Chapter Twelve

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“It's two versus one Sirius, you can't take us both down,” Ash yelled.

“That is where you are wrong,” Sirius replied.

Ash and Tsubaki looked up at a mountain of rubble to their left, atop it stood Kato, Lily, Elynxis, and Puppet Master.

“I'll handle Sirius, I'll go Totem while you handle the rest,” Ash suggested.

“Are you sure? We're both still pretty beat up from the fight with the undead,” Tsubaki replied.

“Totem me can handle it,” Ash said with a smile. “Now, create a vacuum so I can go Totem.”

Without questioning, Tsubaki created a vacuum around Ash which led to him igniting the air and creating the Totem Armour around himself. Ash's body floated up into the fire wolves body and curled into a ball.

“Nice trick,” Sirius stated. “Now watch mine.”

Sirius dived into the earth before erupting out of it as a large Sergal made entirely out of earth. Ash and Sirius charged at each other before smashing into a building and disappearing from sight. Tsubaki looked back up to the rogues on top of the rubble, he ran at them and went into a corkscrew, ramming past them and pushing Lily and Kato to the side. Elynxis fired off a Fireball at Tsubaki as he flew past them, Tsubaki managed to grab the fireball using the air around him and fire it back at the red wolf. As Tsubaki landed he went into a skid, a trail of red blood appeared from his feet, they were cut from the glass and other sharp objects that littered the ground. He created cushions of air beneath him to stop them from sustaining more injuries. A bolt of lightning came from above, he moved swiftly left to avoid it but ended up moving right into the path of a fireball. He was flung backwards and across the ground, he tried to get up but his body was aching from pain, he looked around and saw that Elynxis, Lily, and Kato now surrounded him, all charging their attacks. With one final desperate attempt, Tsubaki slammed his front paws into the ground, it hurt like hell but it did the job. A vortex of air began to swirl around him, creating a tornado with Tsubaki in the centre. He breathed a sigh of relief as now there was wall of swirling air protecting him from the rogues.

A crackling sound came from above, he looked up and saw Kato falling towards him through the top of the tornado. He fired a lightning bolt that Tsubaki couldn't avoid, it spun around the tornado before jumping out at Tsubaki. The tornado dispersed and Lily and Elynxis were shot in random directions. Tsubaki howled in pain and fell on his back, Kato landed on top of him with his jaws sparking with black lightning. Kato pinned him to the ground and inched closer to his neck.

“I'm going to enjoy killing you,” Kato whispered.

“Get off of him!” A female voice yelled. Something smashed into Kato and launched him off Tsubaki, the air elemental managed to climb to his feet and see a large black hippo standing beside him.

“Why don't you come out and face us for real, hippo?” Elynxis asked as he walked walked over to Kato.

“Because if I did, I'd die from seeing your ugly mug,” A’rien’s construct responded.

Tsubaki laughed before wincing in pain and placing his front paws over A’rien’s back.

“You okay hun?”

“Yeah, let's just get out of here. If we could find Ash-”

A loud crashing came from their left and from it came Ash in his Totem form smashing through a building with Sirius, the two of them rolled a few times before Ash came out on top.

“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” A’rien stated.

“Hey! Don't forget you're still fighting the three of us,” Kato yelled.

Elementals: Book 1: ResistanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora