Chapter Nineteen

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As the three of them ran, they all exchanged attacks and countered with their own, bolts of Lightning and Ice flew everywhere until Kato skidded to a halt. Jinx and Voltier walked in front of him and stood, waiting for the rogue to make the first move.

“Do you remember when you first rescued me?” Kato asked. “I bet you never suspected it would come to this.”

“That's because we trusted you,” Voltier replied. “And you betrayed that trust.”

“Oh please, all I did was infiltrate your base, lower your defenses and let Sirius deliver a message to your city. Oh and then I got Shade to portal every single one of our rogues to your base to began the attack. You could say, if you and your pathetic excuse for a brother hadn't come rescue me, then none of this would be happening.”

Voltier couldn't listen to the wolf's poison filled words anymore. Without a plan, he leapt forwards and ignited his fangs and claws with Electricity, Kato mirrored his moves and the two of them collided in the middle of the street. They began to bite and scratch at each other, Kato was dealing the most damage as Voltier had only just come from another fight and was already in bad shape. Jinx tried to help but with the two of them in such and close proximity, there was no way his powers would affect one without affecting the other.

Voltier leapt backwards and charged his fur, he let off a bolt of lightning at the rogue, who responded with his own black bolt.

“You must know by now that my powers are far more advanced than yours, Volt,” Kato jeered as the black bolt began to take over the yellow one.

Voltier strained with all of his might to try and sway the stalemate to his advantage, beads of sweat began to roll down his brow as he felt his Energy begin to drain. Lucky for him, Jinx came to the rescue by slamming into Kato and pushing him away, freeing Volt from the impending end.

“Thanks for the help, Jinx,” Voltier said as he gasped for breath.

“Not a problem, that's what friends are for. If you need to get some rest, head back to the base, I'm sure Cook can have you healed up in no time.”

“The base, of course. Jinx could you distract Kato for a second? Cookie do you read me?”

“Hey Volt, what do you need, hun?” Cookie replied through their Comms.

“How much of the base is still in tact?”

“Not a lot, we're set up in the mess hall if you need healing.”

“Is the Armoury still accessible?” Voltier asked as he watched Jinx and Kato fight it out.

“I can have a look, give a minute or two though. I'll give you a call when I know. Cookie out.”

Voltier turned his attention back to Kato, who was now overpowering Jinx and was about to slam his fangs into the wolf's neck. Voltier charged at him and managed to slam into Kato before he made contact, the two of them rolled and came close to falling down an open sewer drain. Voltier was now on top of Kato, pinning him to the ground. A very vulnerable position for any Lightning Elemental to be in. Voltier sparked his fangs to life and was about to crunch down on Katos neck when Cookie called back, distracting him and allowing Kato to slash across Voltier's exposed neck. Volt stumbled backwards as Cookie reported that the Armoury was still reachable. With only a glance at Jinx, Voltier ran off to the old base, leaving him alone with Kato.

“And once more I am the scapegoat that has to hold off the enemy,” Jinx remarked to himself.

He watched as Kato got to his feet and licked the blood from his paw.

Elementals: Book 1: ResistanceWhere stories live. Discover now