idek anymore

635 7 1

literally i got two comments asking to update this and that was enough to give me motivation up
so ty to those two people
you know who you are ;)


Kankri and Karkat both stayed in their rooms. Kankri had figured out that Karkat knew about the little scandle he pulled at the store. He didn't tell Kankri directly, but he stayed quiet on the way home, and whenever he spoke up, he was bitter and rude, more than usual.

Karkat planned to get him back, but he didn't know how to just yet. He would ask Dave, but then Dave would just keep asking questions, and then he'd soon figure out that Karkat has black feelings for his dancestor. And if that got out, well, who knows what would happen. He'd get made fun of, disowned.

It's quite upsetting for Karkat about this, not being able to say anything about who you're black for, because of what society has to say. But that doesn't matter right now.

He needs to think of a way to get back at him, and get back at Kankri fast.

yo look
sorry this is short
just needed a transition chapter tbh
just kinda
continue reading i guess

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