Chapter Fifteen

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“Won't they hurry up,” Elynxis said impatiently as he twisted and turned atop the cell. “They should be here by now.”

“Calm down, Elynxis, they will be here soon,” Kato replied, lying on top of the opposite cell. “You must trust lord Sirius with this, he would not task us with this if he didn't think it was important.”

“So let me get this straight, we are here to ambush Ash when he gets here, but we aren't supposed to hurt him. And we’re supposed to let him free his brother and friends without us fighting?”

“Yep, that's what we’re here for,” Kato replied.

“Grrr, you won't get away with this,” Voltier yelled from his cell.

Kato looked down into the cell he was sitting atop, he met Voltier's eyes before speaking. “Yeah we probably will, as long as Elynxis doesn't do anything stupid.”

“Elynxis, Kato, come in,” Sirius’ voice came through small comm pieces in their ears.

“Lord Sirius, sir,” They both say.

“They are close, get ready.”

Kato and Elynxis sat on their hind legal eagerly awaiting their rivals to arrive. They watched on as Ash, Kouki and a third strange creature enter the large cavern. The two of them jumped down from their perches, and it all begins.

“Anarchy, free the others!” Ash yelled, watching the Dutchie fly over head.

“Are you ready to end this here and now, Ash?” Elynxis taunted.

“Elynxis, don't you dare.”

“No, screw what Sirius says, I'm killing this Drago-wolf here,” the wolf exclaimed as he bounded towards Ash. Elynxis ignited his fur as he leapt at them, Ash and Kouki managed to jump out of the way and avoid the explosion that erupted. Ash now faced Elynxis with his back to Kato, which he knew was the worst place to be in. He heard sparks begin to fly behind him, which signalled that Kato was charging an attack. Ash flexed his wings before jumping upwards just in time to avoid a Lightning Bolt, he watched as the Bolt struck Elynxis and caused his fur to singe. Ash managed to turn just in time to launch a Fireball at an incoming Bolt, cancelling them both out. Kato appeared through the dust and slashed Ash’s face with Lightning imbued claws, he was flung to the side and rolled a few times.

“He's all yours, Elynxis,” Kato said turning to Kouki.

Elynxis slowly walked over to the downed Ash before igniting his fangs and going in for a killing bite.

“Get away from him!” A female voice echoed through the cavern, followed by a blue fireball hitting Elynxis and flinging him off Ash.

A blinding Light followed, Ash turned over to see what was happening and felt a surge of energy at who emerged from the Light.

“Cookie! Aylin!” he said as he got to his feet.

The two Elementals charged forward and let off attacks at Kato and Elynxis in the hope to push them backwards. Kato screamed in pain as a yellow Bolt impacted him from behind, everyone looked past the wolves to see Voltier and Fayne standing out of their cages with their collars on the ground torn on half, Anarchy hovered above them chittering away laughing.

“Oh now this is not a fair fight,” Kato said as he looked between Ash and Voltier. “Elynxis, maybe we should just let them leave.”

“Umm no, not now that I have the chance to kill Ash. I say we let the others go, then you me take care of Ash and Volt,” Elynxis replied.

“That was not the plan, you know what he have to do.”

With Kato and Elynxis arguing, Ash signalled for Volt, Fayne, and Anarchy to make their way to their side. Once they were all on the one side, Ash asked for Cookie to Blink them all back to base, she obliged and in a flash of Light, they disappeared.

Elementals: Book 1: ResistanceWhere stories live. Discover now