The Final Day

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It's October 30th. The final day before the big thing. Maybe me knowing all of this was a mistake and the world was trying to undo any different outcome. That must have been it, because the Halloween party was canceled and I asked Kawaii~Chan out. I was scared out of my mind. What if I couldn't do anything to save Kawaii~Chan? And I still had no idea who could be the future killer.
I thought for sure it would be Ivan, but then I was suspicious about Damian and now Reese.
I need a cupcake.
I walked to the bakery a couple blocks away and ordered my usual, a triple chocolate cupcake. It had chocolate chips on chocolate frosting on a warm chocolate cupcake. Perfect comfort food.
"Oh hi Zane~Kun!" I whirled around to see Kawaii~Chan behind me in line.
"Oh hey Kawaii~Chan, what's up?" I tried to sound not worried but I'm not sure it was convincing.
"Hehe. Same reason you're here, Kawaii~Chan is getting a cupcake!" She giggled with her cute- GAH STOP IT ZANE!!! SHE'LL BE DEAD BY TOMORROW, STOP GETTING ATTACHED!!!!
"IS Zane~Kun OK? He seems worried," She tilted her head at me. Why must she do that!? It's so cute!
"Oh I'm a just worried about tomorrow," I technically didn't lie, but I didn't exactly give her the full truth. It would be better this way, she would only be worried.
After she got her cupcake we sat down at a table together. What if I'm wrong about the whole thing and I'm just being paranoid? Somehow I knew that wasn't true.

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