Pick-Up Lines prt 1

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Another day.
Another boring, lonely, unhappy day.

It's always so lonely around here for me..
I never asked to be alone..

I never asked to be the way that people have made me..

I sighed. Sitting at the desk furthest in the back of the class that I could find in this shitty high school classroom. No one talked to me, I mean shit, my own parents didn't even talk to me. Although at least 90% of the time they weren't even home.

I'm known around this hellhole as a fighter, more or less known as 'that crazy fighter bitch.'

This was the rep that was given to me, although, it was never really my choice. I used to never fight, but after getting my ass kicked so many times I decided to stop being a pushover and to quit taking everyone's shit.

I looked around the class. The popular kids were passing notes, the jocks were showing each other videos of last nights football game. If eye-rolling was a sport I'd be in the Olympics. I hated this class, this school. Shit I hated everything and everyone. I looked at my dimly lit phone screen. No new messages. I sighed.

"Of course.." I mumbled under my breath.

"Okay class, take your seats." The leader of the clowns said as he walked in. "We have a new student joining us today, and I expect you all to be nice and welcome him."

I rolled my eyes again. I bet my eyes are really fit. I looked at the door to see the fresh meat, but in came something beautiful. A guy with soft looking white hair and dorky looking black glasses over his green and red eye. I sat in awe, never have I seen anyone more perfect. I looked away, I couldn't afford to be caught.

The teacher continued to talk and talk and talk, until he finally decided to let the new student talk about himself.

The white haired beauty cleared his throat. "My name is Colin and if you touch me I will break your fingers."

'That was a wonderful turn of events. Handsome and ruthless. He's perfect.' I thought to myself.

"As tradition in this school, everyone in the class will stand and introduce themselves to you." The teacher said.

"Since when is this a tradition?" I accidentally blurted from my seat in the back.

"Oh Miss (L/N), I wasn't aware you were here today."

I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that your job?" I asked sarcastically.

That definitely hit a nerve. The teacher looked pissed. I smiled.

"Well how about you start it."

I groaned. "Fine, if you insist that I start this stupid new tradition," I stood up. "Then I will. Hi, My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I hate this school and over 90% of the people in it."

The teacher pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously aggravated with my antics. Colin on the other hand, was smiling. I take it he relates to my current situation. Soon enough the rest of the class finished the new "tradition".

"There isn't really any empty seats in the front or the middle so you may have to sit in the back next to the obnoxious one that started the now ended tradition." He grumbled sitting in his chair.

I smiled and slipped him the bird. He just rolled his eyes as Colin made his way to the back and took the desk right. Next. To. ME. What am I supposed to do? I don't word good.

"Hi, I noticed you were checking me out when I came in. Is everything okay?"

Shit. He's wording with me. Act natural.

"I do that to everyone. I just happened to notice you a little more than other people." My face inflamed in red.

This is not acting natural!

He smiled. "Is it my hair? Or my eyes that made you stare?"

"I'm already in deep shit, why not dig deeper?" My brain told me.

"Actually," I leaned back trying to look cool and almost falling out of my chair. "It was your face and the 'don't touch me' vibe."

He smiled and leaned back. Successfully I may add. "You're face is pretty good too."

"I didn't think it was possible for someone's hot factor levels to skyrocket like that, but I guess you're living proof." I grinned, feeling proud of my pick-up line.

"I'd say you are baby doll, I've seen you around town and you always bring me to my knees." He replied.

"Haha, how do I do that Colin?"

"My mom always told me stop and pray if you see angels walking the streets (Y/n)." He purred.

I scribbled my number down and tore it off the page, I tried to give it to Colin until one of the cheerleader goons snatched it out of my hand.

"What the FUCK is your problem?" I growled at Beverly.

"You should know better than to hit on guys that are out of your league, (Y/n). He probably doesn't even like you freak."

Before I could stand up and punch this bitch in the face, Colin had grabbed my shoulder. "So Beaverly. How about you give me this beautiful girls number back and take your skanky ass back to the jockstraps, ya?"

She turned pale. "I can do things for you that she's never even seen."

"Trust me, when I can get ahold of her, she'll be doing things with me you wish you could do. Now give me that slip of paper back and fuck. off."

My face turned red. He's a pervert?! Good lord I think I'm in love.

Beaverly rolled her eyes and tore up my number, going back to her group to tell the girls that Colin is a sadistic fuck, and I'm a nasty whore.

"You're probably gonna have the whole football team on your ass." I said grabbing a black sharpie. "Can I touch your hand to write my number on it? They can't tear this up?"

"(Y/n) I don't like people touching me, but if you touch me I won't mind it."

I smiled softly, gently grabbing his hand I wrote my number on it. I almost hesitated to pull my hand away from his. "So.. do you wanna have lunch with me?"

Colin grabbed my hand again. "Absolutely."

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