~Twenty-fifth Part~

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We're sitting in a fancy restaurant, having dinner and talk. I don't remember when we were all together having dinner. If we ever have. I was frightened by the tension between Marc and Jorge, but they surprised me, because they are quite relaxed and they are talking as if they are the best friends. The only one here who is uncomfortable, is my sister. When she saw Dani join us, she hid herself as a turtle in her shell. Yeah, she's totally in love with him. I look at them and smile. Well, then there's our Alex. He doesn't care who's sitting with him at the table, he is happy to have full (of very tasty) food around him. For the entire hour and a half that we are here, he spoke only two sentences. For everything else, he only nods and smiles.
When a waiter takes our plates and brings us coffee, I suddenly feel very bad. "Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet," I say and rush to the toilet. I open the door and see that both cabins are free. Great, I think and I quickly slip into the first one and lock up. I quickly lean over the toilet bowl. Well, all the dinner is out. "Sara? Are you all right?" I hear the worried voice of my sister at the door. "Yeah," I respond shortly and I throw up again. "Oh, God, Sara. It can't go on like this," she said again. "I know," I say when I flush the toilet and unlock the door of the cabin.
When I step outside, my sister looks at me with compassion and caresses my hand. "I need to rinse my mouth, then we can go back to the boys," I say and walk to the sink. "Are you sure you feel better?" she asks me. "Yeah, I am fine now," I answer her. It's true. I feel the same as ten minutes ago.
When we get back to the table, Jorge and Marc jump upright. "Are you okay?" Marc asked quickly and hugged me across the hips. I smiled at him: "Yeah, everything is fine."
"If you feel bad we can go home," Jorge said now. "Yeah, I think it will be the best. She must rest," my sister replied to him. There is really no need to go home. Now I feel great. I think Dani is bothering her, and my weakness is a great excuse to finish dinner. I don't contradict her anyway. Maybe it's better to go home.
"Okay, then I'll go to pay," Jorge said. Alex is the last to get up from the table and first look at me, then Gloria. Gloria nods to him. What's with them?
"It was nice to have dinner with you," Dani said, shaking hands with Marc and Alex, then hugs me and of course, Gloria. There are sparkles in Gloria's eyes and she blushes a bit. "I'm glad we met again after a long time," he said and kissed her on the cheek. Oh, they look so wonderful together. "They would be such a perfect couple," I whisper to Marc, who smiles widely.
"Done," Jorge said when he joined us. "Thank you for everything," I say, walk to him and hug him. "It was a pleasure, Sara. Now, go home and rest, okay?" he said when he lets me out of embrace. I nod to him. "Thanks for the dinner. And again, congratulations on winning," Marc said to him now. They made a friendly hug. "We'll repeat it several times I promise, and thanks," Jorge replied.
Then we say goodbye and go home.
Marc drives, Alex sits next to him, and we sit to the back seats. "How are you feeling, love?" Marc asks, looking in the rearview mirror. I gently sigh: "Fine. I am little tired," I confess. "I'll cook you a tea, you'll prepare a warm bath and go to sleep. Tomorrow you'll be like a new one," sister said, caressing my hand. "Ah, Sara. Maybe you're pregnant?" Alex asks. I quickly look towards Marc, and I see that he grabs the steering wheel tighter. We're all quiet, only the voice of a sleepy moderator sounds of the radio. Alex laughs: "I was just kidding."
Marc looks at him: "Alex, this is not funny."
"What are you so serious about? Don't you want kids?" Gloria asks him now.
"Of course I want them," he said, "once," he added.
"Oh, stop it, please," I interrupt them.
"What are you so nervous about? If you're pregnant, you'll have a baby. We'll all be happy," Alex said. "Things aren't that simple, Alex," I hiss.
"Why not?" he asked. Really?
"You need to ask, right?" Marc said and Alex shrugs with his shoulders.
"Let me explain to you, cousin. Sara was with Marc, then she saw Jorge after a long time and she was with him. Now she's back with Marc. Do you understand?" Gloria explained.
"So, both of you can be fathers!" Alex shouts. If it were not for me, I would have laugh to him. He is so funny and before he figures out all the happenings, we all get older for two years.
"Oh, you drank too much," Gloria sighs.
We continue driving home in silence.
I take a little nap when we stop. "Sara, we're home," my sister whispers. "Mmmmhmmm," I mutter. "Are you sleeping?" she asks. "Mmmmhmmmm," I mutter again. I hear they all closed the car door. Great, they'll leave me in the car. "Come on, my sleepy head," I hear Marc's voice, who carefully picks me up from the back seat. "Thaanks," I mutter and lean on his shoulder. He takes me up the stairs to my room and puts me on the bed. "Thank you, Marc," I hear sister who thanked him. I feel a gentle kiss on my lips, then he covers me with a blanket. "I love her, Gloria. I would do anything for her," I hear. Oh, I am so sleepy. I feel that I will fast asleep but I still try to listen to their conversation. Oh, now they stepped out of the room. They're whispering, but I can still hear something.
"Do you think it's possible?" Marc asks. "What? To be pregnant?" my sister replied. He probably nodded because he said nothing. Or I didn't hear it because I fell asleep.
In the morning I was awaken by knocking on the door. "Yes?" I cough out, when my sister, wearing a Unicorn pajama, step in my room. "What do you want?" I ask her and roll myself to my stomach. "I brought you water," she said. "Why? I am not thirsty," I reply. "Do you have to pee?" she asks. "No, why?"
"Then drink it," she said and pushed me a liter and half a bottle of water in front of my face. "You're not normal!" I shout and jump upright. "Why am I still in this dress?" I ask, when I see that I am still dressed the same way as yesterday evening. "You fell asleep in the car. Marc brought you into the room," she says. "I remember that. Why he didn't undress me?" I ask.
"Uhm, if he'd undress you, he'd probably wake up today with you," she laughs. I swing my hand and start to undress myself. "Look, it's totally wrinkled," I say. I put the dress on the hanger, then I wear shorts and one of Marc's T-shirts. "You look great. Now, drink!" Gloria said, pushing bottle in my hand. "Why all this drama, Gloria?" I ask and obey her. I drank a lot, then I sit back on the bed. "You have to pee?" she asks. "Ehm, no?" I said. "Okay, than drink on."
I drink again a little. "Dad and mum went to work?" I ask, when she nods. We're sitting on the bed for a while in silence. I really don't know where is the point with that water. After a while, I stand up. "Where are you going?" sister asks. "To the toilet," I answer, when she rushes after me. "Perfect! Here, pee up there," she said, pushing something similar to a temperature thermometer in my hand. I look at her. "A pregnancy test," she said, then she pushed me to the bathroom. "I'll wait for you in the room!" she called.
I sigh. I pull tester out of the box and put it on the sink and read the instruction. "Okay, let's do it," I say and pee. I put it on the shelf, meanwhile I wash my hands and teeth, and after five minutes (as it was written in the instructions), I look at the result.
I open the bathroom door and go to the room. Sister is looking through the window and when she hears I come in, she looks at me. "What is it?" she asks.
I push the tester in front of her. "Positive," I say quietly.
"Oh, God. You're pregnant," she said. Tears get in my eyes, but I try not to cry. She hugs me. "I knew it, Sara. I was suspicious that you feel dizzy a lot and you were throwing up several times. But, otherwise you felt good and I didn't believe that you had kind of flu or something."
I nod. A tear come up and I quickly wipe it.
"Will you tell Marc?" she asks. "No. Only you and I know that. And I won't let you to tell anyone," I say. "But... Marc should know," she insists.
"No. I don't even know if his a father."
"You're right. But anyway. You're together now and he has every right to know."
"No, Gloria. I won't let you tell him! Not to him or to anyone else!" I shout and get back to the bathroom. I undress myself and step under the ice-cold shower. Now I start to cry. I cry so long until my tears run out. Then I step out of the shower and wrap myself in the towel.
When I get back to the room, my sister still sits there, on my bed. "Are you okay?" she asks. "Yes," I answer with a hoarse voice and take fresh clothes. "I have call a gynecologist. It's best to do the tests and confirm your pregnancy," she said and I nod: "Thanks."
"You're lucky that one patient cancelled the eximination. We can be there in an hour," she said, then left the room.
I wear jeans and a shirt, I brush my hair and then I walk downstairs, where Gloria is waiting for me. "Will you eat something?" she asks. "No, thanks. I am not hungry," I replied and check the newspaper. On the cover page is a photo of Jorge and two pages of his victory are written. I close my eyes and imagine a baby that is similar to him. Light hair and beautiful green-blue-gray eyes.
But as soon I see a perfect baby with black hair and eyes. Little Marc.
"Sara, shall we go?" my sister voice awakens me from dreaming. "Yeah, let's go," I say, take my bag and then we walk to the car. I quickly sit there and I wait impatiently for my sister who's throwing things around the trunk. I am impatient because I don't want to meet Marc. Although I want to see him immensely, kiss and hug him. "Gloria, what are you doing? Let's go!" I shout to her. "Wait a minute, I am looking for something!" she shouts back to me. I look to the clock. Half past eleven. Only half an hour. "Good morning!" I hear a familiar voice. A voice of my love. I take a quick look across the road and see Marc and Alex as they run across the sidewalk against us. I step out of the car and smile wide. "How is my sleeping beauty?" Marc asks and kisses me passionately. "Good, and you?" I reply when I caress his muscular hands. Oh, Marc.
"Now when I see you, I am great. Where are you going?"
"Shopping," I lied. Guys laugh. "How are you feeling?" Marc asks and caresses my cheek. "Oh, great. I don't know what happened to me yesterday," I said. "Oh, it's you two," Gloria said, who finally closed the trunk and walked up to us. "What were you looking for so long?" I ask her. "Ehm, driving license," she blushes. We all start laughing. "Did you find it?" Marc asks. She waves with it in front of us and throws it in her bag. "Boys, we're in a hurry," she said and stepped onto her side of the car. "Yeah, that they won't sold out all the clothes," Marc laughs.
"Could you wait for me? I am also going to the town today, but if you go, we can go together," Alex said. Gloria looks strangely. Yeah, she doesn't know that I lied to them. "Sorry, Alex. It will not work. We agreed that we'd have a "ladies day"," I say, then I kiss Marc to goodbye. "I adore you," I say to him, then I sit in the car. "Fine, then we'll have a "men day"!" Alex shouts behind us, and Marc taps his back.

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