Green Magic

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Author: sorry but the fighting chapters are going to be like in between 400 to 500 words each, I tried to think what else I could put in but it's not really working out for 800 words for these fighting chapters, so sorry about that, but that being said on with the chapter.
It was 12pm when Frisk and Chara woke up, and Chara noticed how Undyne didn't have work today, so it was the perfect day to teach Frisk about green magic, and how to use it. She called Undyne and told her to meet them in their backyard in a few hours. When Undyne got there, she summoned a spear and stabbed it into the ground, Chara and Frisk walk out and Undyne pulls Frisk into battle, she turns her soul green and tosses her a spear to defend herself, she deflects the incoming spears, and Chara told Frisk to try to summon her own spear, Frisk tries and fails, Undyne holds off her attack, just then Frisk summoned a spear and tries to turn Undyne's soul green, but she used too much energy to summon a spear, she collapses and falls down on her knees out of breath, battle ends and Chara runs over to Frisk and said "you gotta remember not to use that much energy, it will strain your body too much." Frisk nods, and Chara helps Frisk up, she then teleports inside and ontop of her bed, she falls asleep, and she wakes up three hour later, and Chara and Undyne are still out there talking. She goes out and meets them, and Chara said "ok, you two are going to battle again and Frisk just try to turn her soul to a green soul, don't try to summon your spear." They enter a battle and Frisk manages to turn Undyne's soul to a green soul. Chara said "ok good, now try to summon your spear and give it to Undyne." She does just that and summons more spears that go after Undyne. Undyne blocks them flawlessly, and doesn't attack Frisk and said "is that the best you got?" Frisk said "just watch and see." She teleports around the area summoning gaster blasters, bones, and spears, and Undyne yells "yes, now this is what a battle is supossed to be like, I love your style!" Frisk gets exhausted and the battle ends quickly, Chara is stunned by how many attacks Frisk threw at Undyne before she got exhausted and said "I keep telling her not to use that much energy, but how can someone listen with the determination that exeedes most?" She then carried Frisk upstairs, and layed her on the bed so she could sleep. Chara leaves the room for fifteen minutes before returning to see that Frisk is hunched over on their bed, eyes closed, and blue magic appearing on her hands, Chara knew that she was having another nightmare, so she tried to wake Frisk up, but gets flung into a wall and losses consciousness. Frisk then wakes up to see her hands glowing blue, and turns to see Chara on the ground passed out, she gets up and carries Chara ontop of the bed, laying her down, she gets on the other side and covers both of them up before falling back asleep.

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