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Karkat had skipped school and stayed home. Munching on some Doritos, the front door slowly opened and closed. He leaned over on the couch to see who it was.

Kankri walked around the corner into another room, dropped off his backpack, and walked into the room where Karkat was.

He looked disappointed, his face stained of melancholy and anger.

Immediately, Karkat knew.

"D9 y9u have anything t9 say, Karkat?"

Karkat stared for a few seconds, then sh00k his head, starting to avoid eye contact with the furious troll.

"H9w a69ut, why were y9u in my r99m messing with my cl9ck, Karkat? D9 y9u have anything t9 say a69ut that?"

Karkat looked down, and didn't say anything. The other troll balled his fists and raised his voice, "Y9u knew this was imp9rtant t9 me, Karkat! I w9rked SO HARD f9r this, KARKAT! AND Y9U G9 6EHIND MY 6ACK AND FUCK IT ALL UP?! I TRUSTED Y9U! I FUCKING TRUSTED Y9U, KARKAT!"

Karkat still didn't say anything.

"Y9u kn9w, I heard s9mething m9ving up in my r99m last night, 6ut I knew y9u w9uldn't pull s9mething like that. Was I wr9ng?! 9h like hell I was!! I th9ught, 'Hmm, it might 6e Karkat, 6ut nah. That's just n9t like him. Why w9uld he even 69ther t9 g9 in my r99m?'" Kankri lowered his voice, "Thanks. Y9u really fucked me 9ver n9w, didn't y9u, Karkat. Thanks a l9t."

Kankri inhaled, and left the room.

Karkat could hear his door slam.

One In The Dungeon [Vantascest] [Contains smut !!]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora