~Eleventh Part~

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Tears began to spread across my cheeks. I was watching them kissing. He didn't even try to get away from her. I didn't have the strength to get them apart, so I turned around and ran back all the way to the kitchen. Jorge was still there. "Did you come back?" he said and smiled. I was determined to do stupidity, so I walk to him, embraced him around his neck and kissed him. He lifted me on the kitchen counter and we were kissing passionately. At that moment I wasn't able to think of Marc anymore, because I completely indulge to Jorge. I realized that he still has something that drags me to him. In the end he stopped kissing me. "Sara, stop it. There is something wrong," he said and steps away from me. "There is nothing wrong. I just found out that you still mean something to me," I said and wanted to kiss him again but he stopped me: "I know you. Something happened. Tell me what it is."
A tear spreads down to my cheek and he wiped it off immediately. "Sssh, calm down," he said and embraced me. "I can't be here anymore. Please, take me away," I said. "Okay, let's go," he said, embraced me around my waist and we walk through the back door. We walked across the park and sat down on the bench when I suddenly start crying. Jorge hugged me without a word and waited for me to calm down. After a few minutes I calmed down and decided to tell him everything. "Marc is not my cousin," I said and Jorge looked at me confused.
"I am adopted, so we are not related."
"How long have you known this?" he asked. "A few days. We're couple. Me and Marc. Well, at least we've been to this day," I said and wiped out tears again. "What do you mean? What happened?"
"He was kissing with Laia."
"So you came back and did the same with me?" I nodded: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't do it."
"Look, I still like you and I am really sorry for cheating on you. It was a big mistake. Can we be friends?"
I nodded: "Friends."
Then we hugged.
After a while he escorted me home, and when we were saying goodbye, Marc came.
"Jorge, please leave," I said when I saw he was approaching us. "No, I'll stay here," he said decisive and stepped closer to me. "Where did you disappear?" Marc asked, angrily as never before. "As if you're interested," I said back angrily, "you were in very good company."
Marc laughed cynically: "Also you I see." He looked at Jorge, who just wanted to say something but I stopped him. "Please, go home," I said and pleading looked at him. "Are you sure?" I nodded.
"Okay, see you then," he said, kissed me on the cheek and looked at Marc angrily and left.
"Where did you find this asshole?" he asked. "And where did you find that woman?" I didn't owe him.
"You went away. Besides, nothing happened."
"Oh, really? Nothing happened? Please! I saw in my own eyes how you were squeezing when you were dancing. Then she kissed you and you didn't do anything to pull away from her!"
"I resisted to her!"
"When? After five minutes of licking??"
"What did you do with Jorge? You left the party together, right? What were you doing? Having sex who knows where?!"
At that moment I slapped him.
"You know what... if you're not up to telling everyone that I'm not your cousin, then I won't be your girlfriend anymore! It's over, Marc. Over!" I shouted through the tears and run to the house. I slam the door so strongly that sister came out from living room to see what's wrong. "I don't want to talk," I said, ran upstairs to the room when I slam the door again. I wasn't sad, I was angry, upset. I would rather smash everything that would come to my mind. I went under the cold shower, then I changed into a pajamas and lay in the bed, when someone knocked. "Can I come in?" Gloria asked and opened the door. "You're already in," I said, looking in the ceiling. She came to me and sat on the bed: "What happened?"
"Nothing special. It's over between me and Marc," I said quite calmly. "What?" she asked surprisingly. I looked at her, but I said nothing. I didn't like to repeat it. "I can't believe it. Why?"
"What can I say... We cheated on each other."
"What?" she asked again.
I told her the whole story.
"So, you're back with Jorge?" she asked in the end.
I shook with my head: "No, we're just friends. And Marc is my cousin again, and I don't want to see him for a while."
We've been talking for hours, when parents came home. They saw a light in my room they came to see if something was wrong. "Why you're not sleeping?" mum asked when she entered the room. "We're talking," I said when she embraced us and gives us kiss on the cheek. "It must be very important if you're talking so late in the night." Me and Gloria exchanged looks.
"I came to tell you that Aunt Roser is having a birthday tomorrow and we're invited to a picnic," mum said. "I can't go," I said and lay back in the bed. "How not? Roser is your favorite aunt, you can't miss it."
"I can't go, mum. I'm going out with Jorge."
"Which Jorge?" asked dad in a confused voice, who just entered the room. "Lorenzo," I said calmly. "Why him? What about Marc?" he asked again. "It's a long story. I don't want to talk about that anymore. I can only tell you that Marc and I are only cousins from now on. Don't ask why. Now I'd like to sleep, good night," I said and turned to the right side, away from them. Gloria kisses me on the cheek, then they left. Parents were very shocked, but that's it. I should have known, that it won't end well.
In the morning I woke up at eight, went under the shower and dressed myself on jeans and T-shirt. When I got out of the bathroom, my phone beeps. I looked up and there was a message from Jorge.

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