mood quickly shifted. "I wish he was here with us."
"We are here now. All we need is to ask Aslan for help." I say giving him an encouraging smile.
As I say that we reach the biggest tent at the camp with a centare keeping guard.
"We have come to see Aslan." Peter states drawing his sword and holding it high. Suddenly everyone drops to the ground around us as a figure emerges from the tent.
I was definitely not expecting what I saw next.

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