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Jin stood frozen in place as he replayed the words said by Namjoon in his head. "I've always liked you". "What does he mean by that? " Jin asked himself silently. 

"Namjoon... I don't know what to say. " Jin said as the blush intensed on his face. Jin question Namjoon's confession very much. Namjoon was not really known for being the "relationship type" I guess you can say.  He had more of a Playboy vibe to him. He mainly dated females and would most likely brake up with them over a couple of weeks. Everyone always wondered why he never kept long- term relationships with females, but turns out it was cause he wasn't that into females.

"Look Jin, I know we only started hanging out yesterday but I really want to get to know you on a personal level. So I just wanted to ask you if you will... "

"If I will what Namjoon? "

"If you will be my boyfriend? "

Jin stood with a shocked look on his face staring deep into Namjoon's eyes. Then breaking the stare to look at the floor.

"I don't know Namjoon, we just started to hang out, and you never dated a guy before, and... "

"Oh just shut up and say yes already will ya?! " A familiar voice said coming from a car window.

"You know you want to" The voice was Jaebum.

"Oh just be quiet and sit your impatient ass down" Baekhyun said as he pulled Jb's body back into the car.

Jin looked stared at the floor blushing madly at the embarrassing truth his best friend just yelled to him. Jin then looked up to see Namjoon asking him the question again.

"So is that a yes? " He said with a soft little smile that showed off his dimples.

"Now how could I ever say no to that face? " Jin giggled as he pulled Namjoon into a hug letting him know that the answer to his question was yes. Jin then softly kissed his lips and said " How about you take me out on a date tonight to celebrate our relationship? "

"That sounds great! "

"Good, see you tonight, boyfriend"

"Boyfriend" The word seemed unusual to Namjoon, but oddly satisfying.

Later that day Namjoon started to fix himself in the car mirror on the driver's side if the car. He wanted to look nice for his new boyfriend.  Namjoon usually didn't try that hard when he went on dates. He would usually just brush his hair, put on something casual and spray on some Cologne. But this time was different. He was going on a date with someone he genuinely liked, someone he admired for months now, all cuz of that day...

It was a gloomy day as usual, it was pouring raining outside. Everyone had went home or went to grab a bite to eat. It was homecoming night which was also the day of Namjoon's mother's birthday. Namjoon sat on the edge of the large fountain letting the rain pour onto his head. Namjoon's mother insisted on him going to homecoming than spending the night with her. "You only have one last homecoming before high school is over", her words replayed in his head. Namjoon wasn't stressed because he wasn't with his mother that night, he was stressed cause he didn't get her a gift.

" Hey are you okay? " A voice called out.

"Yeah... "

"Are you sure? "

"I said yes!  Now leave! "

"You don't seem okay to me. Are you lost? "

"No,  I'm just stressed"

"Why? "

"Cause.... , cause it's my mom's birthday and I didn't get her a present."

"Oh... "

"Yeah so now u know my story, so now go. "

The other person started to shuffle around searching their pockets.

"Here... "

Namjoon turned around to see that the other person was holding out money. To be more specific $70. (Sorry I'm using U. S dollars lol)

"Wha-whats this for? "

"Well to get your mother a gift of course! "

Namjoon thought about it for a minute.

"N-no, I can't do that.. "

"C'mon, take it. You can have it I really don't need it. "

"But I won't have enough to pay you back. "

"Don't worry about it. Trust me I don't need any money from you" The other smiled softly.

Namjoon took the the money from person and said thanks. Before Namjoon could say another word a car pulled up causing both boys to get distracted by it.

"Well that's my ride, see ya hope you get your mom a great gift! " The boy shouted as he got into the car. By the time Namjoon knew it the boy was gone.

"He was gone, and now I found him." Namjoon silently said to himself. He suddenly heard the sound of keys jiggling that distracted him from his thoughts. He looked up to see his now boyfriend walking towards the car looking beautiful as ever.


Hello my beautiful people, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but school and shit. The struggles am I right?  Any way Namjin date in the next chapter and maybe even a little smut( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)

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