~Twenty-seventh Part~

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Probably the hundreds tear slips down my cheek, when I left the apartment and walk towards the car, where my dad was already waiting on me. I sat on the passenger seat and ask: "Does anyone sees you?" Dad shook his head. "Did you tell anyone?" He shook his head again. Okay, I believe him. It is true that we always have argues but I can see now that I can really trust him. "Do you have all my luggage?" I ask him. "Everything is on the trunk," he responds and then he dedicate himself to a drive. We drive to the airport for twenty minutes. "Shall I walk you in?" he asks me, when he parks a car. "No, thanks. You don't have to. The flight is in hour and half and I'd like to prepare myself for it," I say and step out of the car. "Then let me help you with your suitcases," he says and rushes after me. He takes all my luggage out of the trunk, when I hug him and begin to cry. "Thank you, dad. For everything. Even for that, you enrolls me in the collage in London. Please take care of mum and Gloria. Give them a strong hug, when you'll tell them where did I go."
This time, he wipes his tears: "I will. What about Marc? And Jorge?"
"I wrote them a letter. I am sure that they'll look for me. Don't tell them where am I. Nobody shouldn't tell them where am I." My dad nods: "Okay, don't worry." I hug him again. "Thanks," I say through the tears. "Thank you, darling. I am very proud on you. I am glad to be your father. I am very sorry that I never didn't tell you how much you mean to me," he says and cries. My heart is breaking when I watch him. "Come on, dad. Don't cry. I'll call you every day. I promise," I say and hug him for the last time. "Please, take care of my grandchild. If you won't feel good, go to doctor, okay? I was already talk to principal about everything. They will treat you well," he caresses my hair and I nod to him: "Thanks again. I call you when I arrive there." I wave him in goodbye and leave.

Hour and half passes very quickly and I am already sitting on the plane. The flight is calm and fast. From the beautiful and warm Barcelona, we flight to rainy and foggy London.
When I found my luggage, I rush outside and stop the taxi to take me to the boarding school. During our way I text dad that I am already in London. Then I turn off my phone and prepare it for leave it in the administration office. I am returning into a world of loneliness and isolation. I need time for think. A lot of time. And I want to finish my studies before giving the birth. I caress my belly: "We can do this, little one."
I lean my head to the car window and close my eyes. I am thinking to whom the baby will look alike. I am thinking who his father is. On that thought I fell horrible. Why didn't I took contraceptive pills? Why didn't I take care of protection? Why? Why?
"Miss, we're here," a friendly, older taxi driver with an Indian accent wakes me from my thoughts. "Thank you," I thanked to him and pay for drive. He helps me with my luggage, then drives away. I am standing in front of well-known building. Fortunately, it doesn't rains anymore so I am standing there for a while, staring into the main door. "Sara!? Is that you?!" I hear a familiar voice. I turn myself and I see my best friend and my roommate, who's running over the lawn. "Kate!!" I shout, when she rushes into the hug. "I thought you will never come back," she said. "Yeah, I thought the same," I admit. She helps me with my suitcases. First we stopped at the administration office where I wanted to leave my phone. "Your father demanded that you need to have it with you," secretary stops me. I shake my head: "No. I will use a school phone. Please, take it." Secretary hesitates for a while, but then she gave up: "Fine, as you wish."
In five minutes we already walked to the room. "It's something that I don't understand," Kate said. I look at her and raise my eyebrow. "Why did you left your phone there it you could have it with you?" I expected that question somehow. "I don't want to know what is happening around the world," I answer quietly, when Kate laughs: "You're kidding, right?" I shake with my head. "You could be in touch with your family, friends all the time. And your sexy cousin Marc. Oh, by the way. How is he? Is still that beautiful? Still winning?"
At the thought at Marc, my world begins to tear apart. "I don't want to talk about him," I sigh. "What happened? What he did to you?" A child, maybe - I think. "A long story," I say. We just walk to our room. Kate unlocks the door and when we enter. Suddenly I feel safe and homely. I sit on my bed. "What if you take a shower while I go to find something to eat? Then we can talk," Kate said. "You're right. A warm shower would be nice," I agree with her. "Oh, fish and chips, too," we both say at the same time and laugh. Oh, I missed her. My Kate.
I afford a warm shower, and when I got back to the room, Kate was still not there. I dress a shorts and sweater, when I took an ultrasound photo from my bag and kissed it. At this moment, Kate entered the room with two food bags. "What do you have that?" she asks. "An ultrasound photo," I say quietly. "Are you going to be aunt?" she squeaks joyfully. I don't want to hide anything to her so I decide to tell her the truth: "No, I am going to be a mum."
Kate laughs and the bags almost fall on the floor. "If I didn't know you, I'd believe you," she said when she stops laughing. I look at her seriously. Now she puts the bags on the desk and sat on the chair: "You're not kidding," she said when she realized that I mean seriously. I sigh, take my chair and put it opposite to her and sit down. I decide to tell her the whole story. From the beginning to the end. "Well, I am here now," I finish my narration. Kate looks at me with her eyes and mouth wide open. She needs some time to process everything. "Wow," it's everything that she can say. I smile, take one bag and pull a box with fish and chips from it. "Everything has cooled down," I say and I give this box to Kate. We start eating when Kate finally speaks: "Well, now you're with Marc." That was not a question. "Yes and no," I answer. "You love him," she said when I nod and bite into the chips. "But there is Jorge. Hot, gorgeous, sexy Jorge," Kate sighs. "It's true. We can talk about him only in superlatives. You can't imagine how hard I tried to forget Marc with him. But..." It hurts too much. My thoughts about them hurt me. Kate nods and caresses my shoulder: "I understand. I can't even think about how I would feel if I were in your position. I guess I would get crazy from all this sh*t. I am very surprised you're holding up so well."
I am so happy to have her. I fell much better now. And I know, she will keep my big secret for herself.
"Can I ask you just one more thing?" Kate gently said when I nod. "Don you really have no idea which of them could be your baby's father?" Tears begin to gather in my eyes. "No," I say quietly, "more than I think, I don't come to a conclusion. Both of them have 50 % chance."
Kate puts her half empty box and hugs me: "Oh, dear. Everything will be fine. Don't worry, you got me. I'll take care of you and your little one," she said and caresses my belly. Now tears poured down my face as the worst rainfall. I do cry a lot, but it's just worse now because of these pregnancy hormones.

The next two weeks pass peacefully. Every night I think about Marc. And Jorge. My dad told me that they both was looking for me, but nobody told them where I was. The study goes well. I have done some exams, I hang out with Kate and the others. And my baby? It grows well. I feel good, I eat a lot, I move a lot, I have beautiful hair and clean skin. There are long seven months above me and I am already eagerly waiting for the day when I meet a tiny son. Or daughter. Actually, I don't care what kind of gender will be. Just to be healthy and perfect, just like dad. Marc or Jorge.

*4 months later*

I am in the fifth month of pregnancy and I have just one more exam until my diploma. I am studying a lot and with Kate, we just came back from the library, when somebody knocks on the door of our room. Because I just sat down, Kate opens it. There is standing the secretary, Mrs. Lloyd, a woman in the early fifties, with short and dark bob haircut and dressed gray dress. "Is something wrong?" Kate quickly asked her. "Miss Marquez has a visit," Mrs. Lloyd said. "Visit?" I ask, "weird. My parents arrive in two days," I add. "Maybe they decide to come earlier. Go greet them," Kate said cheerfully. "Okay. Please tell them that I'll be right there," I say when I take my jacket and wear it. "A jacket? Why?" Kate asks, closing the door. "I need to hide my belly. I don't want to shock them," I say when she laughs: "They know that you're pregnant, you won't shock them."
"Yeah, of course. Anyway, I feel better like this."
"Okay, as you want. Have a good time and greet them."
When I go to the door, I stop: "Come with me. I am sure they would be happy to see you."
"Are you sure?!" she asked excitedly. "Sure," I laugh.
"Okay, but only for a while."

Happy and smiley we slowly - because of my slightly swollen ankles and pain in my back, walk to the ground floor, where my parents are waiting for me.
"Oh, my heart beats so fast," I say when we approach the visit room. "I believe. I'd feel the same if my parents visit me after such a long time," my friend caresses my hand. Finally we reach the door and I open them.
My heart almost stops.


Who's waiting in the room?

* her parents
* her sister Gloria with Dani and Alex
* Marc & Jorge (or just one of them)

Write in a comment :)
In the next part, I'll reveal you who surprised Sara!

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