chapter something im not counting anymore tbh idc

736 10 17

Okay but Love Me Dead by Ludo is the best song ever no arguing or I'll fite >:V
Also I wrote this @ 3 am in the fuckin morning okay
That's why this chapter sucks titties.

Karkat was called down to dinner about an hour after Kankri went up to his door.

It smelled like garlic and spaghetti sauce. Oh I wonder what Kankri made hm. Let's just say it was Karkat's favorite food.

It almost makes me feel like what I'm about to do is cruel, Karkat snickered quietly. Kankri always washes his hands before he eats, so this'll give Karkat just the right amount of time.

As predicted, Kankri walked out of the kitchen, and into the bathroom to wash his hands. Karkat nearly tripped as he ran to one of the spice cabinets and pulled it out.

Red Pepper Flakes.


Karkat quickly added a few spoonfuls of the spicy topping onto Kankri's plate. Kankri is super sensitive to anything spicy, so this was just perfect!

"9kay Karkat, are y9u 9ut 9f y9ur r99m n9w?" He called as he walked out of the bathroom, drying his hands and setting the towel down on the counter, "9h! Y9u're already here! Perfect. " He sat down in the chair across from Karkat, "Shall we dig in n9w?" He smiled slightly.

There was definitely something odd about the smile.

Karkat nodded and the two both took a bite of their food.

tbh idgaf if u think this chapter was short okay i was tired and ready2die

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