lmao poor Kankri

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also note that these chapters won't be written in first person anymore :)

Kankri had an important day today. He was supposed to give a sermon to his school, and some very important people were supposed to be there.

Members of a college board, to be exact. If this went well, he would be given a scholarship to the college he's been dreaming and working so had to get in to. Straight A's, perfect attendance, Kankri even helped tutor students every night of the week, and more than 60% of the school's student's grades increased because of him.

The college needed someone like Kankri, but they just need to be sure that he's just right.

Karkat snuggled into his covers. He was awake, but he was just so comfortable. Plus, he needed to look like he was asleep for what was about to happen.

He could hear Kankri's alarm clock finally go off, and foot steps walking around.

"9H MY G9D I'M LATE! WHY DIDN'T MY ALARM G9 9FF?!" Kankri yelled. He quickly got dressed and looked back at his clock: 9:34 am

"I'M AN H9UR AND A HALF LATE!!" His voice raised. Kankri ran out of his room with his unzipped backpack, "I'm s9 screwed!!"

Karkat laughed as he heared the troll abruptly leave the building and drove off.

This was great to him. He finally got him back.

One In The Dungeon [Vantascest] [Contains smut !!]Where stories live. Discover now