Chapter 15

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Chapter fifteen

The winds of change

As a thirteen year old prince, Yuvraj Sanskar was supposed to take lessons on Vajra politics and history apart from the continuing lessons he took on martial arts and elven magic. It meant two things; firstly he would have a new teacher. This one, did not sit well with Sanskar, as he was rather attached to his martial arts scholar, also, it meant that he would not have those lessons with his Guardian plus friend Kavita. So as it could be expected the dawn of the first day of their lessons, found the young prince in a mood that matched the skies outside his chambers. That was of a pastel blue with gray and white clouds hanging heavily in thickets.

In his grumpy mood, Sanskar stumped to the throne room, where the teacher was supposed to see him. It was deserted, owing to the fact that the Vajra was visiting the borders; hence there were no court proceedings for the day. Kavita walked him to the double doors, dressed in her normal fighting outfit. It seemed she had an outdoor training for the day. Sanskar felt envious of her. While he was confined with these boring lessons on dead elves and royal scandals she was going for all the interesting fighting techniques.

Ouch that frown must hurt,' Kavita chuckled under her breath, and chuckled harder as he shot her a death glare. Be careful your highness or it might stick that way.'

I hate whoever the old man is, already,' Sanskar said in a bored tone. He is going to kill me in boredom.'

Whoever told you he is an old man?'

Someone said he is hundred and seventeen,' Sanskar raised his eye brows. You don't think that's old?'

I'm sure he is more than hundred and seventeen,' Kavitra shook her head and then giggled. But he is handsome.' Sanskar rolled his eyes. Come on, I guess the time you spend in human realms is finally rubbing off, hundred years is a blink of an eye...' Bowing a little and still shaking in silent laughter, Kavita went off and Sanskar taking a deep breath pushed the doors and went inside.

True to Kavita's words, the man waiting for him in the shadowy pillared room was not the weary old fellow of Sanskar's imagination. Instead he was a tall man of a lean athletic built, a mane of thick black hair and dark skin. His eyes were wistful, and gleamed with intellect.

Yuvraj Sanskar,' he said in a curt tone, that was not devoid of respect, but did not hold the breathless awe the young prince was accustomed to. My name is Mohan.'

A Naga?' Sanskar mused aloud.

Yes, a Naga and a spy.' He said with a slight twitch to his lips. I thought you might not frown upon being a Naga, since you too share our blood.'

I didn't mean it that way. I was just surprised since they told me you were a friend of my father the Vajra.' Sanskar explained hastily. Master,' he added after a thought. Mohan waved an impatient hand.

There is no need of titles. You can call me Mohan as I will call you Sanskar.'

Does that mean, we're going to be friends?' Again he wondered aloud. The man Mohan seemed interesting. There was no wonder that his father liked him.

No.' The curt tone was back. A king and a subject can never be friends. A subject can be a follower, a well wisher, a pawn...but never a friend. Because a king can never repay friendship as a commoner would want to.' He continued not letting Sanskar speak. Not because a king is evil or selfish, but he cannot and never should differentiate between two of his subjects. It is impossible if one of them is his friend. And friends should always be equals. There is none equal to a king. The weaker friends would only seek to take advantage of the is not friendship but dependency.'

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