Chapter 15: How It All Ends

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Gregory and Erica were using their powers to make Baxter kneel in front of them. 

He escaped from the hold they had on him. Gregory said, "You will not touch her. How dare you hurt so many people." 

Gregory lifted Baxter into the air and made him fling into the oak tree in front of that dismal house. Theo had a bronze dagger clutched in his hand and waited for right opportunity.  He yelled, "Please cover your eyes kids!"  Theo fought Baxter with a few swift punches and then he lunged the knife into Baxter's heart. When that didn't work, he snapped Baxter's neck.  Baxter turned to smoke and ashes.  Mallory was hiding her head in Gregory's chest while Erica covered her eyes with her hands. Gregory had his arms around Mallory and Erica and held them close. 

Theo said, "Finally, it is all done. No more reign of chaos and sleepless nights fearing for my family and innocent people." 

Gregory teleported them home where Lia, Jackson, Shawn, Regina and Bri awaited them.  Lia and Jackson held Mallory in a tight hug.  Bri and Shawn went to Theo and hugged him.  Gregory and Erica went to Regina. 

Regina said, "My babies, after all this time, we are finally together."  She gave them kisses and hugs.  Gregory introduced Mallory to his mother. Regina thanked her for bringing her son back to the light.  Lia and Jackson were very happy as they looked upon their extended family. 

Lia said, "Between all of the years and times spent by your side, Jackson, all of it has been worth it.  I would do all of this again in a heartbeat."  Jackson replied, "Me too, my dear." 

They leaned in and kissed as they all celebrated how they would all sleep easier since the chaos was gone.  Regina moved in with the Lancaster's and Erica.  Gregory sold the house that his father bought him. He lived with Lia, Jackson, Lia's parents and Mallory permanently now.  Theo, Bri, and Shawn went back to live in their house, which was very close. Erica was a junior, however, she graduated early since she took extra classes.  She was excited to move on to college with Shawn, Mallory, and Gregory. They all chose to attend college at The University of Texas just like Lia, Jackson, Theo, and Bri had attended in the past. 

All of their lives are now full of happiness and love.  The drama and endless fighting of evil had ceased.  Lia, Jackson, Bri, and Theo were happy that their children found love and lifelong friendships. They all had more to look forward to in their futures, especially since Gregory and Erica's magic caused them to no longer age.  Theo knew all about what would happen and wasn't saying a word.

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