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“Oh man that sucks,” exclaimed a yellow creature with green paws and a white belly, as he floated through a realm of nothingness, staring at a portal which showed Ash and his friends defeating Sirius. “I was really gunning for Sirius to turn that around around and win.”

“Oh please Woxie, you can't tell me you didn't see this coming, you're the Keeper of Time,” replied a large purple and blue Cheshire cat with a sweeping striped tail.

“Well yeah I knew the outcome, Brilliband, I just kind of hoped Sirius would turn the tides of Time and come out on top,” Woxie replied.

“You know if he did, he would have killed every single Human in existence right? Come on Woxie, did you really want that?” Brilliband replied.

“Do you know how boring the Humans can be? Have you watched them for thousands of years? No you haven't, they're more boring than the dinosaurs, and you saw how that turned out,” Woxie replied crossing his arms and legs.

“Well then go back and change time so that he wins, no big deal right?”

“Brill, Brill, Brill. One does not simply “go back and change time”. We've been fighting for how long, two, three thousand years now?”

“Six thousand, but go on,”

“So surely in that time I've told you the number one rule of Keeping Time?”

“Never go backwards in Time, forwards in Time, or change the flow of Time, yeah I know, Wox,” Brilliband replied sarcastically. “Now can we please get back to fighting, I can feel the Space around me beginning to collapse because we’re not at each other's throat.”

“Ugh, the burden of being in control of the two most crucial and powerful Elements, such a pain,” Woxie retorted playfully.

The two of them readied blasts of Elemental Energy in their paws before firing at one another and resuming their Age long battle.


Ash lay beside Tsubaki in his old room after a lengthy stay in the infirmary. The two of them yawned and smiled at each other.

“Oh man, I'm so tired, we've done nothing but fight for the whole day. My body can't take it anymore,” Tsubaki said.

“Well at least we have each other now,” Ash replied as he stared into Tsubaki's eyes. “At least now we can be together.”

“True, but I want to get this base up and running again before we make any big decisions about our life together.”

“Can't we have just one night where we forget about the world?” Ash asked.

“Hehe alright fine, goodnight my cutie.” Tsubaki licked Ash's snout before they down beside each other and began to sleep.

And they lived happily…

“Tsubaki, come in,” Voltier's voice came through their Comms.

“What is it, Volt?”

“We just booted up the computer and we're already getting reports of Rogue's rebelling, it's like the death of Sirius had forced them out of hiding. Are we going to do something?”

“Ugh, I guess so. Come on, Ash. Let's teach these rogues what it means to be apart of D.A.R.E.”

The End.

Elementals: Book 1: ResistanceWhere stories live. Discover now