Something Special (part 2)

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(This is part 2 for pick up lines, I hope you enjoy it because I'll be working on it all day and night. Then tomorrow I'll make a few more parts on the way back to Kentucky. If there's any specific character you want let me know in the comments. Enjoy!)

It had been two months since I met Colin, and what had started out as friendly pick-up lines had progressed to a one sided love. Colin had started dating a girl from his after school computer club two weeks ago and since then he hasn't talked to me. I was back to being alone.

I sat at my lunch table, it was a dull grey stone table placed delicately under a willow tree that the school trims so students don't 'have weird make out seshs' under it. The way these old bastards tried to relate to our younger generation is cringe worthy and needed to stop.

I threw my lunch tray on the table, spilling most of the food on it. I wasn't hungry anyways. I watched Colin and his girlfriend through the windows of the cafeteria, he looked like he was having fun with the computer club. I started feeling pissed.

Pissed because I had fallen in love, pissed because my best friend had abandoned me, pissed because I was sitting under a willow tree with a table covered in food, crying.


When did I start crying?!

I felt numb, my heart ached. I had never experienced this kind of rage before. I picked up a brick and threw it through the schools glass window. I knew I had instantly fucked up, but I didn't care. Colin was looking dead at me. I flipped him the bird, grabbed my backpack, and ran off to the girls abandoned locker room.

I had so much built up rage that I started kicking in lockers and punching walls until my knuckles bled. I looked around the locker room.

"I knew this would happen, but I still let it." I slid down the wall and hid my face in my legs waiting to be taken to the principals office.

It had been two hours before I heard a noise from the door.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice sounded from the hidden door walkway.

"What do you want Colin?" I said, venom lacing my voice.

He visibly winced, it didn't phase me. He looked at me, then began to look at the mess I had made. His soft skinned hand began tracing the small, bloody holes on the wall.

"So the whole school is looking for you. Over the window." He said calmly.

"Cool. I don't care."

I felt a pain in my heart to be so cold towards him, but it was my only defense.

"Look, I'm the only one who knows where you are, I wanted to ask you what made you do that." He asked, sitting across from me.

"Why do you care Colin? No offense or anything but fuck you."

He seemed surprised by what I had said. I saw a glint of sadness in his mesmerizing eyes.

"Look.." he grabbed my hand, looking at the torn skin and crusty blood. "I've been a huge dick, I know. I'm sorry, you're my friend a-"

I snatched my hand from him. "I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND YOU JACKOFF!" I stood from my spot on the ground.

His eyes widened. I looked down at him, my body shaking in anger and sadness. Tears began to stream down my face.

"I wasn't playing or being friendly with those stupid pickup lines! I tried really hard on them. I wanted you to laugh at them because I wanted you to fucking like me back!" I began to grow frustrated. "I-I can't... I can't even stay here with you! Just leave me alone!"

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