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I'm sitting on Aphmau's couch listening to her talk, but honestly I'm a little distracted thinking about my nightmare.  What did my dream mean exactly? Maybe I just watched to much anime last night.
"ZANE!?" Aphmau yells and I return to Earth.
"Huh?" I look at her blankly.  Garroth, Laurence, Dante and Travis snicker.
"Have you been paying any attention to anything I said?" She asks a little annoyed.
I shake my head, "I'm not feeling well today Aph, I think I should go home and catch up with you later," I grab my coffee and hurry out the door before asks any questions.
I sigh, maybe I could look up what my nightmare meant.
When I get home I take out my laptop and type my dream in.

Results: Your dream is a warning, tell your loved one to be careful.  This dream represents; stress, anxiety, shyness towards others and fear.

Yeah right, that's what I get for not going on a reliable website.

*For the past week Zane has been having the same nightmare over and over again*

I have had it! I know every single thing that's going to happen yet my dream self doesn't! I'm sick of this, I need to go talk to Lucinda, she'll have to know something about this.

Living a Nightmare: A Zane~Chan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now