chapter three: kankri doesn't need tampons um

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Homochan here again, unfortunately.
this is just more of a transition chapter to keep things moving along [like I know you do]
So even when all hope is gone, move along, move along just to make it through-

Kankri snorted slightly before ducking behind another isle as Karkat walked by with the tampons. He heard Karkat grumble a bit before walking off, searching for Kankri.

He doesn't really need the tampons. He just wants to see Karkat actually feel embarrassed for carrying around a personal hygiene product for women.

Karkat was stopped by one of the humans in the store, after he accidentally walked into him. It's just John.

"Karkat? What are you doing with tampons? Do you need them?" He asked, curiously.

"What- I- no! These are for my asshole of a dancestor."

"Oh, Kankri?"

"No John, Sollux."

John stopped for a second.

"Oh my fucking- YES KANKRI! WHO THE FUCK ELSE?!" Karkat huffed. He's never really sarcastic with John, but he asked such an obvious question, so he just had to.

"Ooooh, that makes more sense." John chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head, "Well, you look kinda weird walking around with a box of tampons, so um... Is Kankri even with you right now?"

"No, he's not. When I grabbed the box and got back to the cart, he AND the cart were both gone."

The dorky human snorted a bit.

"What? What the fuck is so funny, Egbert?"

"Karkat, I think Kankri is pulling your leg."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means he doesn't need the tampons."

Karkat squinted, "Okay, but then why would he ask for me to go-" He stopped.

That little shit !! How dare he make a fool of me in this grocery store ?!! That thot !!

"Karkat?" John blinked at the troll.

"Yes John?"

"Are you going to get even with him?"

"Fuck yes. What kind of troll would I be if I didn't get back at that lame excuse for a trashcan for making me look like a motherfucking idiot?!" Karkat huffed.

"Well, what are you going to do then?"

"I don't know. I'll figure it out. But it'll be worse than walking around with whatever the fuck these are-" Karkat held the box up slightly.

"Tampons." John corrected.

Whatever. I'll jut get back at Kankri. That's all that matters.

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