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It's been a week since Kankri entered his room. He hasn't even walked out for food. No bathroom, no fresh air, no company. Just a room with himself. Karkat didn't think he'd have this much of an effect on the lonesome troll, but he was wrong.

Porrim came by a few times, but not even she could get her dear moirail out of his room, let alone his state of mind. Karkat knocked on the door a few times the past week, but all he got was silence. It created a bit of an eerie vibe around the house, because of this silence.

Karkat couldn't stand it.

Was it worth your dancestor loosing a spot he could've had to a great college? For him to lock himself up in his room? With nothing but an eerie silence, and a door between the two? Was it worth almost everyone hating you, when they found out what had happened? Even Kanaya was extremely upset, and disappointed.

Karkat finally got to Kankri.

But today, was a new day. The sun shined through the closed blinds, and onto Kankri's face. He didn't shield his face from the brightness, he only lied there, blinking slowly. Karkat had decided to try again, knocking on his door.

No answer.


There was a moment of quietness, before a hushed voice finally answered, "What d9 y9u want, Karkat?"

Finally. He got a reply. It's not entirely the way he wanted things to go, but after a week of silence in a house that's normal full of chattering between the two trolls, a reply's a reply, and he'll take what he can get.

"Kankri look, I'm sorry for what I did, for ruining your chances to get into a prestigious college. I- I shouldn't have gone into your room and messed with your things. Its not my business to touch." Karkat could feel his eyes welding up slightly, "...Just, please come out? Please?"

"Why w9uld I want t9 leave...?" Kankri's response was slow.

"At least come out to eat something? I haven't seen you come out of your room once to eat, and that's not good for you. Please come out-"

"I already have f99d in here. I keep it stored either f9r a snack, 9r in case 9f an emergency and we run 9ut 9f f99d d9wnstairs." He sighed, "I d9n't need t9 c9me 9ut. I'm fine in here."

Kankri's last words were cold. Karkat slumped against his door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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