~Seventh Part~

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I entered the house and my mum was cooking again. "Today I promise to stay at lunch," I said when I entered the kitchen. "Okay, honey. Where have you been?"
"We ran to the lake, then we swim for a while and now I'm back. Where is Jon-... I mean, dad?" I asked.
"In his working room, as always."
"I'll go to him."
"I think he's doing something for his job. Wait till lunch." I nod: "Okay, then I'll help you with lunch."
I prepared the salad, prepared the table, wiped out the dishes and there was already time for lunch. My sister came without calling, and I went to working office to call dad to lunch. I knocked: "Dad, the lunch is on the table," I said when I gently opened the door. "I'll be right there," he said and smiled. I smiled him back and went to the dining room. And really, dad came just a minute after me. We ate and talk relaxed about everything. Dad was quite different, I noticed that he was relieved after yesterday's fight and that he make it easier to talk with me. Moreover, he even compliments me for being good because I helped my mum. I don't remember when he complimented me, if he ever did. When we finished eating, me and my sister helped mum clean the table, then I joined my dad in the garden where he was watering flowers and vegetable. "I would like to apologize for yesterday," I said. He stopped watering, laid down the pipe and told me to walk with him. "I have to apologize to you for all these years. Indeed, I behaved terribly to you and I'm really sorry. It's not your fault that your real parents left you. I should be proud of you. You're so brave and good girl."
"You are my real parents. I don't care about these before. They already had the reason to leave me and I really don't have wish to look for them. You're my family and I am happy to have you," I said and the tears start collecting in my eyes. This time, the tears were tears of joy. I've never had to talk to him so honestly. "And we're happy to have you. And forgive me, because I never considered your wishes for dancing."
"I don't want to talk about this right now. It is now, just like it is. I can be grateful that you sent me there, because I met wonderful people and friends."
He turned to me and hugged me. He hugged me for the first time in my life!!!!!!
"I love you, Sara," he said inaudibly. I smiled: "I love you too, daddy." He smiled too. After the embrace he kissed me on the cheek and we walked further.
"Well, do you feel different now that you know that Alex and Marc aren't your real cousins?" he asked. "What do you mean?"
"You know... Julia told me that you and Marc are very close."
"Yeah, we are close," I said and I really don't understand why he started with this topic, when we could talk about a thousand other things. "Do you like him?" he asked directly. "Wohooo, dad take it easy! Do you really want to talk to me about guys and about who I like?" I laughed. He nods and laughs too: "Yeah, why not? That's nothing wrong."
"Look, dad. We just make it up. I'm not talking to you about that today," I tap his shoulder. "Okay, not today. Tomorrow," he winked at me. "I'll think about that. Oh, right, what time it is?"
he looked at the watch: "It's 3:26 pm, why?"
"Thanks. I have to get ready, I'm going out with Marc," I kiss him on the cheek and ran towards the house. "Oh, you really don't like him!" he shouts behind my back. I turned around and looked at him. He was laughing. I swung with my hand and entered the house. "Where are you going?" mum asks when I run upstairs. "I have to get ready!!" I shout and walk into my room. I took the phone and wrote a message to Marc where are we going. I got the answer in a minute.


Marc <3
Why are you asking? It's a surprise ;)


Seriously???? I don't like surprises, you know that.


Marc <3
Trust me :D

Oh, I wish to, but he always have such ideas that I couldn't trust him in some way.


OKK, tell me at least what to wear ;)


Marc <3
Something ordinary, we're not going to dance hahahahahah :P

Okay, I immediately know that I would wear new jeans that I bought last week in London, a white sleeveless top and jeans jacket. I quickly step under the shower, then I dress myself, brush my hair and left them down. I put a soft make up in my face - I use only a mascara and eyeliner and I was ready to go. I looked at the clock - 3:55 pm.

I left the phone on the nightstand, then I walked downstairs to the living room. When I sat on the couch I remembered that I forgot the perfume. I ran back to my room and took a perfume which I got it for my twentieth birthday from Marc and Alex. I used it only on special occasions. I looked at the phone and saw that I received new message.


Marc <3
I'll get a little earlier

Huh, thanks God I'm ready. I walk downstairs to the living room, where mum and sister were watching Ellen. "Where are you going?" mum asks when I sat next to her. "I'm going out with Marc," I lean back and close my eyes. "Where?" sister asks. I shrugged with my shoulders and took a deep breath. I heard laughing. I opened one eye and ask: "What's so funny? I see that the show is boring, people is crying and you laugh?"

"We don't laugh to show, honey," mum said. "To whom then?"
"To you," Gloria said now. "Mhm, I'm very funny," I said and sighed. "Why are you so nervous?" mum asked. "I'm not," I flinched. "No, you're just shaking like a jelly," my sister said and they both laughed. Before I managed to say anything back, dad entered the room. And Marc right behind him. "Good afternoon," he greeted and hugged sister, mum and then me. "You're very handsome," my mum compliments him. Yeah, he was very handsome. Well, he always is.
"Thanks, auntie. Shall we go, Sara?" he asks. I nodded and we went to the hallway to put our shoes on. Dad came after us, he took out his wallet from the pocket and gave Marc some money: "Take it and go to ice cream or drink."
"Thanks, uncle, but I have money," Marc said, who didn't want to take money. "I insist. Go and have a good time."
Marc looked at me first and then dad and took the money: "Thanks, I'll repay you." Dad laughed: "Just watch yourself."
He kissed me on the cheek and tapped Marc on his back and almost pushed us out of the house. "Bye-bye, have fun," he said and closed the door. "He changed," Marc said when we walked away from house. "Yeah, a lot! Now I see how it is to have a father," I said and he smiled. "Can you tell me where are we going?" He shook with his head: "No."
We sit in the car and drove away. I was a little afraid of where we were going because I wasn't ready for paparazzi and the fans. Marc is accustomed to everything, but I have a phobia of a crowd of unknown people. We talked and laughed all the way, when we arrived to the huge parking. My eyes sparkled: "Seriously???" I can't stop smiling. "I know what you missed when you weren't at home. Come on, let's go."


Where do you think Marc took her?? :D

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