~First Part~

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My name is Sara Marquez, I am 22 years old and I am from Cervera. I have an older sister Gloria, my mum is Maria and of course I shouldn't forget to my father. I don't want to lose the words because of him, but anyway. I don't like him because he sent me to study abroad as soon as I turned 18. His name is Jonas and he has an older brother Julia Marquez - who's dad of the most famous "moto" brothers on the world. Yeah, Marc and Alex are my cousins. We live near and we spent together the whole childhood. Alex is like a little brother to me, but Marc... he was always special. I never looked at him like my brother... I can only say that he had a special place in my heart.
I just landed at the airport and a one-month vacation are in front of me. I'm not looking forward to anything, because I know this month will go fast and soon I will be able to return back, because the last year of my studies is waiting for me.
I took my luggage and I stuck in a crowd. Soon I see my mum and sister waiting on me. I run in their embrace. "Honey, we missed you sooooo much," my mum squeezes me and kisses me on the cheek. "You've changed a lot," Gloria says caresses my hair. I look at her questionably: "Changed? What do you mean? It's better or worse? I don't understand." They both laugh. "You're more beautiful than before," mum says and Gloria nods. "I think you two should visit an eye doctor. I am exactly the same like I was a year before. I am just a year older, maybe a bit smarter and definitely braver," I explain to them when we walk to the car. "Oh, and I dyed my hair," I add. I always had a natural color of my hair - dark brown, almost black. But few weeks ago I've decided to lighten them a bit. We all laugh. "You didn't ask about dad," mum says when we sit in the car. "Pha, you think I'm interested in how he is?" I reply to her and stare through the window. "I think it will rain," I add. "Don't change the topic, Sara. Don't say that after all these years you're still angry that he sent you to London?" mum says again. Gloria was quiet, she just gives me a quick look. "No, I'm not angry. I'm furious! He didn't even ask me what I want! I'm in that prison for four years. I only insist because I have a really good friends there! You both know what I wanted!" I said upset and in my eyes the tears collects. "Sara, please calm down. You're home now. Mum, please. It's not time for that," Gloria says. Yeah, she always calms me. She is two years older than me and she always was daddy's girl. I was never angry at her because of that. I always preferred mum. "I want to go to Marc," I say after a while. "You'll go but we're going home at first," mum says. I shook with my head: "Please, take me to Marc." Mum and Gloria exchanges their looks and Gloria nods to mum: "Mum, let her visit him. You know that she didn't see or hear him all year." Mum stares to the road: "Fine."
When we arrived to our street, I see that on the all balconies are hung red-white flags with inscription: MARC MARQUEZ CAMPEON!
I was staring with open eyes and mouth: "What is going on here!?" I asked. Mum and Gloria laughed. "You didn't read on the internet? Newspapers?" mum asks. "Uhm, HELLLOOOOO!! Did you forget that we're cut off from everything in that boarding school?? It's worse than in jail!" I shout. Mum lowered her shoulders: "I am sorry, Sara."
"It's not your fault," I sighed, "It's Jonas's."
"Marc became the world champion in MotoGP this season," Gloria broke the silence and smiles. "What???? Are you serious?? Now I can't look him in his eyes, I am so embarrassed. I always was the first knowing everything, but now I am the last."
Mum stopped the car and when I saw that we're in front of the my cousin's house I immediately jumped out of the car: "You can go! I'll be at home till dinner!" And close the car door.
I run upstairs and like always - rang the bell three times. While I was waiting for someone to open, I put my hair into a ponytail. I heard the unlocking the door and smile when it opens.
"Sara, is that you?"

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