Chapter Seven

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Everyone held their breath as Fayne encased Tsubaki in the grey death, his body turned into a stone like substance. Fayne stepped away and everyone looked at him expectedly.

“Is that it?” The General asked. “Is he alive?”

“I don't know, I've never done this before, it sort of just came to me,” Fayne replied.

“So that's it then, if he wasn't dead before, Tsubaki certainly is now.”

The General turned to leave when an odd sound came from Tsubaki, everyone turned to him and saw that the body was shaking, the rock began to fall away and Tsubaki's red and black fur became visible. With one final push, Tsubaki burst through the rock and gasped for breath.

“Tsubaki! It's okay, just breathe normally, it'll be okay,” The General said.

“Ow what happened?” Tsubaki asked as he tried to stand up.

“You were killed,” Voltier said.

“By Puppet Master,” Ash added.

“Then how am I alive?”

“Fayne brought you back to life,” Ash replied.

“Fayne?” Tsubaki looked at the little hellhound that stood to his left. “You're full of surprises. You all look really beat up, let's get some rest and heal up. We’ll talk about it tomorrow, for now everyone should take a nap under one of Cookie’s lights,” Tsubaki ordered.

Everyone followed his order and climbed on one of the specially designed beds, they all quickly fell asleep and let Cookies light begin to heal them.


Ash awoke in the late afternoon, the light streaming in from the windows cast shadows on the tile floor. He looked up and saw that nearly everyone had already been healed and had left to get back to work. Tsubaki and Voltier remained, lying on their beds talking.

“So you're awake, Ash,” Cookies voice came from behind, alerting the others.

“Yeah, yeah I feel fine thanks.” Ash replied.

“Hey bro, can I talk to you outside?” Volt asked as he climbed down from the bed and hobbled in pain towards the exit.

Ash followed and looked back at Tsubaki, who still seemed unable to comprehend being brought back life.

“What were you thinking going after Elynxis?” Volt asked.

“I thought I could save the others.”

“And risk your own life in the process?”

“Hey I found their base and rescued A’rien and Fayne.”

“You exposed our base, now they know where we are and are probably mounting an assault right now. You've risked everyone's life for two… three elementals. What would've happened if we hadn't come and saved you?”

“I didn't think that…”

“That’s the point! You never think!” Voltier yelled as his fur began to sizzle with lightning. “You went off, by yourself, almost got yourself and everyone there killed, and worst yet, Tsubaki actually died because of your stupidity!”

“Volt! Calm down!” Tsubaki yelled as he stepped out of the Med Bay. “You are way out of line, just yelling at one of my operatives like that. I agree that what Ash did was risky, but in my opinion he did the right thing. Now you need to go and power down before you hurt someone. We will speak about this later, now go,” Tsubaki ordered.

“Yes sir,” Voltier replied, getting his teeth and walking off.

“I'm sorry, about everything,” Ash said, his head and tail drooped.

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