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Jin woke up to a bunch of annoying buzzing sounds that morning.

"Uggggh. Who the fuck is calling me so early in the god damn morning?!"

Jin picked up his phone laying on a table beside his bed and answered it in a deep tired voice.


"Jin? Where the fuck are you?!

"Jaebum? What do you mean where am i? I'm at home."

"Well why the fuck are you at home when you are supposed to be here at school?!"

"Jaebum, it's 7, we don't have to be at school until 8"

"Jin we have that class trip today! Did you really forget?!"


"Jin! How could you forget?! We have been talking about this school trip for months now!"

" Well JB I'm sorry, it's just that i have been thinking a lot about-"

"About what?"

"No- nothing, just I'm sorry i guess you guys are gonna have to go without me." Jin said with disappointment in his voice.

"It's fine Jin, just take care of yourself until we get back okay?"

"Okay mom" Jin chuckled after saying that.

" Shut up Jin, and if anything I'm more of a dad than a mom thank you very much."

"Whatever, bye Jaebum"

"Bye Jin" Jaebum hangs up.

"Welp guess it's time for me to go to my bummy ass school then now."

Jin gets ready and heads off for school.

After the long day of school was over, Jin headed to a local restaurant to get him some food. As Jin was about to grab his stuff it was snatched by someone else.

"Hey! What the hell-"

"Chillax there princess it's just me"

" Na-Namjoon? What are you doing here? Jin asked shyly.

"Well i was originally just gonna get me a soda from the bodega, but then i saw you in here and decided to change my plans."

"Oh, you didn't go on that school trip everyone went on today?"

"Nah, field trips are overrated. How about you?"

"Woke up too late."

"Oh okay. Well since i didn't go, and u didn't go. Maybe we can go have have a field trip of our own" Namjoon said with a smirk.

"Wa- what?"

"We should hang out is what I'm saying."

"Oh okay sure" Jin of course had his doubts about hanging out with not only the one of the baddest boy in school but also one of the most popular. But he went with it.

Namjoon and Jin walked around the city for a bit until they found a spot in front of a park near the road. The two boys sat there talking and learning more about each other. Jin found out Namjoon had a strong passion for music, especially rap. And Namjoon found out Jin loved to cook, and liked to sing with a voice of an angel. There hands would unintentionally brush upon one another every now and then causing both boys to blush a little.

"Hey it's getting a little late, we should get going soon." Jin suggested

"Well I'll walk you home, where do you live?"

"Uggh i live a little past town."

"Wait isn't that where all those big house are and where all the rich people live?"


" So are you telling me you live there?!"


"Holy shit man, your parents must be loaded!"

"Well i guess you can say that, mainly my dad tho, my mom died when i was young so i grew up really without that mother figure around."

"Damn, sorry Jin"

"It's not a big deal, 80 percent of the time i have that big house to myself but it can get pretty lonely sometimes."

"Oh well my parents left me a couple years back to go to a different country for important work, i didn't want to go so they ended up letting me stay here in Korea so now I'm currently staying with Jackson since he got his own place."

"Oh well that must be fun"

"I guess you can say that. Anyway i should be walking you home right now so let's go"


The two boys walked together all the way to Jin's house. Namjoon told Jin that soon he was gonna get his own car so he would be able to take Jin places more often. Jin blushed a little at the thought of that. Soon the two boys were standing in front of Jin's door.

"I had a really great time with you today Namjoon. I never expected a guy like you to hang out with a guy like me." Jin rubbed his arm nervously.

Namjoon thought about what Jin said for minute, wanting to be cautious of his reply.

"Well i think your pretty interesting Jin, your....different."

"Well thanks, i guess. I'll see you tomorrow at school"


Namjoon felt defeated. As he watched Jin slowly turn around and open his door. Right as Jin was about to walk into his very large house, Namjoon did what he knew best.

As Jin was about to walk into his house, he felt a force pull him out and he suddenly felt a soft pair of lips being smashed into his. His eyes widened as he realized Namjoon was kissing him. Jin internally screamed at the action as red flashed across his face. And responded to kiss putting his hands on Namjoon's arms and Namjoon putting his hands on Jin's waist pulling him closer into the lingering passionate kiss.

I'm doing the best i can with this book so sorry if it's really bad and cringey, it's my first >-< Anyway i hope you like it updates coming soon yay \(°w°)/

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