~Twenty-third Part~

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In the morning we're awaken by knocking on the door. I quickly open my eyes and I see that I am still in Marc's embrace. So it's true. They were not just a dream.
"Marc! Sara!" I hear Gloria's voice on the other side of the door.
"Marc, wake up, we're going to the town," I say and kiss him on the cheek.
"Hmmm? I won't go anywhere," he mutters and lies down on his stomach. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Mhmm, go by yourself," he mutters again.
I pull myself over him, then I step to the door and opens it.
"You're still not ready?" my sister asks and looks at the room.
"Why is Marc in your bed?" she asks. "It's a long story, I'll tell you later," I say and ajar the door. "Did you sleep together?" I nod.
"What? You cheated on Jorge?" she shouts. "We were just sleeping, Gloria. Calm down," I say and cross my arms on my chest. "I don't know if I can believe you..."
"Fine... that's your problem. When are we going?"
"We're all ready to go, we are waiting only for you two."
"Marc is not going, so I am thinking that I'll stay here too," I say and lean against the door frame. "Are you sure?" she asks and I nod to her: "I feel a little dizzy again and I am tired. Go and enjoy yourself. We'll think of you."
"Mhmm, I can think so. Okay, be nice," she said and hugged me. As she walks downstairs, I step back into the room and lay back in the bed, when I get the message. I take the phone and read it.

Jorge <3
Hope you had a nice time yesterday in town.
Today I have a race, please keep your fingers crossed. Love you <33

I completely forgot about Jorge and the race. I quickly answer him and wish him good luck.
I hear how our family drives away and suddenly I feel a little awkward. It's been a long time since I was alone with Marc.
"Hey, will you still sleep?" I ask him quietly. "Mhmmm," he mutters.
I smile, then I go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for us. I cook coffee, make fresh lemonade and bake a toast with ham and cheese. It is really very warm outside, so I prepare a table on the terrace.
"Oh, it smells delicious," Marc said when he steps in the kitchen. "Good morning, I was just about to wake you," I greet him cheerfully, and when I want to run in his embrace, I stop. "Are you sure? Hope you didn't intend to eat all of this by yourself," he laughs when he steps to me and kisses me on the cheek. We walk on the terrace and sit at the table. "Why didn't you go to the town?" he asks while we eat.
"Well... truthfully speaking... I wanted to spend the day with you."
"Wanted? Don't you want it anymore?"
I smile: "Yes, I do."
"Okay, then we have to take advantage of this."
Uh, I suddenly feel the heat.
"Emm... thank you for calm me at night. I really had horrible dreams."
He just nods in reply.
"Jorge has a race today..." I say, when he nods again. Then I decide to stay quiet until the end of the breakfast.
"You can go dress up, I'll clean up the table," he said when we finish eating. "Okay, thanks," I said, turning away, and when I walk to the stairs, he says:"Dress something lightly. I want to go to the waterfall." I only smile in reply.
Waterfall. Our waterfall. When we were kids, we always escape from our parents there and spend the whole day swimming and playing around the waterfall.
I choose to wear our favorite bikinis and an easy summer dress. I know that it's not summer yet, but it's already very warm.
I put some important and unimportant things in the backpack, then I walk downstairs when Marc prepares sandwiches. "Why didn't you tell me, I would help you," I say when I step into the kitchen. "I am already at the end," he said and looked at me. Then, he gives me the most beautiful smile. "Will you take this into the backpack? I'll be right back," he said, giving me a bag with sandwiches and a drink, which I immediately put in the backpack.
I am waiting for him in the hallway, when he runs downstairs and smiles."Ready?" he asked, when I nod: "I was born ready." Both of us laugh.
When we lock the door, Marc holds my hand and so we slowly walk through the forest, to the waterfall. "It's still so wonderful here," I say, when we put down our things.
"You're the most wonderful of all, Sara," he said, as he stepped closer to me and caresses my cheek. I close my eyes when I feel his warm touch. "Let's go to swim," he said and when I opened my eyes, I see that he already took off his T-shirt. Oh, his muscular stomach. I bite my lips and stare at him. "What is wrong with you?" he laughs. "Nothing, nothing. Let's go," I say and took off my dress. "Have I ever told you that these bikinis are so f*cking perfect?" he asks me, when I smile widely, but I shake with my head: "No... you haven't."
"Don't lie. Of course I am. In fact... the bikinis are just the final touch on your perfect body," he said as he stepped to me and wanted to hold my hand, but at the same moment I move away and run to the lake and jump into it.
I land on the bottom of an ice cold lake, and when I swim to the surface, I laugh: "Hahahahaha, this is sooooo crazy!!!" I shout. I look towards Marc, but I can't see him anywhere. "Marc?! Where are you? Where did you go?!" I call, when someone pulls me underwater. When I swim back, I find myself in Marc's embrace. "You'll pay for that!!" I shout and this time I duck him down. Marc laughs, and suddenly we're dangerously close to each other.
"I adore you," he said and kissed me gently. My heart is beating like crazy and I want him. Yeah, right here.
"Come, swim after me," he said to me. We swim to the waterfall and suddenly we find ourselves behind it. "Do you remember?" he asks me when I nod. How not to remember? We were always swimming here and we were ducking and having fun.
He hugs me. "Marc..." I start, but he silences me with a kiss. I feel how his fingers unclippes the upper part of bikinis and takes it off. He kisses me on my neck, all the way to my boobs, when he suddenly sucks my nipples. Oh, yeah, that's what I want.
With my hands, I go to his shorts and take them off. Then, I grab his erection and start massaging it. "Sara... I want you. Here," he whispered as I nod. He takes off the lower part of my bikinis, then he leans me on the rock and he slams himself in me with all of his greatness. Oh, God, I've missed him. I grab his muscular arms when he goes faster and when I am about to cum, I scream his name. At the same time he comes too, and he kisses me passionately.
"You can't imagine how much I have missed you," I say breathless. "I missed you more," he said and smiled. I love him. I love him insanely.
We swim for a while, in between we kiss, and then we decide that it is a time for a short rest. We both naked sit on towels. I lightly push him to lie on his back, then I climb to him. I kiss him on the forehead, left cheek, right cheek, his nose, his lips, his beard... I overwhelm him with kisses all over his body, until I get to his crotch. I take it in my hand and gently rub it. "Take him in your mouth," he said quietly. I obey him. "Oh, Sara... I love you," he mutters. "And I love you," I said him back when I put him inside me and take the control. I am circling my hips in a slow but steady rhythm, when he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. We slowly move to the climax.
"Come, lie next to me," he said. He squeezes me in his embrace and so we're laying and enjoying the sun. "We're returning home tomorrow," I say quietly. "Mhm," he mutters and kisses me on my right shoulder. "I need to talk to Jorge," I say. "We can talk to him together, if you want."
"No, I think it's better to do it myself."
"Okay, as you want."
Then, we're quiet for a while.
"Are you sure you want to be with me?" he suddenly asked me. I lean on my elbow and turn to him: "I am a million percent. I love you, I see myself with you through my whole life. I want you to be the father of my children, I want you to be my husband, my best friend, my confidant. I want to travel the whole world with you. Unless... you don't want to do all of this with me?"
"All of this and more, Sara. I am in love with you since I remember and I will love you forever," he said and gently kissed me. I nod: "Fine, then my story with Jorge is really finished."
"Shall we go to the water once again?" he asks when he gets up. "Yeah, but only if you'll f*cked me one more time as earlier," I reply when he laughs: "We'll see."
Once again we jump into the water, we duck and spurt, when we find ourselves behind the waterfall again and we ends like earlier today.
Because it is getting dark, we decide to return to house.
"Oh, they are still not back," I say when we get to house.
"We can surprise them."
"We can cook dinner."
I laugh: "You're kidding, right?"
"No, I really mean it."
"Okay. But... I would like to take a hot shower first," I say and I brush his crotch with my hand, then I go into the house and walk upstairs. When I look back, I see that he smiles.
I enter the bathroom, then I slowly undress myself and step under the shower. Hot water flows through my body, when the bathroom door opens. I turn around and see Marc, how he takes off his T-shirt and shorts and join me. "Alex called," he said, kissing me on my neck. "And? When they coming back?" I ask.
"They'll be here in two hours," he says, squeezing out some shower gel and washing me. "Uh, then we have plenty of time," I reply and let myself to him. "You're so perfect," he said and massages me. I watch him. HE is so perfect.
Suddenly he leans me against the cold ceramic tiles and takes me. The feeling is crazy. Crazy, but good.
We're in our room now and we're dressing up.
"So, what are we preparing for dinner?" I ask him when I put my panties on. He shrugs with his shoulders: "I don't know... maybe some hot dogs?"
I laugh that hard so I almost stay out of breath. Marc looks at me strangely: "I don't think that I am saying anything ridiculous."
"Sorry, honey. They are walking around the town for the whole day and they are probably tired as f*ck, and you would only prepare them some hot dogs?"
He shrugs again: "Do you have a better idea?"
I nod: "I would prepare them tortillas with chicken and vegetables."
"Where will you get tortillas?"
"I am sure that mum and auntie brought them here."
"Well... as you want," he said, stepping to me and kissing me passionately.
"We have half an hour, so we should hurry," I say, and I slipped out of his embrace, because we almost land on the bed and repeat the exercises from the lake and shower.
"Go ahead, I'll come after you," he said and gently smashes my butt.
When I get to the kitchen, I first look at the food cabinet and find stored tortillas there. "I knew it," I say and put them on the counter. I take fresh vegetables and meat from the fridge. "It's nice to see you standing in front of the stove," Marc said as he entered the kitchen.
"Oh, yeah? Come, I have work for you," I reply.
"You know... I'd rather prepare a table... I am not good with preparing the food," he said as he took the cutlery. "Marc..." I start, when he lifts me on the counter and kisses me. "You're driving me crazy," he said, when our lips unstick.
"It will be time for all of this. Now, we have to prepare the dinner," I winked.
"All right, all right. Chill out, Marc," he said and took the cutlery and plates into the dining room.
My phone rang while I was preparing meat. "Marc, can you take a look of who is calling, please?" I call to him. "It's Jorge," he said, and shows me the phone. "I'll call him back," I say and I continue with the cooking. "Don't do this,Sara. He probably calls you to let you know the results of the race. Answer it. I'll look at the meat."
"Okay," I say and wipe my hands, "be careful not to burn it." He nods.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey, sweetheart. I was about to interrupt."
"Sorry, I am just preparing dinner."
"You preparing it? What about your mum and aunt?"
"Am... they all went to the town. How was the race?"
"Ah... I have a crash."
"Really? Are you okay? Anything hurts you?"
"Yes, my heart, because you are not with me."
"Oh..." I quietly say and I look at Marc who's talking with the meat. I smile.
"W-we'll see us tomorrow," I stutter when he starts to laugh.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I am joking! I won!!!!!"
"Whaaat?? Really??!" I squeak and Marc turns at the same moment. "He won!!!" I squeak again.
"Give me the phone. I want to talk to him," Marc releases the cooking spoon and steps to me.
"Wait," I stop him and continue my conversation with Jorge.
"Congratulations. That's a great news!"
"Thanks, love. This victory is for you...and for Marc. I told this to journalists too. I can't wait to celebrate tomorrow with you. I want you so much, babe."
I smile faintly, but I don't say anything.
"Can I talk to him?" Marc badger again.
"M-Marc would like to talk to you," I stutter.
"Didn't you say that they all went to the town? Marc stayed at home?"
"Mhm... he didn't feel well in the morning, so he stayed home and we pass the time together."
Marc looks at me and laughs.
"Oh... I would like to talk to him too."
"Okay," I say and give the phone to Marc.
"Congratulations!!!" Marc shouts and left the kitchen.
I dedicate myself again to the meat, which is already beautifully baked, so I add vegetables.
"Great, then we'll see you. Greet everyone, bye," Marc said, and gave me the phone back. "He wants to talk to you," he said.
"Yes?" I answer again.
"I just want to say goodbye. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I am thinking about you all the time, Sara. I love you."
"Me too, Jorge. Good night," I say, and hang off.
"What is it?" Marc asks worriedly.
"Ah... he loves me so much, Marc," I say and the tears appears in my eyes.
"I know," he said and stepped closer to me, "you can still stay with him. I won't obstruct you."
I shake with my head and kiss him: "No, Marc. My heart chose you and my place is next to you. He is very nice and he's a great guy, but... I am in love with you," the tears slip down my face.
"We're home!!!!" Alex and uncle shouts.
I quickly wipe tears and hurry to finish dinner.
"What smells so nice?" mum asks as she enters the kitchen.
"Surprise," I say and point to the stove. "We're preparing you a dinner," Marc said, when mum hugs him. "You're so sweet," she said and now, hugs me. "How was the day?" I ask.
"Interesting," mum replies. "And trudge," auntie said, "I don't even remember when I last walked so much."
"Wash your hands and come to the table," I said and Marc helps me put food on the table.
"This is so nice from you," grandpa said and sits by the table.
"What did you cook?" Alex asks.
"Tortillas with chicken and vegetables," Marc proudly says. "Why are you boasting, Marc?" I punch his shoulder and the others laugh. "You wouldn't laugh if you knew what Marc intended to prepare you," I say and smile.
"Let me guess," Alex said, "pizza?"
"No, way far from this. Tell them," I look at Marc.
"Ah, there is nothing like that..." Marc parries.
"Come on, son. Tell us," uncle said.
"Okay... hot dogs."
The entire family, including myself, laughs.
"Only the purpose is important, Marc," grandpa calms him down.
"Yeah, even if you prepared us only a popcorn," Alex says and we all laugh again.
"What did you do all day?" Gloria asks.
Marc and I exchange looks.
"Oh...nothing special," I say and devote myself to the tortilla on my plate.
"That's right. We played cards, sat on the pier," Marc starts. I nod: "We have a chat," I continue.
"Oh, just like two ordinary cousins, right?" Gloria said again and almost killed me with a look. I nod to her.
"Well, it's a pity that you didn't come with us. You would have a good time," mum says.
"How is your dizziness?" sister asks again.
"Em... dizziness?" I ask.
"Yeah, you said you feel dizzy in the morning..."
"Oh, that... I am fine now. I think that this fresh air is really good for me. It's a shame that we're going home tomorrow," I say.
"What about Jorge? How was the race?" dad asks.
"He won," I smile.
"Really??" grandpa asks and I nod.
"This is a really great news," aunt said, and everyone agrees.
"Alex, aren't you happy?" grandpa asks him.
"Yeah, I am... but I already knew that before."
"You know, there's one thing called the Internet," Alex laughs.
"Yes, but we don't have internet in this house," Roser said.
"It was in the restaurant in the town. Otherwise, there is also mobile internet," Alex proudly says. "Wow, as if you just discovered hot water," Marc laughs.
After dinner, mum and Roser decided to clean up the dishes. "You don't have to do that, you must be tired. I'll clean it up," I say when I want to help them.
"No, sweetheart. You cooked a delicious dinner, so you don't have to clean it up. We'll arrange it, so you can go to sleep," auntie said, caressing my hair.
"I am not asleep yet," I say and look at the terrace where Alex, Marc, Gloria, dad, uncle and grandpa were sitting. "I am going to look at them," I say and I open the door to the terrace. "Come here, our MasterChef. How are you?" dad asks, pulling me in his lap. I quickly look towards Marc, who was relaxed sitting next to grandpa, holding a beer in his hands. "I'm fine, dad," I answer when he caresses my back. "You seems a little bit worried," he said afterwards. "It just seems to you. I am a little tired, that's all," I say and smile. Oh, I don't know if I am convincing.
"Sara, you already have everything packed?" sister asks. My life saver. Thank you.
"No, nothing yet."
"Me neither. How about to go pack now? We'll be no worries tomorrow."
"Yeah, let's go," I say, kiss my dad on his cheek and stand up.
"Am I not getting a kiss?" grandpa asks. "Of course you get it," I say, than I walk to him and give him a strong hug and kiss. "Well, good night, Sara," my uncle said. I laugh and I also hug and kiss him. Then I look at Alex and Marc. "Good night," I say, hugging and kissing Alex. Then I walk to Marc. When I lean towards him, his eyes are sparkling. I guess he'd like to kiss me passionately in front of everyone. In that though, I smile. I give him a very gently kiss on his cheek.
"Good night, everyone," Gloria said as we left the terrace.
Mum and aunt are talking in the kitchen, so we also wish them a good night and go to the upper floor.
"So..." my sister starts as we enter my room.
"What?" I ask her. "Don't look at me so stupid. What were you two doing today?"
"Nothing," I say and sit on my bed.
"Sara... you can tell me everything," she said and sat down next to me.
"Gloria, stop nagging. We spent a normal day together, just like all normal people."
She rolls with her eyes: "What a bullshit."
Marc enters the room.
"Didn't your parents teach you knocking?" Gloria asks him nervously.
"Em... I apologize, but I think this is my room, isn't it?"
I smile, Gloria sighs: "You're right. Sorry, cousin."
"I want to talk to your sister," he said, but she still sits next to me.
"On private," Marc adds. I can hardly keep myself from laughing.
"Fine, I am already going," Gloria said, then stands up and left the room.
Marc locks the door.
I laugh: "What a command, Marquez. I am afraid of you," I say and stand up, but he pushes me back on the bed at the same moment.
"Yeah, you can be afraid of me. What was that on the terrace?"
"Em... a good night kiss?"
"I'll show you a real good night kiss," he said, climbing to me and kissing me passionately. Oh, I already know how it will end.      

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